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《宇宙星球》 第74节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 74

74. If, after having been punished and instructed, the inhabitants again either do evil or plan to do it and do not restrain themselves in accord with the principles of truth, the spirit returns and punishes them more severely. Still, the angelic spirits temper the punishment to fit the intent behind those actions and the will behind those plans.

We can tell from this that the angels from Jupiter who are stationed by their inhabitants’ heads are carrying out a kind of judgment on the inhabitants, because they flow in and allow some things, temper others, and prevent still others. I was told, though, that they themselves are not the ones passing judgment. Only the Lord is the true Judge, and every instruction the angels give the punitive and teaching spirits is something that in actuality they have received from the Lord; the judgments they make merely appear to come from themselves.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 74

74. If after being chastised and instructed a person does evil again, or thinks of doing it, and fails to restrain himself in accordance with the commands of truth, then he is punished more severely when the chastising spirit returns. But angelic spirits temper his punishment, depending on the intention behind his acts and the will behind his thoughts. From this it might be deduced that their angels who sit by the head exercise some kind of judgment over the person, since they give permission, and exercise a moderating and restraining effect and influence. But I was told that it is not they who judge, but the Lord is the sole judge; all the commands given by the chastising and instructing spirits are inspired by His influence, in such a way that it seems to come from them.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 74

74. If a man after chastisement and instruction again does evil, or thinks to do evil, and does not restrain himself by the precepts of truth, then, when the chastising spirit returns, he is punished more severely. But the angelic spirits moderate the punishment according to the intention in the deeds, and according to the will in the thoughts. From this it may be evident that their angels who sit at the head, have a kind of judicial authority over the man; since they permit, moderate, restrain, and flow in. But it was said that they do not judge, for the Lord alone is the Judge; and all the things which they command to the chastising and instructing spirits flow in with them from Him, though it appears as if from them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 74 (original Latin)

74. Si homo post castigationem et instructionem iterum malum facit, aut malum cogitat facere, et semet non ex praeceptis veri inhibet, tunc, cum redit spiritus castigator, severius punitur: sed Angelici Spiritus moderantur punitionem secundum intentionem in factis, et secundum voluntatem in cogitatis. Ex his constare potuit, quod Angeli eorum, qui capiti adsident, speciem judicationis habeant super hominem, quoniam permittunt, moderantur, inhibent, et influunt: sed dictum est, quod illi non judicent, verum quod solus Dominus sit Judex, et quod ab Ipso influant penes illos omnia quae Spiritibus castigatoribus et instructoribus praecipiunt, et quod id appareat sicut ab illis.

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