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《宇宙星球》 第73节

(一滴水译本 2020)




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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 73

73. The spirits who teach the inhabitants also attach themselves to the left side, but more toward the front. They criticize people, too, but mildly, and soon move on to teaching them how they should live. They also look dark, though not like clouds as the earlier ones did-rather, they seem to be wearing sackcloth.

[2] They are called teachers, while the former ones are called punitive spirits.

When these spirits are present, angelic spirits are present as well who station themselves by the inhabitant’s head and fill it with their own unique influence. Their presence there is perceived as a gentle breathing, since they fear that the inhabitant might otherwise feel some pain or anxiety, if only a small amount, at their approach and inflow. They govern both the punitive spirits and the teaching spirits, and make sure that the punitive spirits do nothing worse to the person than the Lord permits and that the teaching spirits only say things that are true.

When a punitive spirit was with me there were also some angelic spirits [from Jupiter] with me who kept my face constantly cheerful and smiling, the region around my lips protruding, and my mouth slightly open. When they have the Lord’s permission, angels can easily flow in and do this. They said that they cause this kind of expression on the inhabitants of their planet when they are present with them.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 73

73. The instructing spirits also attach themselves to their left side, but more towards the front. They also reprove them, but mildly, and then teach them how they ought to live. These too appear dark, not like clouds as the previously mentioned ones, but as if dressed in sacks.

[2] They are called instructors, the others chastisers. When these spirits are present, angelic spirits are too. They sit by the head and fill it in their own manner. Their presence is felt like a gentle breath, for they are afraid of anyone suffering the slightest pain or anxiety at their approach or influence. They control the chastising and instructing spirits, making sure the one group does not do the person more harm than the Lord permits, and the other speaks the truth.

[3] When I had a chastising spirit with me, angelic spirits were then also present, keeping my face constantly cheerful and smiling, the region around my lips pushed forward, and my mouth slightly open. Angels are easily able to do this by their influence, when the Lord permits. They said that their presence causes the inhabitants of their world to assume the same facial expression.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 73

73. But the spirits who instruct, also, apply themselves to the left side, but more toward the front. They also rebuke, but mildly, and presently teach them how they ought to live. They appear dark also, yet not as the former like clouds, but as if clothed in sackcloth. These are called instructors, but the former chastisers. When these spirits are present, angelic spirits are also present, sitting at the head and filling it in a peculiar manner. Their presence is also perceived there as a gentle breathing; for they fear lest from their drawing near and their influx the man should perceive the least pain or anxiety. They rule the chastising and instructing spirits; preventing the former from doing worse to the man than is permitted by the Lord, and requiring the latter to tell the truth. When the chastising spirit was with me, the angelic spirits also were then present, and kept my face continually cheerful and smiling, and the region around the lips prominent, and my mouth a little open. This the angels do easily by influx, when permitted by the Lord. They said that they induce such a countenance upon the inhabitants of their earth, when they are present.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 73 (original Latin)

73. Spiritus autem qui instruunt, applicant se quoque lateri eorum sinistro, sed magis antrorsum, redarguunt etiam, sed leniter, et mox docent quomodo victuri: apparent illi etiam obscuri, at non ut priores sicut nubes, sed sicut saccis induti: hi vocantur Instructores, priores autem Castigatores. Cum Spiritus illi adsunt, etiam Spiritus Angelici adsunt; hi assident capiti, et id peculiari modo implent; percipitur etiam praesentia illorum ibi sicut lenis aspiratio, nam timent ne homo ex illorum allapsu et influxu vel minimum doloris aut anxietatis percipiat: illi regunt spiritus castigatores et instructores, illos ne homini pejus faciant quam permittitur a Domino, hos ut verum dicant. Cum spiritus castigator apud me erat, etiam tunc spiritus angelici aderant, et tenebant faciem meam continue hilarem et ridentem, ac regionem circa labra prominentem, ac os meum paulo apertum; hoc faciunt angeli per influxum facile, cum a Domino permittitur: dicebant quod talem vultum inducant incolis Telluris suae cum adsunt.

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