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《宇宙星球》 第78节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 78

78. The punitive and teaching spirits do not come to the people who call themselves holy ones and mediating lords (the ones described in 70 above) as they do to the others on that planet. This is because these people do not allow themselves to be taught or to be corrected by any punishment. They are inflexible because self-love is what drives them. The spirits said that they recognize these people by their coldness, and that when they become aware of this coldness, they leave the people alone.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 78

78. The chastising and instructing spirits do not approach those who call themselves saints and mediating lords (see on these 70 above), as they do others in that world, because they are unwilling to be instructed and cannot be made better by discipline. They are incorrigible because they are motivated by self-love. The spirits said they recognise them by their coldness, and on feeling the cold they leave them.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 78

78. The chastising and instructing spirits do not go to those who call themselves saints and mediating lords of whom above (n. 70), as they do to others on that earth, because these do not suffer themselves to be instructed, nor are they amended by discipline. They are inflexible, because they do this from the love of self. The spirits said that they recognize them from their coldness, and when they perceive the cold, they depart from them.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 78 (original Latin)

78. Spiritus castigatores et instructores non adeunt illos qui se vocant sanctos et dominos mediatores (de quibus supra 70), sicut alios in illa Tellure, quia non se instrui patiuntur, nec emendantur per disciplinam; sunt inflexibiles, quia ex amore sui id faciunt: spiritus dicebant, quod ex frigore cognoscant quod illi sint, et quod cum appercipiunt frigus, ab illis discedant.

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