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《宇宙星球》 第67节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 67

67. I was able to determine how clear the perception of things spiritual is in spirits from Jupiter from seeing how they portrayed the way the Lord changes immoral desires into good ones. They represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form and portrayed the living force of desire as a motion that was shaped to fit that form. There are no words to describe how they did this-so skillfully that angels joined in praising them.

Some scholars from our planet were also present at the time, scholars who had immersed their minds in the terminology of the academic disciplines, and had written and thought a great deal about form, substance, the material and the immaterial, and the like, but had not put any of this information to use. They could not understand this representation at all.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 67

67. I was able to see plainly how clear a perception the spirits of Jupiter have about spiritual matters, by the way they pictured the Lord's method of turning wicked affections into good ones. They pictured the intellectual mind as a beautiful shape, and supplied it with activity matching the life of affection. They did this in a way indescribable in words, so cleverly as to excite praise from angels. There were present some learned men from our world, who had steeped their intellectual faculty in scientific terminology, writing and thinking much about form, substance, the material and the immaterial, and suchlike, without putting them to any use. These were unable to grasp even the representation of the idea as a picture.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 67

67. The clear perception which the spirits of Jupiter have concerning spiritual things, was made manifest to me from their manner of representing how the Lord converts depraved affections into good affections. They represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form, and impressed upon it an activity suitable to the form answering to the life of affection. This they executed in a manner which no words can describe, and with such dexterity that they were commended by the angels. There were then present some of the learned from our earth, who had immersed the intellectual faculty in scientific terms, and had written and thought much about form, about substance, about materiality and immateriality, and the like, without applying such things to any use; these could not even comprehend that representation.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 67 (original Latin)

67. Spiritus Joviales in quam clara perceptione de rebus spiritualibus sunt, constare mihi potuit ex repraesentatione illorum, quomodo Dominus convertit pravas affectiones in bonas: repraesentabant Mentem intellectualem ut formam pulchram, ac ei indebant activitatem formae convenientem pro affectionis vita: quod fecerunt modo qui vocibus describi nequit, tam dextre ut collaudati ab angelis. Aderant tunc eruditi ex nostra Tellure, qui intellectuale immerserant terminis scientificorum, et multa scripserunt et cogitaverunt de forma, de substantia, de materiali et immateriali, et de similibus, ac talia ad nullum usum applicuerunt; hi ne quidem repraesentationem illam comprehendere potuerunt.

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