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《宇宙星球》 第75节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 75

75. While the spirits there are able to talk to people, the people are not allowed to talk back to the spirits except to say, once they have been instructed, “We won’t do that anymore.” They are not allowed to tell anyone what the spirits who were with them said, either. If they do, they are punished afterward.

At first, the spirits from Jupiter who were with me thought that they were talking with someone from their own planet; but when I responded to them and even said I was thinking of publishing and thus communicating to others things like this, and told them they would not be allowed to punish or instruct me, they realized that they were not with someone from their planet.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 75

75. In that world spirits talk with people, but they do not in turn talk with spirits. The only thing they say is, when instructed about something, that they will not do it any more. Nor are they allowed to tell anyone that a spirit has talked to them; if they do, they are afterwards punished. When the spirits of Jupiter were with me, they started by thinking they were with a man in their own world. But when I talked back to them, and also thought I should like to publish and tell others about my experiences, while they were not allowed to chastise and instruct me, they realised that they were with someone else.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 75

75. Spirits there speak with man, but not man in turn with the spirits, except these words when he is instructed that he will do so no more. Nor is it permitted him to tell any one that a spirit has spoken with him: if one does this, he is afterward punished. Those spirits of Jupiter, when they were with me, thought at first that they were with a man of their earth; but when I spoke in turn with them, and they saw that I thought of publishing these things, and thus of telling others, and it was not then permitted them to chastise or instruct me, they perceived that they were with another.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 75 (original Latin)

75. Spiritus ibi loquuntur cum homine, non autem vicissim homo cum spiritibus, solum haec verba quando instruitur, quod non amplius ita faciet: nec licet ei dicere alicui, quod spiritus cum illo loquutus sit; si hoc facit, postea punitur. Putabant Spiritus illi Joviales, cum apud me erant, principio, quod essent apud hominem suae telluris; sed cum loquerer vicissim cum illis, et quoque quod cogitarem talia velle publico dare, et sic dicere aliis, et quia tunc non licebat illis castigare nec instruere, animadvertebant quod apud alium essent.

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