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《宇宙星球》 第52节

(一滴水译本 2020)






  关于我们地球人的脸,他们透过我的眼睛看到后说,它们并不漂亮。它们的美在于皮肤的外层,而非在于出自内在的纤维。他们看到有些人脸上长满疣和脓疱,或变形,感到很惊讶,声称他们从来没有见过这样的脸。不过,有些脸他们是喜欢的,这些脸总是挂着微笑,并且嘴唇微微撅起。在圣言中,火在正反两方面意义上都是指爱(AC 934, 4906, 5215)。神圣的天堂之火是指神性之爱,和属于这爱的一切情感(AC 934, 6314, 6832)。地狱之火是自我之爱和尘世之爱,以及属于这些爱的一切欲望(AC 965, 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747)。爱是生命之火,这爱实实在在是生命本身的源头(AC 4906, 5071, 6032)。灵人和天使看不到这个太阳系之内的东西,但他们透过我的眼看到了这些事物(AC 1881)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 52

52. I was shown what the faces of the inhabitants of Jupiter look like. I did not actually see inhabitants themselves, but I saw spirits whose faces were like the ones they had had when they lived on their planet. Before I saw them, though, one of their angels appeared behind a bright cloud and gave permission. I was then shown two faces. They were glowing and beautiful like the faces of people of our own planet. Honesty and modesty radiated from them.

[2] When spirits from Jupiter were with me, the faces of people from our planet looked smaller than usual to me. This was because what was flowing in from the spirits was a concept they had that their own faces were larger. The people who live on that planet have the belief that after they die their faces will become larger and rounder. Since this concept makes a deep impression on them it persists in them after death; and when they become spirits, they see themselves as having larger faces.

[3] The reason the inhabitants of Jupiter believe their faces will be larger after death is, as they say, that the face is not part of the body, since they see, hear, speak, and express their thoughts through their faces, and since in this manner the mind can be seen through the face. So their concept of the face is that it is an outward form of the mind, and since they know that they will become wiser after their life in the physical world, they believe that their face, as an outward form of their mind, will become larger.

[4] They also believe that after death they will sense a fire that will warm their faces from within. They get this notion because the wiser of them know that, spiritually understood, fire means love, that love is the fire of life, and that for angels this fire is the source itself of their life. 1If they have led lives devoted to heavenly love their dream comes true [after death] and they feel their face grow warm and the deeper levels of their mind catch fire with love.

[5] Because of this, the inhabitants of that planet frequently wash and cleanse their faces and carefully protect them from the heat of the sun. They have a bluish covering made from the bark or cork of a tree that they put around their heads to shield their faces.

[6] Through my eyes they have seen the faces of people of our planet. 2They said that these did not look good, and that any beauty they had was on the surface of the skin, not in the fibers within. They were astounded that some of the faces they saw had warts or pimples or were deformed in other ways; they said that they had never seen things like that among their own people. Some faces made them smile, though. These were the ones that were cheerful and smiling and also those that protruded a bit around the lips.


1. [Swedenborg note] In the Word, fire means life in either sense, [good life or evil life]: 934, 4906, 5215. The sacred fire and the fire in heaven [mentioned in the Word] mean divine love and every desire that comes from that love: 934, 6314, 6832. Hellish fire means love for ourselves and for the world and every craving that comes from those loves: 934, 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747. Love is the fire of life; life itself actually comes from love: 4906, 5071, 6832.

2. [Swedenborg note] Spirits and angels do not see things that are in our subsolar world on their own, but some have seen them through my eyes: 1880.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 52

52. I was also shown the kind of faces the inhabitants of the world of Jupiter have. I did not see the inhabitants themselves, but spirits looking as they had been when in their own world. But before this demonstration one of their angels appeared behind a shining cloud to grant permission. Two faces were then shown to me. They resembled the faces of people of our world, white and handsome, with a look of sincerity and modesty shining from them.

[2] While the spirits of Jupiter were with me, the faces of people of our world looked smaller than usual. This was due to the effect of the idea those spirits had that their own faces were larger. For while they live as human beings in their world, they have a belief that after death their faces will be larger and round in shape. Since this idea has been impressed on them, it lasts, and when they become spirits they seem to themselves to have a larger face.

[3] The reason why they think their faces will be larger is that, according to them, the face is not part of the body, but is the part which enables them to see, hear and speak and express their thoughts. Thus the mind shines through the face, so that they think of the face as the shape taken by the mind. Knowing that they will be wiser after their life in the world, they think this means the shape of their mind and thus their face will be enlarged.

[4] They also believe that after death they will feel a fire which will warm their faces. Their reason for saying this is that the wiser among them know that fire in the spiritual sense means love; love is the fire of life, and it is this fire which gives life to angels. 1Those of them who have lived in a state of heavenly love actually achieve their ambition; they feel their faces grow warm and the interiors of their minds are fired with love.

[5] For this reason the inhabitants of that world frequently wash and clean their faces, and take good care to protect them from sunburn. They have clothing made from bluish bark or cork, which they wrap around their heads to cover the face.

[6] On the subject of the faces of people of our world, which they saw through my eyes, 2they said they were not handsome. Their handsomeness lay in the outer layers of skin, not in the fibres coming from within. They were surprised to see some people had faces covered with warts or spots, or otherwise disfigured. They said such faces were never to be seen among them. But they did approve of some faces, the ones that were cheerful and smiling, and had slightly pouting lips.


1. Fire in the Word is love in either sense (Arcana Caelestia 934, 4906, 5215). Holy and heavenly fire is Divine love, and every affection belonging to that love (Arcana Caelestia 934, 6314, 6832). Hell fire is self-love and love of the world, and every lust belonging to these loves (Arcana Caelestia 934 [965 in original], Arcana Caelestia 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747). Love is the fire of life, and this is in fact the source of life itself (Arcana Caelestia 4906, 5071, 6032).

2. Spirits and angels cannot see what is in this solar system, but they did see things through my eyes (Arcana Caelestia 1881).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 52

52. It was further shown me what sort of faces the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter had; not that the inhabitants themselves appeared to me, but that the spirits appeared with faces similar to what they had when on their earth. But before it was shown, one of their angels appeared behind a bright cloud, who gave leave; and then two faces were shown. They were like the faces of the men of our earth, fair and beautiful; sincerity and modesty beamed forth from them. During the presence of the spirits of Jupiter, the faces of the men of our earth appeared less than usual, which was owing to this, that there was an influx from those spirits of the idea which they had concerning their own faces as being larger; for they believe, during their abode in their earth, that after their decease their faces will be larger and of a round shape; and because this idea is impressed on them, it consequently remains with them, and when they become spirits they appear to themselves as having larger faces. The reason why they believe that their faces will be larger is, because they say that the face is not body, because through it they see, hear, speak, and manifest their thoughts; and whereas the mind is thus transparent through the face, they hence form an idea of the face as of the mind in form; and because they know that they will be wiser after their life in the world, therefore they believe that the form of the mind or the face will become larger. They believe also that after their decease they will perceive a fire which will communicate warmth to their faces. This belief takes its rise from hence, that the wiser amongst them know that fire in the spiritual sense signifies the love, and that love is the fire of life, and from this fire the angels have life. 1Those of them also who have lived in heavenly love, obtain their wish, and perceive their face to grow warm; and then the interiors of their mind are kindled with love. For this reason the inhabitants of that earth also wash and cleanse their faces much, and protect them carefully from the heat of the sun. They have a covering made of the inner rind or bark of a tree, of a bluish color, which they wrap about the head and thus cover the face. Concerning the faces of the men of our earth, which they saw through my eyes, 2they said that they were not beautiful, and that their beauty consisted in the external skin, but not in the fibers from the internal. They wondered that the faces of some were full of warts and pustules, or were otherwise deformed, saying that with them such faces were never seen. Some faces were always smiling, namely, those that were cheerful and merry, and those that were a little prominent about the lips.


1. Fire in the Word is love in both senses (Arcana Coelestia 934, 4906, 5215). The sacred and heavenly fire is the Divine love, and every affection which is of that love (Arcana Coelestia 934, 6314, 6832). Internal fire is the love of self and the world, and every concupiscence which is of these loves (Arcana Coelestia 965, 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747). Love is the fire of life, and life itself is actually thence (Arcana Coelestia 4906, 5071, 6032).

2. Spirits and angels do not see what is in this solar world, but they saw through my eyes (Arcana Coelestia 1881).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 52 (original Latin)

52. Quali facie sunt Incolae Telluris Jovis, etiam mihi ostensum est: non quod ipsi Incolae mihi visi sint, sed quod Spiritus in simili facie in qua fuerunt cum in sua Tellure: sed antequam id ostensum est, apparebat unus ex Angelis illorum post nubem candidam, qui dabat veniam: et tunc binae facies ostensae sunt; erant sicut facies hominum nostrae Telluris, candidae, pulchrae; eluxit ex illis sincerum et modestum. Cum spiritus Joviales apud me erant, apparebant mihi facies hominum nostrae Telluris solito minores; quod inde venit, quia ex spiritibus illis influebat idea quam habebant de suis faciebus, quod majores essent; credunt enim, cum vivunt homines in Tellure sua, quod post obitum facies suae majores futurae sint, et quoad formam rotundae; et quia haec idea illis impressa est, inde quoque illa permanet, et cum fiunt spiritus, apparent sibi majore facie. Quod credant facies suas majores futurae, est quia dicunt faciem non esse corpus, ex causa quia per illam vident, audiunt, ac loquuntur, et sistunt cogitata; et quia sic per illam mens transparet; inde de facie habent ideam sicut de mente in forma: et quia sciunt, quod sapientiores futuri sint post vitam in mundo, ideo mentis formam seu faciem, ampliorem fieri credunt. Credunt etiam quod post obitum percepturi sint ignem, qui calefacturus facies illorum; hoc inde ducunt, quia sapientiores illorum sciunt, quod ignis in spirituali sensu significet amorem, et quod amor sit ignis vitae, et quod ex hoc igne sit vita angelis: 1etiam qui ex illis in amore coelesti vixerunt, optato suo potiuntur, et percipiunt calescere faciem suam, et tunc interiora mentis illorum amore incenduntur. Propter illam causam incolae telluris etiam faciem suam multum lavant et mundant, et quoque sollicite tutantur a solis aestu: habent indumentum factum ex libro seu cortice caerulescente, quo circumcingunt caput, et sic faciem contegunt. De faciebus hominum nostrae telluris, quas per meos oculos videbant, 2dixerunt, quod non pulchrae essent; et quod pulchritudo illis in cute externa, non autem in fibris ab interno consisteret; mirati quod aliquorum facies essent verrucosae et pustulatae, aut aliter deformatae, dicebant quod apud illos nusquam tales facies appareant: quaedam facies usque arridebant, nempe quae hilares et ridentes; et quae circum labra paulum prominebant.


1. Quod Ignis in Verbo sit Amor in utroque sensu, Arcana Coelestia 934, 4906, 5215. Quod Ignis sacer et coelestis sit Divinus amor, et omnis affectio quae illius amoris, Arcana Coelestia 934, 6314, 6832. Quod Ignis infernalis sit amor sui et mundi, et omnis concupiscentia quae illorum amorum, Arcana Coelestia 965, 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747. Quod amor sit ignis vitae, et quod ipsa vita actualiter inde sit, Arcana Coelestia 4906, 5071, 6032.

2. Quod Spiritus et Angeli non videant quae in mundo hoc solari, sed quod per meos oculos viderint, Arcana Coelestia 1881.

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