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《宇宙星球》 第70节

(一滴水译本 2020)





  那些将功德置于自己的好行为和工作的人就在脚底下面的低地。他们当中许多人觉得自己在劈柴。他们所在的地方非常寒冷,他们觉得只有通过劳动才能获得温暖。我也与他们交谈过,被恩准问他们是否愿意离开这个地方。他们回答说,他们工作还不够努力,不值得离开。但当这种状态结束时,他们就被释放。他们是属世人,因为想赚取救恩不是一个属灵的想法;事实上,它出自小我,而非主。此外,他们喜欢自己胜过别人,其中一些人还鄙视他人。在来世,如果他们所得的喜乐不如其他人多,他们就会向主发怒;因此,当他们正在劈柴时,在他们看来,似乎有主的某种东西出现在木头下面。这是由于他们的愤慨。唯独主拥有功德和公义(AC 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982)。那些将功德置于行为,或想凭他们所做的好行为配得上天堂的人在来世都想被侍奉,从不知足(AC 6393)。他们藐视邻舍,若得不到奖赏,甚至向主发怒(AC 9976)。至于他们在来世命运的性质,可参看《属天的奥秘》(942, 1774, 1877, 2027)一书。那些似乎在低地劈柴的人就属这类(AC 1110, 4943)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 70

70. Further, I was told that on that planet there are some people who call themselves holy ones and demand under threat of punishment that their servants-and they like to have an ever increasing number of them-call them “lords.” They even prohibit their servants from worshiping the Lord of the universe, saying that they themselves are “mediating lords” and that any requests made to them will be forwarded to the Lord of the universe.

They do not call the Lord of the universe (who is our Lord) “the Only Lord,” as everyone else does, but “the Highest Lord,” since they call themselves “lords” as well.

[2] They call the sun of their world the face of the Highest Lord and believe he has his home there, so they worship the sun. The other inhabitants avoid them and do not want to interact with them, both because they worship the sun and because they call themselves “lords” and are worshiped as demigods by their servants.

[3] Some spirits showed me what they wear on their head-a tall, dark hat.

[4] In the other life, people like this can be seen on the left at some height; they sit there like idols and at first are worshiped by their former servants. Later, though, their servants ridicule them.

Remarkably, their faces glow there as if they were on fire, which happens because they had thought of themselves as holy ones. Yet even though their faces look fiery, they are cold and intensely desire to feel warmer. This shows that the fire that gives them their glow is the fire of self-love and is illusory.

In order to get warm they chop wood, and as they do, a human shape appears to them beneath the logs, which they try to chop up along with the logs. They have this experience because they attribute merit and holiness to themselves; and people who do this in the world seem to themselves in the other life to be chopping wood. As I have mentioned elsewhere [Secrets of Heaven 1110, 2784, 6393], some of the people from our planet have the same experience. By way of example, let me cite one such experience [Secrets of Heaven 4943].

In the lower earth, under the soles of the feet, there are people who have placed merit in their own good deeds and actions. Many of them seem to themselves to be chopping wood. The place where they are is quite cold, and they seem to feel warmed up by their labor. I was talking with them, and it occurred to me to ask if they wished to leave that place. They said that they still had not done enough work to deserve it. When that state is completed, though, they are released. These spirits are earthly in nature, because trying to earn salvation for ourselves is not spiritual, because it comes from our own selfhood and not from the Lord. They consider themselves to be better than others, and some of them even despise others. If in the other life they are not granted more joy than others they resent the Lord; so when they are chopping wood it seems as though there is something of the Lord underneath the logs. This comes from their resentment. 1


1. [Swedenborg note] Only the Lord has merit and righteousness: 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982. People who place merit in their deeds, that is, who want to earn heaven through the good things they have done, want to be waited on in the other life and are never satisfied: 6393. They despise their neighbors, and are angry against the Lord himself if they do not get their reward: 9976. What their portion in the other life is like: 942, 1774, 1877, 2027. They are among those in the lower earth who seem to themselves to be chopping wood: 1110, 4943.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 70

70. I was further informed that in that world there are also some people who call themselves the Saints, and order their large numbers of servants on pain of punishment to address them as lords. They also forbid them to worship the Lord of the universe, saying that they are mediating lords, and that they will convey their prayers to the Lord of the universe. They do not, like the rest of the people there, call the Lord of the universe, who is our Lord, the One and Only Lord. They term Him the Most High Lord, because they call themselves lords.

[2] They call the sun of their world the face of the Most High Lord, and believe He has His dwelling there; for which reason they also worship the sun. The rest of the inhabitants loathe them, and will not have anything to do with them, both because they are sun-worshippers and because they call themselves lords, being adored by their servants as mediating deities.

[3] The spirits showed me the head-covering these people wore, which was a dark coloured top hat.

[4] In the next life they are to be seen to the left at some height, sitting there like statues, and to begin with adored by the servants they had had. But after a while these too treat them with ridicule. To my surprise their faces shine as if on fire; this is due to their belief in having been saints. But for all their fiery faces they are actually cold and desperately anxious to get warm. This makes it plain that the fire which makes them shine is the illusory fire of self-love. In order to get warm they seem to themselves to be sawing logs; while doing so, they catch sight beneath the logs of something like a man, whom they try at the same time to strike. This is the result of attributing merit and holiness to themselves. It is the fate of those who do this in this world to seem to saw logs in the next life. The same thing happened to some from our world too, whom I described elsewhere. As an illustration I may add here my experience with these people.

'On the lower earth, beneath the soles of the feet are also those who regarded good deeds and works as meritorious. Many of them seem to themselves to be sawing logs. The place where they are is rather cold, and they seem to gain warmth by their work. I talked with them too, and was able to ask whether they did not wish to leave that place. They replied that they had not yet worked hard enough to deserve it. But on reaching the end of that stage they are released. They are natural men, because wanting to earn salvation is not a spiritual idea, since it comes from the self, not from the Lord. Moreover they think themselves better than others, some of them actually despising others. If in the next life they do not receive more joy than the rest, they are angry with the Lord; as a result, when sawing logs, it looks to them as if something of the Lord is to be seen beneath the logs. This is the result of their indignation.', 1

The Lord alone possesses merit and righteousness (Arcana Caelestia 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981-9982). Those who treat deeds as meritorious, those, that is, who want to earn their entrance to heaven by the good deeds they do, in the next life want to have servants and are never content (Arcana Caelestia 6393). They despise their neighbours and even become angry with the Lord, if they do not receive their reward (Arcana Caelestia 9976). For the nature of their fate in the next life see Arcana Caelestia 942, 1774, 1877, 2027. They belong to the group who appear to be sawing logs on the lower earth (Arcana Caelestia 1110, 4943).


1. [The preceding paragraph is repeated with minor changes from Arcana Caelestia 4943.-TR.]

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 70

70. I was further instructed, that in that earth there are also some who call themselves saints, and who command their servants, of whom they wish to have great numbers, to give them the title of lords, under threat of punishment. They likewise forbid them to adore the Lord of the universe, saying that themselves are mediating lords and that they will present their supplications to the Lord of the universe. They call the Lord of the universe, who is our Lord, not only the Lord, as the rest do, but the Supreme Lord, by reason that they call themselves also lords. The sun of the world they call the face of the supreme Lord, and believe that His abode is there, wherefore they also adore the sun. The rest of the inhabitants hold them in aversion and are unwilling to converse with them, as well because they adore the sun as because they call themselves lords, and are worshiped by their servants as mediatory gods. There was shown me by spirits the covering of their head, which was a tower-shaped cap of darkish color. In the other life such appear to the left in a certain altitude, and there sit as idols, and in the beginning are also worshiped by the servants who have attended upon them, but are afterwards held in derision by them also. What surprised me was, that their faces shine there as from a fire, which is in consequence of their having believed that they were saints; but notwithstanding this fiery appearance of their faces, they are nevertheless cold, and have an intense desire to be made warm. Hence it is evident that the fire, from which they shine, is the fire of self-love, and is fatuous. In order to make themselves warm, they seem to themselves to cut wood, and whilst they are cutting, there appears underneath the wood something of a man, whom at the same time they attempt to strike. This appearance is in consequence of their attributing to themselves merit and sanctity; for all who do so in the world, seem to themselves in the other life to cut wood, as was the case likewise with some spirits from our earth, who have been spoken of elsewhere. For the further illustration of this subject, I will here adduce this experience concerning them. "In the lower earth beneath the soles of the feet, are those who have placed merit in their good deeds and works. Many of them appear to themselves to cut wood. The place where they are is very cold, and they seem to themselves to acquire warmth by their labor. I have also spoken with them, and it was granted me to ask them whether they wished to come out of that place. They said that they had not yet merited it by their labor. But when that state has been gone through, they are taken out. They are natural, because to wish to merit salvation is not spiritual; for it comes from the proprium, not from the Lord. Moreover they also prefer themselves to others, and some of them despise others. If they do not receive greater joy than others in the other life, they are indignant against the Lord; for which reason, when they are cutting wood, there appears as it were something of the Lord under the wood. This comes from their indignation." 1


1. The Lord alone has merit and justice (Arcana Coelestia 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982). They who place merit in works, or wish to merit heaven by their good deeds, wish to be served in the other life, and are never content (Arcana Coelestia 6393). They despise the neighbor, and are angry with the Lord Himself if they do not receive reward (Arcana Coelestia 9976). What their lot is in the other life (Arcana Coelestia 942, 1774, 1877, 2027). They are of those who appear to cut wood in the lower earth (Arcana Coelestia 1110, 4943).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 70 (original Latin)

70. Porro instructus sum, quod in illa Tellure etiam sint qui se Sanctos vocant, ac imperant sub poena famulis, quos multiplicant, ut se dominos appellent; prohibent etiam illis ut adorent Dominum Universi, dicentes quod illi domini mediatores sint, et quod supplicationes eorum ad Dominum universi allaturi sint. Dominum universi, qui est Dominus noster, non vocant unicum Dominum, sicut reliqui, sed supremum Dominum, ex causa quia etiam illi se dicunt dominos. Vocant illi Solem mundi faciem supremi Domini, et ibi credunt domicilium Ipsius esse, quapropter etiam solem adorant. Illos reliqui incolae aversantur, et cum illis conversari non volunt, tam quia solem adorant, quam quia dominos se vocant, et a famulis suis coluntur sicut dii mediatores. Ostensum mihi erat a Spiritibus tegumentum capitis illorum, quod fuit pileus turritus coloris obscuri. In altera vita tales apparent ad sinistrum in aliqua altitudine, ac ibi sedent sicut idola, et quoque initio a famulis, qui apud tales fuerunt, coluntur; sed postea ab iis quoque derisui habentur. Quod miratus, ibi lucent facie, sicut ab igne, quod trahunt ex eo, quod crediderint se sanctos fuisse; sed tametsi apparent facie sicut ignei, usque sunt frigidi, et impense cupiunt calefieri; inde patet, quod ignis, ex quo lucent, sit ignis amoris sui et fatuus. Iidem, ut calefiant, ligna secare sibi videntur, et cum secant, sub lignis apparet quid hominis, quem tunc simul conantur percutere; hoc fit inde, quia sibi tribuunt meritum et sanctitatem; qui hoc faciunt in mundo, in altera vita videntur sibi ligna secare; ut quoque aliqui e nostra Tellure, de quibus alibi actum est; ut res illustretur, licet experientiam de his quoque adducere, "In inferiore terra sub plantis pedum, sunt etiam illi qui meritum posuerunt in benefactis et operibus; plures eorum apparent sibi ligna secare; locus, ubi sunt, est frigidior, et videntur sibi calorem acquirere per laborem suum: cum illis etiam loquutus sum, et illis dicere datum, numne vellent ex loco illo exire, dicebant quod adhuc per laborem non meruerint: at cum status ille peractus est, inde eximuntur; sunt illi naturales, quia velle mereri salutem non est spirituale, venit enim a proprio, non a Domino; et praeterea praeferunt se aliis, et quidam eorum contemnunt alios: illi si non gaudium prae reliquis in altera vita recipiunt, indignantur contra Dominum, quapropter cum secant ligna, apparet quasi quid Domini sub lignis; hoc ex indignatione." 1


1. Quod soli Domino Meritum et Justitia, Arcana Coelestia 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982. Qui meritum ponunt in operibus, seu per bona quae faciunt, volunt mereri coelum, quodin altera vita velint serviri, et quod nusquam contenti sint, Arcana Coelestia 6393. Quod contemnant proximum, et irascantur Ipsi Domino, si non mercedem recipiunt, Arcana Coelestia 9976. Sors illorum in altera vita qualis, Arcana Coelestia 942, 1774, 1877, 2027. Quod sint ex illis qui in terra inferiore apparent ligna secare, Arcana Coelestia 1110, 4943.

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