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《宇宙星球》 第54节

(一滴水译本 2020)



  只要人们持守诚实和正直,这种语言就会保留下来。但是,一旦人们开始想一套,说一套,也就是当人们开始爱自己而非他们的邻舍之时的情形,有声语言就开始发展起来,而脸要么什么也表达不出来,或保持沉默,要么就说谎或掩饰。因此,脸的内在形式发生改变,收紧并变硬,而且开始变得几乎没有生命。而它的外在形式被自我之爱的火所点燃,开始在人们眼前看似生动起来。因为人的眼睛看不见藏在下面的生命缺失,只有天使才能看到,因为他们能看到内在。这就是那些想一套、说一套之人的脸。如今被误认为机智或谨慎的掩饰、伪装、狡诈和欺骗就造成这种后果。但在来世,情况就不同了;那里不允许说一套、想一套。事实上,在来世,言语和思维之间的分歧在每一句话中都能被清楚发觉;并且一经发现,那个显出这种分歧的灵人就从社群被逐出,受到惩罚。后来,就用各种方法把他带回照自己所想说话,照自己所愿思考的状态,直到他拥有一个不分裂的心智为止。结果,他若是良善,就意愿善事,并出于良善思考、谈论真理;若是邪恶,就意愿恶事,并出于邪恶思考、谈论虚假。在这一切实现之前,善灵无法被提入天堂,恶人也无法被投入地狱。这是为了确保地狱只有邪恶和邪恶的虚假,天堂只有良善和良善的真理。地球上的上古之人能凭借内呼吸用脸和唇说话(AC 607, 1118, 7361)。其它一些星球的居民拥有类似的说话方式(AC 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587)。关于这种说话方式的完善和卓越,可参看《属天的奥秘》(AC 7360, 10587, 10708)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 54

54. I have been shown how their thoughts are expressed through their faces. The feelings they have, stemming from what they love, are displayed in their overall expression and the way it changes, while the thoughts within these feelings are displayed in variations in specific tissues beneath the surface, which are indescribable.

The inhabitants of the planet Jupiter also have verbal speech, but not as resonant as ours. Each of the two kinds of communication helps the other; their verbal speech is brought to life by their facial communication.

[2] I have been told by angels that on every planet the very first form of speech has been facial, using the two basic means of the lips and the eyes. The reason this kind of speech comes first is that the face has been formed to reflect what we think and what we want. That is why the face is called the image and index of the mind. 1It is also because honesty was a characteristic of the earliest or primal times. People did not have thoughts, and did not want to have thoughts, that they were unwilling to show in their faces. This allowed the feelings of their minds and their consequent thoughts to be vividly and fully presented in their faces. So their thoughts and feelings were visible to others’ eyes in a single form containing many details at once. This kind of speech therefore surpassed verbal speech the way seeing something surpasses hearing about it-for example, seeing a field for yourself as opposed to hearing and understanding a verbal description of it.

They added that this kind of speech was compatible with the speech of angels; it allowed the people of those times to be in actual communication with angels. In fact, when our face speaks or our mind speaks through our face, that is angelic speech in its outermost earthly form. This is not the case when our mouth is communicating verbally.

As should be clear to everyone, the earliest people could not have had verbal speech, because the words of a language are not instilled directly but must be invented and associated with things, something that can happen only with the passage of time. 3

[3] For as long as honesty and straightforwardness prevailed among people this kind of communication continued; but as soon as the mind began to think one thing and say another (which happened when we began to love ourselves and not our neighbor) verbal speech began to gain ground, and the face became either silent or deceptive.

This brought about a change in the inner form of the face, a contraction and hardening, and it became almost devoid of life, although it still looked to others as though it was alive because self-love was burning within it. That underlying absence of life is not visible to our eyes. It is, however, visible to the eyes of angels, since they see what lies within. So this is the nature of the faces of people who think one thing and say another; this is the effect of the pretense, hypocrisy, guile, and deceit that constitute prudence nowadays. 3

Things are different in the other life, though. There we are not allowed to say one thing and think another. Any inconsistency is in fact perceived with utmost clarity in every word; and when it is perceived, spirits guilty of the inconsistency are ejected from the interaction and punished. Thereafter they are compelled by various means to speak in alignment with their thinking and to think in alignment with their willing until eventually they have a unified mind and not a divided one. If they are good, then, they intend what is good and think and say the truth that stems from that goodness; if they are evil they intend what is evil and think and say the falsity that stems from that evil. Until this happens, the good are not raised into heaven and the evil are not cast into hell. The purpose of all this is that in hell there should be nothing but what is evil and the falsity that stems from it, and that in heaven there should be nothing but what is good and the truth that stems from it. 4


1. The expression “The face is . . . the image and index of the mind” appears to derive from a slightly different expression in De Oratore (On the [Ideal] Orator) 3:221, by the Roman writer Marcus Tullius Cicero: Imago animi vultus, indices oculi, “The face is the image of the soul, and the eyes its indexes.” However, Cicero himself may well have been drawing upon an existing proverb. The simpler phrase “The face is the index of the mind” is now proverbial in English. [SS]

607, 1118, 7361. The inhabitants of some other planets, too, use a similar way of communicating: 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587. How excellent and perfect that form of communication is: 7360, 10587, 10708.

3. On this negative view of prudence, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 53. [Editors]

4. For an extended presentation on the process after death by which people make the transition from speaking and acting differently than they think and feel to speaking and acting exactly as they think and feel, see the chapters in Heaven and Hell titled “Our First State after Death” (491-498) and “Our Second State after Death” (499-511). See also note 6 in Last Judgment 56. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 54

54. I was also shown how thoughts are expressed by means of the face. A person's looks display the affections his love produces and their changes; and variations in their inward form express thoughts. It is impossible to describe these more fully. The inhabitants of Jupiter also use verbal speech, but it does not sound so loud as ours. One way of speaking assists the other, and facial speech gives life to verbal speech.

[2] I was told by angels that the earliest kind of speech of all peoples on each world was by facial expression; and it originated from two areas, the lips and the eyes. The reason why this was the earliest form of speech was that the face was designed to portray what a person thinks and wants. The face is therefore called the picture and indicator of the mind. Another reason is that in the most ancient or earliest times honesty demanded that what a person wanted should shine out from his face, and no one thought of doing anything else or wanted to do so. Thus too the affections of the mind and the thoughts arising from them could be vividly and fully displayed. This enabled many things to be presented simultaneously to the eye, as it were, in visible form. This kind of speech in consequence was as much better than verbal speech as sight is better than hearing: the difference between seeing the countryside and envisaging it by listening to a verbal description.

They also said that this kind of speech matched the speech of the angels, with whom human beings were in the habit of communicating in those times. In fact, when the face speaks, or the mind speaks through the face, angelic speech reaches its final, natural form in a person; but not when the mouth speaks in words. Anyone can grasp that the most ancient people could not have had verbal speech, since the words of language are not directly inherent in things, but need to be invented and applied to them; and this could only happen over a period of time. 1

[3] This kind of speech lasted so long as honesty and uprightness were observed by people. But as soon as people started to think one thing in their minds and say another, which happened when people began to love themselves and not their neighbour, speech in words began to increase, while the face conveyed nothing or told lies. As a result the inward shape of the face changed, contracting and hardening, and beginning to be almost devoid of life. But its outward shape, fired by self-love, began to look alive to men's eyes. For what lies hidden underneath devoid of life is invisible to human eyes, but can be seen by angels, who can see what lies within.

This is what the faces are like of those who think one thing and say another. Pretence, hypocrisy, trickery and guile - which to-day pass for tactfulness - cause such results. But in the next life things are different; there you are not allowed to speak otherwise than you think. In fact, any disagreement is clearly perceptible in each single word; and when it is noticed the spirit who displays such disagreement is ejected from the company and punished. Afterwards various methods are applied to bring him back to speaking as he thinks and to thinking what he wants, so as to restore unanimity to his mind and banish division. The effect is, if he is good, that he wants what is good and thinks and speaks the truth as the result of good; if he is wicked, he wants what is evil and thinks and speaks falsely as the result of evil. Until this happens, a good man cannot be raised to heaven, nor a wicked one cast into hell. This is to ensure that hell contains nothing but wickedness and the falsity it produces, heaven nothing but good and the truth it produces.


1. The Most Ancient people in this world were able to speak using the face and lips by means of inner breathing (Arcana Caelestia 607, 1118, 7361). The inhabitants of certain other worlds have a similar manner of speaking (Arcana Caelestia 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587). On the perfection and excellence of this manner of speaking (Arcana Caelestia 7360, 10587, 10708).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 54

54. It was also shown how the thoughts are presented by the face. The affections of the love are manifested through the countenance and its changes, and the thoughts by variations as to the forms of the interiors therein; but they cannot be further described. The inhabitants of the earth Jupiter have also a vocal speech, but not as sonorous as ours. The one speech assists the other, and their vocal speech is inspired with life by the speech of the face. I was informed by angels that the first speech of all men on every earth was speech by the face, and this from two sources, the lips and the eyes. The reason why such speech was the first, is, that the face was formed for portraying what man thinks and wills, and thence also the face was called the image and index of the mind; also because in the most ancient or earliest times there was sincerity, and man neither thought nor wished to think anything else than what he was willing should shine forth from his face. Thus also the affections of the mind, and the thoughts therefrom, could be presented to the life, and fully. Thus also they were made apparent to the eye, very many, as it were, in a form together. This speech, therefore, as much surpassed vocal speech as sight excels hearing, or as seeing a landscape excels hearing of it, or apprehending it by verbal description. They added that such speech agrees with the speech of angels, with whom also men in those times were in communication; and further that when the face speaks, or the mind through the face, it is the angelic speech with man in ultimate natural form, but not when the mouth speaks by words. Every one, too, can comprehend that the most ancient people could not have the speech of words; since the words of language were not immediately infused into men, but had to be invented, and applied to things; which could be done only in process of time. 1As long as sincerity and rectitude remained with man, so long also such speech remained. But as soon as the mind began to think one thing and speak another, which took place when man began to love himself and not his neighbor, then vocal speech began to develop, the face being silent or dissembling. Thus the internal form of the face was changed, contracted itself, hardened, and began to be almost void of life; but the external form, inflamed by the fire of self-love, began to appear to the eyes of men as if it were alive. For that absence of life which lies underneath, does not appear to the eyes of men, but to the eyes of angels, since these see the interiors. Such are the faces of those who think one thing and speak another; for dissimulation, hypocrisy, cunning, and deceit, which are prudence at this day, induce such effects. But it is different in the other life, where it is not permitted to speak one thing and think another. Disagreement between the speech and the thought is also there clearly perceived in every word; and when it is perceived in a spirit, he is cast out of the community, and fined. Afterward he is reduced by various methods to speak as he thinks, and to think as he wills; even till he has one undivided mind; so that if he is good, he may will good and think and speak truth from good, and if he is evil, he may will evil and think and speak falsity from evil. Not before this is effected is the good spirit elevated into heaven, nor the evil spirit cast into hell; and this to the end, that there may be in hell nothing but evil and the falsity of evil, and in heaven nothing but good and the truth of good.


1. The most ancient people on this earth had speech through the face and lips, by means of internal breathing (Arcana Coelestia 607, 1118, 7361). The people on certain other earths have a similar speech (Arcana Coelestia 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587). Concerning the perfection and excellence of that speech (Arcana Coelestia 7360, 10587, 10708).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 54 (original Latin)

54. Ostensum quoque est, quomodo cogitationes per faciem sistuntur; affectiones quae amoris manifestantur per vultus et eorum mutationes, et cogitationes in illis per variationes quoad formas interiorum ibi; amplius describi nequeunt. Est quoque Incolis telluris Jovis loquela vocum, sed non ita sonora sicut apud nos; adjuvat una loquela alteram, et loquelae vocum insinuatur vita per loquelam faciei. Informatus sum ab angelis, quod omnium prima loquela in unaquavis Tellure fuerit loquela per faciem, et hoc ex binis ibi originibus, a labris et ab oculis: causa quod talis loquela fuerit prima, est quia facies formata est ad effigiandum illa quae homo cogitat et quae vult; inde etiam facies vocata est effigies et index animi; tum quia in antiquissimis seu primis temporibus sincerum fuit, et non aliud cogitavit homo, nec cogitare voluit, quam quod vellet ut eluceret ex facie: ita quoque potuerunt affectiones animi et inde cogitationes sisti ad vivum et plene; sic etiam apparebant ad oculum, sicut in forma, perplura simul: quae loquela tantum ideo excellebat prae loquela vocum, quantum visus prae auditu, hoc est, sicut est videre campum, aut audire et capere illum per voces descriptum. Addebant, quod talis loquela conveniret cum loquela angelorum, cum quibus homines illis temporibus etiam communicabant; etiam cum facies loquitur seu mens per faciem, est loquela angelica apud hominem in forma ultima naturali, non autem cum os loquitur per voces. Quisque etiam comprehendere potest, quod loquela vocum non potuerit esse Antiquisiimis, quoniam voces Linguae non sunt immediate infusae, sed inveniendae et applicandae rebus; quod non fieri nisi successu temporis potuit. 1Quamdiu sincerum et rectum fuit apud hominem, tamdiu etiam talis loquela permansit; sed ut primum mens aliud cogitare coepit et aliud loqui, quod factum cum homo se coepit amare et non proximum, tunc loquela vocum incrementa cepit, silente vel mentiente facie; inde interna faciei forma mutata est, contraxit se, induruit, et paene vitae expers coepit fieri, at externa ex igne amoris sui inflammata sicut viva coram oculis hominum videri: nam vitae illud expers quod subest, non apparet coram oculis hominum, sed coram oculis angelorum, quoniam hi vident interiora. Tales sunt facies illorum qui aliud cogitant et aliud loquuntur; simulatio enim, hypocrisis, astus et dolus, quae hodierna prudentia sunt, talia inducunt. Sed aliter se res habet in altera vita, ibi non licet aliter loqui et aliter cogitare; dissidentia etiam ibi luculenter percipitur in unaquavis voce; et cum percipitur, ejicitur spiritus, in quo talis dissidentia, e consortio, et mulctatur; postea redigitur variis modis ad loquendum sicut cogitat, et ad cogitandum sicut vult, usque ut una ei mens sit, et non divisa; si bonus, ut bonum velit et verum ex bono cogitet et loquatur, et si malus, ut malum velit et falsum ex malo cogitet et loquatur; bonus non prius in coelum elevatur, ac malus nec prius in infernum conjicitur; et hoc ob finem, ut in inferno non sit nisi quam malum ac falsum mali, ac in coelo non sit nisi quam bonum et verum boni.


1. Quod Antiquissimis in hac Tellure fuerit loquela per faciem et labia, media aspiratione interna, Arcana Coelestia 607, 1118, 7361. Quod similis loquela sit incolis in quibusdam aliis Telluribus, Arcana Coelestia 4799, 7359, 8248, 10587. De perfectione et excellentia istius loquelae, Arcana Coelestia 7360, 10587, 10708.

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