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《宇宙星球》 第66节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 66

66. Once when I was reading in the seventeenth chapter of John about the Lord’s love and about his glorification 1there were some spirits from Jupiter with me. When they heard what it said, they were filled with a sense of holiness and declared that all these things were divine. Then, though, some spirits from our planet who were unbelievers repeatedly set up obstacles [to a belief in the Lord’s divinity], saying that he was born as a baby, lived a human life, looked like any other human, was crucified, and more along the same lines. The spirits from Jupiter paid no attention to this, though. They said that their own devils were similar and that they loathed them. They added that there was absolutely nothing heavenly dwelling in the minds of these spirits, only a worldliness that they referred to as “slag.” They said they could also tell that this was the case from the fact that when these spirits heard that people walked around naked on Jupiter, lewdness immediately took control of their thoughts, and that they gave no thought to the heavenly way of life [practiced by people on Jupiter] even though they had heard about that as well.


1. On the concept of glorification, see note 1 in New Jerusalem 185. [Editors]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 66

66. Some spirits of the world of Jupiter were with me while I was reading Chapter 17 of John, about the Lord's love and His glorification. On hearing what is written there, its holiness struck them and they admitted that everything there was Divine. But then some spirits of our world, who had been infidels, kept on suggesting scandalous ideas, saying that He was born as a baby, lived as a man, looked like any other man, was crucified and so forth. But the spirits of Jupiter paid no attention to these ideas. They said that these spirits resemble their devils, whom they loathed, adding that their minds were totally devoid of any heavenly element, being filled with earthy matter which they called slag. They said they had also learned that this was so, because on hearing that in their world they went naked, the thoughts of the spirits from our world immediately became lewd, and because they did not give any thought to their life in heaven, about which they had also then been told.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 66

66. There were with me some spirits of the earth Jupiter, while I was reading the seventeenth chapter in John concerning the Lord's love, and concerning His glorification; and when they heard the things that are there, holiness filled them, and they confessed that all things therein were Divine. But then some spirits of our earth, who were unbelievers, continually suggested various scandals, saying that He was born an infant, lived as a man, appeared as another man, was crucified, with other circumstances of a like nature. But the spirits of the earth Jupiter paid no attention to these suggestions. They said that their devils are such, whom they abhor; adding, that nothing celestial has any place in their minds, but only earthly things, which they called dross. That it was so, they said they had also discovered from this, that when they heard that on their earth they go naked, obscene ideas immediately occupied their thoughts, and they paid no attention to their celestial life, about which they had heard at the same time.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 66 (original Latin)

66. Erant apud me spiritus Telluris Jovis cum legerem XVII Caput apud Johannem, de Domini Amore et de Ipsius Glorificatione; cumque audiverunt illa quae ibi, sanctum illos occupabat, et confessi quod omnia ibi essent divina: at tunc spiritus nostrae Telluris, qui infideles fuerunt, jugiter suggerebant scandala, dicendo, quod natus infans, vixerit homo, apparuerit sicut alius homo, quod crucifixus, et alia similia: sed spiritus Telluris Jovis ad illa nihil attendebant; dicebant, quod tales sint eorum diaboli, quos abhorrent; addentes, quod prorsus nihil coeleste insideat mentibus illorum, sed modo terrenum, quod vocabant scorias: quod ita sit, dicebant se quoque compertos fuisse ex eo, quod, cum audirent quod in Tellure sua ambularent nudi, illico tunc obscaenum occupaverit cogitationes illorum, et quod prorsus nihil cogitaverint de coelesti illorum vita, de qua etiam tunc audiverunt.

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