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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第63节






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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 63

63. 1. Experience in the spiritual world shows that in the Word, goats mean people who are devoted to a faith divorced from caring. In the spiritual world we can see everything we see in this earthly world. We can see houses and mansions, parks and gardens with all kinds of trees in them. We can see fields and farmland, plains and meadows, as well as herds and flocks, all looking much as they do in our world. In fact, the only difference is that those in our world come from an earthly origin, while those in the spiritual world come from a spiritual origin. Since angels are spiritual, they see things that are from a spiritual origin just the way we see things that are from an earthly origin.

[2] Everything visible in the spiritual world is a correspondence. That is, everything corresponds to something the angels and spirits are feeling. That is why people who are moved by what is good and true and who therefore enjoy wisdom and intelligence live in splendid mansions that are surrounded by gardens with an abundance of trees (all of which things are correspondences), and these in turn are surrounded by farmlands and fields where flocks lie at rest (all of which things are manifestations).

For people who are drawn to evil, the correspondences are quite the opposite. These people are either confined to windowless workhouses in the hells where the only light is like that of marsh gas, or live in shacks in the wilderness where everything around is barren, where there are snakes, lizards, owls, and many other things that correspond to their evils.

[3] There is an intermediate space between heaven and hell called the world of spirits. That is where we all arrive immediately after death. We interact with each other there much the way we do here on earth; and there as well, everything we see is a correspondence. We see gardens and groves there, forests with trees and bushes, and green, flowery meadows, along with all kinds of animals, tame and wild, all corresponding to what we are feeling.

[4] I have often seen sheep and goats there and fights between them like the one described in the eighth chapter of Daniel [Daniel 8:2-14]. I have seen goats with horns bent forward or backward and have seen them angrily attacking sheep. I once saw goats with two horns using them to batter some sheep, and when I looked to see what was happening, I saw some people arguing about caring and faith. I could see from this that what looked like a goat was faith divorced from caring and that what looked like a sheep was a caring that gave rise to faith.

Because I have seen this so often, I have been granted the opportunity to know for certain that in the Word, goats mean people devoted to a faith divorced from caring.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 63

63. I. That people whose faith is divorced from charity are meant in the Word by goats is something shown by my experience in the spiritual world. Everything seen in the natural world is seen also in the spiritual world. There are houses and palaces, parks and gardens, and in the latter trees of every kind. There are fields and farms, meadows and pastures, and flocks and herds, all appearing just the same as in our world. The only difference is that in our world they have a natural origin, while in the spiritual world they have a spiritual origin. Consequently, because angels are spiritual beings, they see things that have a spiritual origin, just as people see things that have a natural origin.

[2] Things seen in the spiritual world are all correspondent forms, for they correspond to the affections of angels and spirits. That is why people who have an affection for goodness and truth, and so for wisdom and understanding, live in magnificent palaces, surrounded by parks full of trees corresponding to their affections, which are surrounded in turn by fields and meadows, with flocks resting in them, all of which are manifestations of those affections.

In contrast to these, however, are the correspondent forms around people possessing evil affections. Either those people are shut up in workhouses in the hells, workhouses that are without windows, but which are nevertheless illuminated by a kind of phosphorescent light, or they dwell in deserts and live in huts, surrounded by completely barren stretches inhabited by snakes, dragons, owls, and more that correspond to their evils.

[3] Between heaven and hell there is an intermediate place called the world of spirits. Everyone comes into this world immediately after death. People there also enjoy similar dealings, one with another, like those between people on earth. Everything seen in that world is a correspondent form, too. Seen there also are gardens, groves, and forests, with trees and bushes, as well as fields of flowers and grass, together with animals of various kinds, some gentle and some savage — all corresponding to the inhabitants’ affections.

[4] I have quite often seen sheep and goats there, and sometimes combats between them, like the combat described in Daniel 8 I have seen goats with horns curved forward and horns curved backward, and I have seen them rushing in a rage upon sheep. I have seen goats with two horns, which they used to strike the sheep. And when I looked to see the meaning, I saw some people arguing with each other about charity and faith.

It was apparent from this that faith divorced from charity was what appeared as a goat, and that charity which gave birth to faith was what appeared as a sheep.

Because I have quite often seen these things, I have been given to know for certain that people whose faith is divorced from charity are meant in the Word by goats.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 63

63. 1. THEY WHO ARE IN FAITH SEPARATED FROM CHARITY, ARE MEANT IN THE WORD BY GOATS. THIS IS SHOWN FROM EXPERIENCE IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. In the spiritual world there appear all the things which are seen in the natural world. There appear houses and palaces; paradises and gardens, and in them all kinds of trees; fields and fallow lands, also plains and shrubberies, and likewise herds and flocks: all exactly resembling those which are upon our earth. Nor is there any difference between them, except that the latter are from a natural origin, and the former from a spiritual origin. Therefore, angels, because they are spiritual, see those objects which are from a spiritual origin, just as men see those which are from a natural origin.

[2] All the things which appear in the spiritual world are correspondences; for they correspond to the affections of the angels and spirits. For this reason they who are in the affection of good and truth, and consequently in wisdom and intelligence, dwell in magnificent palaces, surrounded by paradises full of trees which are correspondent; and around these again are fields and meadows where flocks repose; and these are appearances. But with those who are in evil affections, there are correspondences of an opposite character. Those spirits are either in the hells, where they are confined in workhouses without windows, but in which nevertheless there is light (lumen) like that from an ignis fatuus; or they are in desert places and live in huts, round about which all things are barren, where there are serpents, dragons, owls and many other things which correspond to their evils.

[3] Between heaven and hell there is an intermediate place, which is called the world of spirits. To this comes every one immediately after death; and here spirits have intercourse with one another similar to the intercourse which men have with each other upon earth. All things which appear there also are correspondences. There appear there likewise gardens, groves, woods with trees and shrubs, and also fields flower-decked and green; and at the same time animals of various kinds, tame and wild, all according to their correspondence with the affections of the spirits. There I have often seen sheep and goats, and also combats between them, similar to that combat which is described in Daniel 8.

[4] I have seen goats with horns bent forwards, and bent backwards; and I have seen them rush furiously upon the sheep. I have seen goats with two horns with which they violently struck the sheep; and when I looked to see what was the matter, I saw some spirits disputing with one another about charity and faith. From this it was plain that faith separated from charity was what appeared like a goat: and that charity from which faith proceeds was what appeared like a sheep. As I have witnessed such scenes frequently, it has been given me to know with certainty that they who are in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by goats.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 63

63. I. That those who are in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by "goats," shown from experience in the spiritual world. In the spiritual world there appear all things that are in the natural world. There appear houses and palaces. There appear paradises and gardens, and in them trees of every kind. There appear fields and meadowland, plains and grassy swards, flocks and herds, all precisely like those on our earth, there being no difference except that the latter are from a natural origin, while the former are from a spiritual origin. And therefore angels, being spiritual, behold the things which are of spiritual origin, just as men do those of natural origin.

[2] All things that appear in the spiritual world are correspondences, for they correspond to the affections of the angels and spirits. For this reason they who are in the love of what is good and true, and consequently in wisdom and intelligence, dwell in magnificent palaces that are surrounded by paradises full of correspondent trees, around which again are fields and plains with flocks lying there, and these are appearances. With those however who are in evil affections there are correspondences of an opposite character; such are either in hells confined in workhouses that are windowless, and yet have light in them like that of a will-o'-the-wisp, or else they are in deserts and dwell in hovels surrounded by an unbroken barrenness where there are serpents, dragons, screech owls, and many other creatures that correspond to their evils.

[3] Between heaven and hell there is an intermediate place called the World of Spirits, into which every human being comes immediately after death, and where one person has interaction with another just as among men on earth. Here too all things that appear are correspondences. Here too appear gardens, groves, forests of trees and shrubs, and flowery and grassy plains, together with beasts of various kinds, both gentle and savage, all in correspondence with the affections of those who dwell there.

[4] There have I often seen sheep and goats, and combats between them like that described in Daniel 8. I have seen goats with horns bent forward and bent backward, and I have seen them attack the sheep with fury. I have seen goats with two great horns with which they violently struck the sheep. And when I looked to see what these things meant, I saw some who were disputing about charity and faith; and from this it was evident that faith separated from charity was what appeared as a goat, and that charity from which is faith was what appeared as a sheep. And as I have seen such things often I have come to know with certainty that those who are in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by "goats."

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 63 (original Latin 1763)

63. (i.) Quod illi qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, intelliguntur in Verbo per "hircos;" ad experientia in mundo spirituali. In mundo spirituali apparent omnia quae in mundo naturali; apparent domus et palatia, apparent, paradisi et horti, et in illis arbores omnis generis; apparent agri et novalia, tum campi et vireta; et quoque armenta et greges; omnia in tali similitudine, in qua super nostra tellure; nec alia intercedit differentia, quam quod haec sint ex origine naturali, et illa ex origine spirituali. Quare angeli, quia spirituales sunt, vident illa quae ex origine spirituali sunt, similiter ut homines illa quae ex origine naturali sunt. Omnia quae apparent in mundo spirituali, sunt correspondentiae, correspondent enim affectionibus angelorum et spirituum. Haec causa est, quod illi qui in affectione boni et veri sunt, et inde in sapientia et intelligentia, habitent in palatiis magnificis, circum quae sunt paradisi pleni arboribus, quae correspondent, et circum illos agri et campi, in quibus cubant greges, qui sunt apparentiae. Correspondentiae autem oppositae sunt apud illos qui in affectionibus malis sunt; hi vel sunt in infernis inclusi ergastulis, quae sunt absque fenestris, in quibus tamen est lumen sicut ex igne fatuo, vel sunt in desertis et habitant in mapalibus, circum quae omnia sterilia sunt, et ibi serpentes, dracones, ululae, et plura, quae malis illorum correspondent. Inter caelum et infernum est locus medius, qui vocatur mundus spirituum: in hunc venit omnis homo statim post mortem; et ibi simile commercium est unius cum altero, sicut hominum inter se super tellure; ibi etiam omnia, quae apparent, correspondentiae sunt; apparent etiam ibi horti, luci, silvae cum arboribus et virgultis, ut et campi floridi et virides, et simul varii generis bestiae, mites et immites, omnia secundum correspondentiam affectionum illorum. Ibi saepius vidi oves et hircos; et quoque pugnas inter illos, similes illi pugnae quae describitur apud Danielem (cap. 8) vidi hircos cum cornibus antrorsum et retrorsum flexis, ac illos cum furore irruentes in oves; vidi hircos cum duobus cornibus, quibus cum vehementia ferierunt oves; et cum aspexi quid esset, vidi aliquos rixantes inter se de charitate et fide; ex quo patuit, quod fides separata a charitate esset quae appareret sicut hircus, et quod charitas ex qua fides esset quae appareret sicut ovis. Quia haec saepius vidi, datum est pro certo scire, quod illi qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, in Verbo per "hircos" intelligantur.

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