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《宇宙星球》 第68节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 68

68. On Jupiter they take the greatest possible care to prevent anyone from slipping into warped opinions about the Only Lord; and if they notice that people are beginning to think dark thoughts about him they give them a warning, then deter them by threats and eventually by punishments. They said they have observed that if something like this creeps into a family, what is effective in removing the warped opinion from their midst is not other members of the community threatening them with death but spirits restricting [the offenders’] breathing and the life it gives them, after first threatening them on pain of death. This is because on their planet spirits talk with them and punish them if they have done or are intending to do something evil (more on this below [72]). So if they are thinking evil thoughts about the Only Lord and do not repent, they are threatened with death. That is how the worship of the Lord is maintained there, since to them the Lord is the Supreme Deity.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 68

68. In their world the greatest care is taken to prevent anyone falling into erroneous beliefs about the One and Only Lord. If they notice people beginning to think incorrectly about Him, they give them a warning, then threaten and finally punish them so as to make them desist. They said it had been their practice to get rid of any family so infected, not by sentence of death pronounced by their companions, but by spirits suppressing their breathing and so taking their lives, once they had first passed sentence of death on them. For in that world spirits talk with people and chastise them if they have done wrong, and also if they have formed the intention of doing so; I shall revert to this subject later. So if they have wrong thoughts about the One and Only Lord, they are sentenced to death, if they do not come to their senses. In this way the worship of the Lord, who is their supreme deity, is maintained.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 68

68. They are exceedingly cautious on their earth, lest any one should fall into wrong opinions concerning the only Lord; and if they observe that any begin to think wrongly concerning Him, they first admonish him, then use threats, and lastly deter by punishment. They said that they had observed, if any such wrong opinions insinuate themselves into any family, that family is taken from amongst them, not by the punishment of death inflicted by their fellows, but by being deprived of respiration, and consequently of life, by spirits, when they have first threatened them with death. For in that earth spirits speak with the inhabitants, and chastise them if they have done evil, and even if they have intended to do evil, of which we shall say more presently. Hence if they think evil concerning the only Lord, and do not repent, they are threatened with death. In this manner the worship of the Lord is preserved, who is to them there the Supreme Divine.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 68 (original Latin)

68. In Tellure illorum quam maxime cavetur, ne aliquis labatur in pravas opiniones de Unico Domino; et si animadvertunt quod aliqui incipiant de Ipso sinistre cogitare, primum admonent illum, dein per minas, et tandem per poenas absterrent: dixerunt, quod observaverint, si tale quid irrepit in aliquam familiam, quod illa tollatur e medio, non per paenas mortis a sodalibus, sed per privationem respirationis et inde vitae a spiritibus, postquam ii primum mortem illis denuntiaverunt: nam in illa tellure loquuntur spiritus cum illis, et castigant illos si malum fecerunt, et quoque si malum intenderunt facere, de qua re in sequentibus; inde si male cogitant de Unico Domino, si non resipiscunt, denuntiatur illis mors: hoc modo conservatur ibi Cultus Domini, qui illis est Supremum Divinum.

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