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《宇宙星球》 第72节

(一滴水译本 2020)



  还有一次,同样是一个实施惩罚的灵人来到我这里,和前一个灵人一样贴近我腰部以下的左侧。他也想惩罚我,但被天使制止了。不过,他向我演示了若他们星球的人行恶,或意图行恶,他们被允许施加给这些人的惩罚种类。除了关节的疼痛外,他们还在腹部中间的周边区域引发一种疼痛的收缩,这种疼痛的收缩感觉像是被一条尖细的带子勒紧一样。然后,另一种惩罚是窒息的咒语,直到受害者感到极其痛苦;还有,一段时间内除了面包外,不让他们吃任何东西;若他们仍旧不停止做这类事,最后就是死刑;以及剥夺他们从妻儿和同伴那里所享受的快乐。这些惩罚也伴随着疼痛的感觉。灵人可进入人的整个记忆,但没有什么东西能从他们的记忆进入人的记忆(AC 2488, 5863, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214)。天使则能进入启动并指导人的所思、所愿和所行的情感和目的(AC 1317, 1645, 5844)。在圣言中,星星表示对良善与真理的认知,也就是真理(AC 2495, 2849, 4697)。在来世,真理由固定的星星来代表,但虚假由游荡的星星来代表(AC 1128)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 72

72. As for the presence of spirits with the inhabitants of Jupiter, there are spirits who punish them, spirits who teach them, and spirits who govern them. The ones who punish them attach themselves to the inhabitants’ left sides and then lean toward their backs; and once they are in position they draw from their subjects’ memory everything the subjects have thought and done. This is easy for spirits because when they approach people they enter everything in their memory. 1

If they discover that people have done evil things or have had evil thoughts they criticize them; and they punish them, too, with pains in their joints, feet, or hands, or pain in the general area of their abdomen. This is also something spirits can do very skillfully when it is permitted. When spirits of this kind are approaching people they cause a trembling accompanied by fear; this lets people know they are coming. Evil spirits can strike people with fear when they approach, especially spirits who were robbers during their lives in the physical world.

[2] To teach me what these spirits do when they come to someone from their planet, a spirit of this sort was allowed to come to me. As he approached, I was filled with a palpable fear and trembling. I was not trembling inwardly, though, but outwardly, since I knew that it was this kind of spirit. I was able to see him as well, and he looked like a dark cloud with wandering stars in it. Stars that wander mean falsities, and stars that are fixed mean truths. 2He attached himself to my left side toward the back and began to criticize me for things I had done and thought, things he was drawing out of my memory, and began to put a dark interpretation on them, but was held back by angels. When he realized that he was with someone who was not from his own planet he started a conversation with me, and said that when he came to people, he knew absolutely everything they had done and thought. He added that he criticized them severely and also punished them with various kinds of pain.

[3] On another occasion a punitive spirit of this sort came to me and attached himself to my left side below the waist. Like the earlier one, he tried to punish me, but he too was held back by angels. Still, he showed me the kinds of punishment he was allowed to inflict on the people of his planet if they had done or were intending to do evil things. In addition to pains in the joints, he also caused a painful restriction of the middle of the abdomen that felt like a sharp-edged belt being cinched too tight. Then on and off again he made it hard to breathe, causing them distress. In addition, he would prevent them from being able to eat anything other than bread for some period of time. Finally he would threaten them with death if they did not stop doing evil, and with the accompanying loss of all their joy in their spouses, children, and friends, the pain of which he was able to make them feel at the time of the threat.


1. [Swedenborg note] See note on 11.

2. [Swedenborg note] See note on 50.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 72

72. As regards the presence of spirits with inhabitants of the world of Jupiter in detail, there are some spirits who chastise, some who instruct and some who control them. The chastising spirits attach themselves to the left side and lean towards the back; when in position, they draw out from a person's memory all he has done and thought. This is easy for spirits, since on approaching a person they can take over his whole memory. 1If they find fault with his actions or thoughts, they reprove him and also chastise him by means of pains in the joints, the feet or the hands, or around the epigastric region. This is something spirits are very clever at doing, when permitted. When such spirits approach a person, they strike horror and fear into him, which makes him aware of their approach. Wicked spirits are able to inspire fear in a person when they approach, especially whose who while living in the world were robbers.

[2] To allow me to know how these spirits behave on approaching a person of their world, one of them was permitted to approach me. When he was near, I had an unmistakable feeling of horror and fear, but it was an outward rather than inward horror, since I knew that he was a spirit of that kind. I could actually see him, looking like a dark cloud with moving stars in it. Moving stars indicate falsities, fixed stars truths. 2He attached himself to my left side towards the back, and also began to reprove me for things I had done and thought, which he drew out of my memory, also putting a bad construction on them. But he was stopped by angels. On discovering that he was in the presence of someone other than a man of his own world, he began to talk with me, saying that on approaching a person he knew all the details of his deeds and thoughts, and he then uttered a severe reproof and chastised him with various sorts of pain.

[3] On another occasion too a similar chastising spirit visited me. He attached himself to me on the left side below the waist like the earlier one. He too wanted to punish me, but he was kept off by the angels. But he demonstrated to me the kinds of punishment they are allowed to inflict on people in their world, if they do or intend to do wicked deeds. Apart from the pain in the joints there was a painful contraction around the middle of the belly, which felt like being pulled in with a narrow belt; then another punishment was spells of choking until the victim was very distressed; also, preventing them eating anything but bread for a time; and finally a death sentence, if they failed to stop doing such things, and being deprived of the joys of wife, children and companions. These too were accompanied by a sensation of pain.


1. Spirits have access to the whole of a person's memory, but nothing passes from their memory into the person's (Arcana Caelestia 2488, 5863, 6192-6193, 6198-6199, 6214). Angels have access to the affections and purposes which initiate and direct what a person thinks, wishes and does (Arcana Caelestia 1317, 1645, 5854 [5844 in original]).

2. Stars in the Word mean cognitions of good and truth, that is, truths (Arcana Caelestia 2495, 2849, 4697). In the next life truths are represented by fixed stars, but falsities by wandering stars (Arcana Caelestia 1128).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 72

72. As to what particularly regards the presence of spirits with the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter, there are some spirits who chastise, some who instruct, and some who rule over them. The spirits who chastise apply themselves to the left side, and incline themselves towards the back, and when they are there, they draw forth from the man's memory all that he has done and thought; for this is easy to spirits, for when they come near to a man, they come into all his memory. If they find that he has done evil, or thought evil, they reprove him, and also chastise him with pain of the joints, and of the feet or hands, or with a pain about the epigastric region. This also spirits can do dexterously when permitted. When such come to a man they inspire horror with fear, and thus the man knows of their approach. Evil spirits can inspire fear when they approach any one, especially those who while they lived in the world were robbers. That I might know how these spirits act when they come to a man of their earth, it was permitted that such a spirit should also come to me. When he was near, horror with fear manifestly took possession of me; yet the horror was not interior but exterior, because I knew that it was such a spirit. He was also seen, and appeared like a dark cloud, with moving stars in the cloud. Moving stars signify falsities, but fixed stars truths. He applied himself to my left side toward the back, and also began to reprove me for the deeds and thoughts which he drew forth out of my memory, and also interpreted perversely; but he was prevented by angels. When he perceived that he was with one who was not a man of his earth, he began to speak with me, saying that when he came to a man, he knew each and all things that the man had done and thought; and that he reproved him severely, and also chastised him with various pains. Again at another time such a chastising spirit came to me, and applied himself to my left side below the middle of the body, like the former one, who also wished to punish me; but he too was prevented by angels. He, however, showed me the kinds of punishments which they are permitted to inflict upon the men of their earth, if they do and intend to do evil. They were, besides pain of the joints, a painful constriction also around the middle of the belly, which is felt as a compression by a sharp girdle. And then there was a taking away of the breath at intervals even to distress; and also the prohibition from eating anything but bread for a time; last of all the threat of death, if they should not leave off doing such things; and also privation from enjoyment of the consort, children, and companions. Pain therefrom is also then insinuated.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 72 (original Latin)

72. Quod praesentiam spirituum apud incolas Telluris Jovis in specie attinet, sunt spiritus qui castigant, sunt qui instruunt, et sunt qui regunt illos: spiritus qui castigant, applicant se lateri sinistro, et se inclinant versus tergum, et cum ibi, depromunt ex memoria hominis omnia ejus facta et cogitata: hoc enim spiritibus facile est, nam cum ad hominem alluunt, in omnem ejus memoriam veniunt 1. Si inveniunt quod male egerit, aut male cogitaverit, redarguunt illum, et quoque castigant dolore artuum, pedum sive manuum, aut dolore circa epigastricamregionem; hoc quoque possunt spiritus dextre quando permittitur; tales cum ad hominem veniunt, incutiunt horrorem cum timore, inde scit homo adventum eorum: incutere timorem possunt mali spiritus cum aliquem adeunt, imprimis illi, qui dum vixerant in mundo, fuerunt latrones. Ut scirem, quomodo illi spiritus faciunt, cum ad hominem suae Telluris veniant, permissum fuit, ut talis spiritus etiam me adiret; quando prope erat, horror cum timore me occupavit manifeste, at non interius sed exterius horrui, quia novi quod talis spiritus esset; visus etiam est, et apparuit sicut nubes obscura cum stellis mobilibus in nube; stellae mobiles significant falsitates, at stellae fixae veritates 2: is se applicuit sinistro meo lateri versus tergum; et quoque incepit me redarguere ex factis et cogitatis, qua deprompsit ex memoria mea, et quoque sinistre interpretabatur; sed impeditus est ab angelis: cum appercepit quod apud alium quam suae Telluris hominem esset, coepit mecum loqui et dicere, quod omnia et singula, quae homo egit et cogitavit, cum venit ad illum, sciat; tum quod severe redarguat illum, et quoque castiget variis doloribus. Alio tempore etiam venit ad me talis spiritus castigator, et applicuit se lateri meo sinistro infra medium corporis, ut prior, qui etiam voluit punire; sed etiam is arcebatur ab angelis: ostendebat mihi usque punitionum genera, quae illis permittuntur inferre hominibus suae Telluris, si male agunt et male agere intendunt; erant, praeter dolorem artuum, etiam coarctatio dolorifica circa medium ventrem, quae sentitur sicut compressio a cingulo acuto; tum etiam erat respirationis sublatio per vices usque ad angustias; et quoque inhibitio ne aliquid praeter panem ederent ad tempus; demum denuntiatio mortis, si similia facere non intermitterent, et tunc privatio gaudii ex conjuge, liberis et consociis; dolor inde tunc quoque insinuatur.


1. [NCBSP: In the Latin text, Swedenborg's footnote here refers back to footnote 1 of section 11, the text of which is copied here.] Quod spiritus intrent in omnia memoriae hominis, et quod non e sua in hominis, Arcana Coelestia 2488, 5863, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214: quod angeli in affectiones et fines exquibuset propter quos homo ita non aliter cogitat, vult agit, Arcana Coelestia 1317, 1645, 5844.

2. [NCBSP: In the Latin text, Swedenborg's footnote here refers back to footnote 1 of section 50, the text of which is copied here.] Quod stellae in Verbo significent cognitiones boni et veri, ita vera, Arcana Coelestia 2495, 2849, 4697. Et quod in altera vita Vera repraesententur per stellas fixas, falsa autemperstellas errantes, Arcana Coelestia 1128.

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