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《宇宙星球》 第55节

(一滴水译本 2020)




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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 55

55. I have also been told a number of other things about the inhabitants of that planet by spirits from there-about how they walk, for example, about their food, and about their homes.

As to how they walk, they do not walk upright like the inhabitants of our planet and of many others, nor do they go on all fours like animals, but help themselves along with their hands, from time to time straightening themselves up on their feet partway. Every third step as they go along, they look to the side and back, twisting their body a little, in a single, quick motion. This is because it is considered impolite for them not to show their face to others.

[2] When they are walking like this they keep their faces raised much the way we do, in order to see the sky as well as the ground. They do not keep their faces down and look only at the ground-this they call damnable. The worthless among them, though, do in fact do this; and if these do not develop a habit of raising their faces, they are exiled from their community.

[3] When they sit, they look like the people of our planet with respect to their upper bodies, which are upright, but not with respect to their legs, which are crossed. As when walking, so also when they are sitting they take care not to be seen from behind, only face to face. They want others to see their face because their face reveals their mind. They never do, and never could, put on a face that is at odds with their mind. This means that the people present with them know quite clearly what their attitude toward them is. They do not hide it. This applies especially to knowing whether the friendliness being shown is genuine or forced.

This was demonstrated for me by Jupiter’s spirits and confirmed by its angels. This, furthermore, explains why its spirits seem not to walk upright like others but to proceed almost like swimmers, helping themselves along with their hands, and looking around from time to time.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 55

55. I was further informed by the spirits from that world about various matters concerning its inhabitants, such as their way of moving, and their food and houses. When moving, they do not walk upright like the inhabitants of this and many other worlds; nor do they go on all fours like animals, but when they walk they help themselves with the flat of their hands, at every other pace half rising to their feet. As they move, at every third pace they turn their faces to one side and look behind them, making a slight twist, quickly accomplished, of the body. This is because they think it impolite to be seen by others except face to face.

[2] While they walk in this fashion, they always keep their faces up, as we do, so that they can see the sky as well as the ground. They do not keep their gaze fixed on the ground, a practice they call reprehensible. The worst sort of people among them do this, and if they do not become used to lifting up their faces, they are banished from their community.

[3] When, however, they sit down, they look erect like people in our world as far as the upper part of the body is concerned, but they squat cross-legged. They take great care, not only when walking, but also when sitting, to avoid being seen from behind, but only in the face. In fact, they rather like to be seen face to face, since this displays their mind. They never display a facial expression which does not match their mind, something they find impossible. Those present can by this means see quite plainly what another's intentions towards them are, since they do not hide them, especially whether their apparent friendliness is genuine or forced. The spirits from there demonstrated this to me and their angels confirmed it. As a result their spirits too do not appear to walk upright, but rather like swimmers to assist their progress with their hands, looking around them from time to time.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 55

55. I was further informed by the spirits from that earth, concerning various particulars relating to its inhabitants, as concerning their manner of walking, their food, and their habitations. With respect to their manner of walking, they do not walk erect like the inhabitants of this and of many other earths, nor do they creep like animals; but as they go along, they assist themselves with their hands, and alternately half elevate themselves on their feet, and also at every third step turn the face sideways and behind them, and likewise at the same time bend the body a little, which is done suddenly; for with them it is thought unbecoming to be seen by others except in the face. In walking thus they always keep the face elevated as with us, that so they may look at the heavens as well as the earth. Holding the face downwards so as to look at the earth alone, they call accursed. The most vile amongst them do so, but if they continue and do not elevate the face, they are banished from the society. When they sit, they appear like men of our earth, erect as to the upper part of the body, but they usually sit cross-legged. They take special care, not only when they walk, but also when they sit, to be seen in the face, and not at the back. They are also very willing to have their faces seen, because thence their mind appears; for with them the face is never at variance with the mind, nor indeed can they make it so. Those present also know clearly from this what dispositions they entertain towards them, especially whether their apparent friendship is sincere or forced, for this they never conceal. These particulars were shown to me by their spirits, and confirmed by their angels. Hence also their spirits are seen to walk, not erect like others, but almost like persons swimming, appearing to help themselves forward with their hands, and by turns to look around them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 55 (original Latin)

55. Porro a Spiritibus, qui ex illa Tellure, informatus sum de variis quae apud incolas ibi, ut de eorum Gressu, de Cibis, et Domiciliis. Quod Gressum eorum concernit, non ambulant erecti, sicut incolae hujus telluris et plurium aliarum, nec repunt more animalium, sed cum gradiuntur, adjuvant se palmis, et alternis vicibus ad dimidium super pedes elevant, et quoque in gradiendo quovis tertio passu facie spectant ad latus et post se, et tunc etiam paulum inflectunt corpus, quod fit repente; nam apud illos indecorum est ab aliis spectari quam a facie. Cum ita ambulant, semper tenent faciem elevatam, ut apud nos, ut sic spectent etiam coelum cum terram; non demissam tenent ut spectent terram, hoc vocant damnatum; vilissimi apud illos ita faciunt, qui si non assuescunt elevare faciem, e societate illorum exterminantur. Cum autem sedent, apparent sicut homines nostrae telluris quoad superiorem partem corporis erecti, sed sedent decussatim quoad pedes: sollicite cavent, non modo cum ambulant, sed etiam cum sedent, ne spectentur a tergo, sed a facie: libenter etiam volunt, ut facies suae videantur, quia inde mens eorum apparet; nam nusquam alienam a mente faciem ostendunt, quod nec possunt; praesentes sciunt etiam manifeste inde, quo animo erga se sunt, quod nec abscondunt; imprimis num apparens amicum ex sincero sit, vel num ex coacto. Haec mihi ostensa sunt ab eorum spiritibus, et confirmata ab eorum angelis: inde quoque eorum spiritus videntur non sicut alii erectim ambulare, sed paene sicut natatores progressum adjuvare manibus, ac per vices circumspicere.

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