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《宇宙星球》 第77节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 77

77. In addition to the spirits we have just been talking about, there are also spirits who argue in opposition. They were people who had been exiled from their communities during their lives in the world because they were evil. When they approach, you can see something like a flying flame that comes down close to their faces. They take a position down low, behind their subjects, and talk up at them from there.

They say things that go against what the teaching spirits said on behalf of the angels; for example, they say that there is no need for the people to live by what they are being taught, that they are free to do whatever they want. These spirits usually show up after the other spirits have left.

However, the people there know who these spirits are and what they are like, so they pay no attention to them. Still, though, they learn in this way what is evil and therefore what is good, since we learn what is good by means of what is evil. Indeed, the nature of anything good is recognized when we see its opposite. All our awareness of a particular thing comes from thoughtful attention to the features that distinguish it from things that contrast with it in various ways and to different degrees.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 77

77. Apart from the spirits just mentioned, there are also spirits who offer the opposite advice. These are those who while living in the world were banished from the company of others on account of their wickedness. When they arrive, something like flying fire is seen falling close to the face. They station themselves to the rear of the person but below him, and speak upwards from that position. They say the opposite of what the instructing spirits conveyed from the angels; that one need not live as instructed, but one can please oneself and take liberties, and suchlike. They usually come after the previous spirits have left. But the people of that world know who these spirits are and what they are like, so they take no notice of them. But this is still a way of learning what evil is, and so what good is. Indeed, one can recognise the nature of goodness from its opposite. Everything is perceived by reflecting on its varying types and degrees of difference compared with its opposite.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 77

77. Besides the spirits who have now been mentioned, there are also spirits who persuade the contrary. They are those who while they lived in the world, were banished from the society of others, because they were evil. When they approach, there appears as it were a flying fire, that glides down near the face. They place themselves low down behind the man, and speak thence toward the upper parts. They speak things contrary to what the instructing spirit has said from the angels, namely, that one should not live according to the instruction, but of his own will and license, and similar things. They come for the most part after the former spirits have gone away, but the men there know who and what these spirits are, and therefore care nothing for them; yet they learn in this way what evil is, and so what good is; for by evil it is learned what good is, since the quality of good is known from its opposite. All perception of a thing is according to reflection in regard to its distinctions from things contrary, in various ways and various degrees.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 77 (original Latin)

77. Praeter spiritus, de quibus nunc memoratum est, dantur etiam spiritus qui contraria suadent; sunt illi, qui, dum vixerunt in mundo, e societate aliorum exterminati sunt, quia mali: quando alluunt, apparet quasi ignis volans, qui prope faciem delabitur: se locant infra ad posteriora hominis, et inde versus superiora loquuntur. Loquuntur contraria illis, quae spiritus instructor ab angelis dixit, quod nempe non vivendum secundum instructionem, sed ex arbitrio et in licentia, et similia. Ut plurimum veniunt postquam abiverunt priores spiritus: ast homines ibi sciunt, quinam et quales illi spiritus sunt, et ideo nihil curant illos; sed usque ita discunt quid malum, et sic quid bonum; nam per malum discitur quid bonum, quippe quale boni ex suo contrario noscitur; omnis perceptio rei est secundum reflexionem relativam ad discrimina ex contrariis vario modo et vario gradu.

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