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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第64节




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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 64

64. 2. Those on whom the Last Judgment was carried out show that goats in the Word mean people who are devoted to a faith divorced from caring. The Last Judgment was carried out exclusively on people who were moral on the outside but not spiritual on the inside—or at best were only slightly spiritual within. Those who had been both outwardly and inwardly evil, though, had been consigned to hell long before the Last Judgment, and those who had been both outwardly and inwardly spiritual had been raised into heaven long before the Last Judgment. This is because the judgment was not carried out on people in heaven or people in hell but on people who were halfway between heaven and hell and were making what seemed to be heavens for themselves there.

[2] You can see in Matthew 25, where it speaks of the Last Judgment.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 64

64. II. That people whose faith is divorced from charity are meant in the Word by goats is something shown by the people on whom the Last Judgment was carried out. The Last Judgment was carried out only on people who were outwardly moral and inwardly not spiritual or hardly spiritual. But people who were evil both outwardly and inwardly were cast into hell long before the Last Judgment, and people who were outwardly spiritual and at the same time inwardly so were raised into heaven long before the Last Judgment. For the judgment was not carried out on people already in heaven, nor on people already in hell, but was carried out on people in between heaven and hell, who had formed for themselves seeming heavens there.

[2] That the Last Judgment was carried out on those people and not others is something that may be seen in the short work The Last Judgment 59, 70, and something that will be further seen in the short work A Continuation Concerning the Last Judgment, where we take up the judgment on the Protestant Reformed. Those among them whose faith was divorced from charity, not only in doctrine but also in life, were cast into hell, while those who had the same faith in respect to doctrine only and despite that faith lived a life of charity were raised into heaven.

From this it was apparent that no others were meant by the Lord by the goats and sheep in Matthew 25 where the Lord speaks of the Last Judgment.

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 64

64. 2. THEY WHO ARE IN FAITH SEPARATED FROM CHARITY, ARE MEANT IN THE WORD BY GOATS. THIS APPEARS FROM THE LAST JUDGMENT AND THOSE UPON WHOM IT WAS EXECUTED. The Last Judgment was executed upon no others but such as were moral in externals, and not spiritual or very slightly so, in internals. Those, however, who were evil both in externals and in internals, were cast into hell long before the Last Judgment; and those who were spiritual in externals and at the same time in internals, were raised up into heaven long before the Last Judgment. For judgment was not executed upon those who were in heaven, nor upon those who were in hell, but upon those who were in the intermediate state between heaven and hell, and who had there made for themselves, as it were, heavens.

[2] That the Last Judgment was executed upon them, and upon no others, may be seen in the little work on Matthew 25, where He speaks of the Last Judgment.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 64

64. II. That those in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by "goats," shown from the Last Judgment and the character of those upon whom it was executed. The Last Judgment was executed upon no others than those who in externals had been moral, but in internals had not been spiritual, or but little spiritual. As to those who had been evil in both externals and internals, they had been cast into hell long before the Last Judgment, while those who had been spiritual in externals and at the same time in internals had also long before that event been uplifted into heaven; and the Last Judgment was not executed upon those in heaven, nor upon those in hell, but upon those who were midway between the two, where they had made for themselves imaginary heavens. That the Last Judgment was executed upon these exclusively, may be seen in the short work on the Matthew 25 where the Lord is speaking of the Last Judgment.

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 64 (original Latin 1763)

64. (ii.) Quod illi qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, intelliguntur in Verbo per "hircos;" ex Ultimo Judicio, super quos peractum est. Ultimum judicium non super alios factum est, quam qui in externis fuerunt morales, ac in internis non spirituales, aut parum spirituales; illi autem qui tam in externis quam in internis fuerunt mali, longe ante ultimum judicium in infernum conjecti sunt; et illi qui in externis et simul in internis spirituales fuerunt, longe ante ultimum judicium in caelum elevati sunt; nam judicium non factum est super illos qui in caelo erant, nec super illos qui in inferno, sed super illos qui in medio inter caelum et infernum fuerunt, et ibi sibi fecerunt sicut caelos. Quod ultimum judicium super illos et non super alios factum sit, videri potest in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 59, 70; et videbitur ulterius in Continuatione de Ultimo Judicio, et ibi super Reformatos; ex quibus tunc illi qui in fide separata a charitate non modo doctrina sed etiam vita fuerunt, in infernum conjecti sunt; ac illi qui in eadem fide solum quoad doctrinam, sed usque in charitate quoad vitam fuerunt, in caelum elevati sunt: ex quibus patuit, quod non alii per "hircos" et per "oves" a Domino (apud Matthaeum 25), ubi loquitur de Ultimo Judicio, intellecti sint.

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