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《宇宙星球》 第53节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 53

53. The reason they responded with a smile to faces with lips that protrude is that most of their communication takes place by means of the face and especially the region around the lips. It is also because they never pretend-that is, say something other than what they are thinking-so they exert no control over their faces but let them freely reflect what is within.

It is different for people who have learned to dissimulate from childhood on. This makes them control their faces interiorly to prevent any of their thinking from showing through. Exteriorly their faces are not free either, but must be prepared to relax or else to constrict depending on what seems shrewdest.

An examination of the [nerve and muscle] fibers and surrounding tissues of the lips will support the truth of this point: There we find intricate series of fibers interwoven and interconnected, created not only for eating and verbal speech but also for expressing the concepts in our minds.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 53

53. The reason why they approved of faces with pouting lips was that most of their speech consists of facial expressions, and it is particularly the region round the lips which they use. Also they never pretend, that is, they never say one thing and think another. So they do not force their faces but leave them free to express their thoughts. But those who have learned from childhood to pretend behave quite differently. They screw up their faces from within, to prevent any hint of what they think showing through. Nor does the outward part reveal anything, but they keep it ready to relax or screw up, as dictated by their cunning. The truth of this can be established by examining the fibres of the lips and the surrounding area. There are there manifold series of folded and connected fibres, designed not only for eating and speaking articulately, but also for expressing the ideas in the mind.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 53

53. The reason of the faces smiling that were prominent about the lips was, that the most of their speech is effected by the face, and especially by the region around the lips; and also because they never dissemble, that is, speak otherwise than they think. For this reason they do not constrain their face, but let it out freely. It is otherwise with those who from childhood have learned to dissemble. Their face is thus contracted interiorly, lest something of their thought should shine forth. Neither is it let forth outwardly, but is held ready to let itself out or contract itself, according as cunning suggests. The truth of this may be evident from an examination of the fibers of the lips and the parts around them. For there are manifold series of fibers there, folded together and intertwined, which were created not only for masticating and for speech by words, but also for expressing the ideas of the mind.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 53 (original Latin)

53. Quod facies arriderent quae circum labra prominebant, erat causa, quia plurimum loquelae eorum fit per faciem, et imprimis per regionem ejus circum labra, et quoque quia nusquam simulant, hoc est, aliter loquuntur quam cogitant, idcirco faciem suam non cogunt, sed libere emittunt: aliter apud illos, qui a pueritia didicerunt simulare; eorum facies inde contrahitur ab interiori, ne inde aliquid cogitationis eluceat; ab exteriori nec emittitur, sed tenetur parata ad se emittendum et contrahendum, prout calliditas suadet. Ex inspectis fibris labrorum et circumcirca illa, veritas potest constare; sunt enim fibrarum series ibi multiplices, complicatae et consertae, quae non solum ad manducationem et ad loquelam per, voces creatae sunt, sed etiam ad exprimendas animi ideas.

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