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《宇宙星球》 第76节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 76

76. When they are with someone there are two signs that appear to those spirits. They see a man from ancient times with a white face, which is a sign that they should not say anything untrue or do anything unfair. They also see a face in a window, which is a sign that they should leave. I too have seen that man from ancient times; and I too have seen the face in the window, and when I saw it, the spirits [from Jupiter] immediately left.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 76

76. There are two signals which these spirits receive when present with someone. They see an ancient man with a white face. This is a sign that they are not to speak anything but the truth or do anything but what is right. They also see a face in the window; this is a sign for them to leave. I too saw that ancient man, as well as the face in the window; as soon as it appeared, those spirits left me.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 76

76. There are two signs that appear to those spirits when they are with a man. They see an old man with a pale face, which is a sign that they should say nothing but what is true, and do nothing but what is just. They also see a face in a window, which is a sign that they should depart thence. That old man was also seen by me, and likewise the face in the window was seen; on seeing which the spirits immediately departed from me.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 76 (original Latin)

76. Sunt bina signa, quae apparent spiritibus illis, cum apud hominem sunt; vident virum albentis faciei antiquum, hoc signum est, ne aliud dicant quam verum, ac faciant quam justum: vident etiam faciem in fenestra, hoc signum est ut inde discedant. Visus est mihi etiam antiquus ille; et quoque visa facies in fenestra; qua visa spiritus illi statim a me discesserunt.

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