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《宇宙星球》 第30节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  30、以下几节会进一步说明水星灵的秉性。要知道,所有灵人和天使,无论有多少,都曾是人,因为人类是天堂的苗床;还有,就情感和倾向而言,灵人完全和作为人活在世上时一模一样;因为每个人的生命都伴随着他。既如此,那么每个星球之人的秉性都能从来自那里的灵人的秉性得知。每个人的生命都与他同在,并且死后伴随着他(AC 4227, 7440)。生命的外在死后被封闭,内在则被打开(AC 4314,5128,6495)。这时,思维的一切细节都会暴露出来(AC 4633 5128)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 30

30. The nature of spirits from the planet Mercury can also be seen in what follows. It is important to know that all spirits and angels were once humans [living in the physical world]. Humankind is the seedbed of heaven. It is also important to know that the characters of spirits are completely determined by the particular passions and inclinations they had when they were living in the physical world, because every individual’s life awaits her or him after death. 1Since this is the case, we can tell the particular character of the people on any planet from the particular character of the spirits who come from that planet.


1. [Swedenborg note] In every case, our life stays with us and continues after death: 4227, 7439. The outer levels of our life are kept closed after death and the inner levels of our life are opened: 4314, 5128, 6495. Then each and every bit of our thinking is revealed: 4633, 5128.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 30

30. Further evidence for the character of the spirits from the planet Mercury will be presented in the following sections. It needs to be known that, however many spirits and angels there are, they were all once human beings. The human race is the seed-bed of heaven. Spirits have exactly the same affections and inclinations as they had when they lived as human beings in this world. For everyone's life accompanies him. 1This being so, it is possible to know the character of the people of any world by reference to the spirits from it.


1. His own life awaits each individual and accompanies him after death (Arcana Caelestia 4227, 7439 [7440 in original]). The outer levels of one's life are kept closed after death, and the inner levels are opened up (Arcana Caelestia 4314, 5128, 6495). At this time all the details of thought are laid bare (Arcana Caelestia 4633, 5128).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 30

30. The genius of the spirits who are from the planet Mercury, may still further appear from the following account. It is to be known, that all spirits and angels whatsoever, were once men; for the human race is the seminary of heaven; also that the spirits are altogether such, as to affections and inclinations, as they were during their life in the world whilst men; for every one's life follows him. 1This being the case, the genius of the men of every earth may be known from the genius of the spirits who are thence.


1. Every one's life remains with him and follows him after death (Arcana Coelestia 4227, 7440). The externals of life are kept closed after death, and the internals opened (Arcana Coelestia 4314, 5128, 6495). Then all and each of the things of thought are made manifest (Arcana Coelestia 4633, 5128).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 30 (original Latin)

30. Porro, qualis est genuis spirituum, qui ex Planeta Mercurio sunt, ex sequentibus adhuc constare potest. Sciendum, quod omnes, quotcunque sunt spiritus et angeli, fuerint homines; humanum enim genus est seminarium coeli; tum quod spiritus tales prorsus sint quoad affectiones et inclinationes, quales fuerunt cum vixerunt homines in mundo; nam unumquemque sequitur vita ejus: 1quia ita est, genuis Hominum cujusvis Telluris cognosci potest a genio spirituum qui inde sunt.


1. Quod vita sua unumquemvis maneat et sequatur post mortem, Arcana Coelestia 4227, 7440. Quod externa vitae clausa teneantur post mortem, ac interna vitae aperiantur, Arcana Coelestia 4314, 5128, 6495. Quod tunc omnia et singula cogitationis pateant, Arcana Coelestia 4633, 5128.

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