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《新耶路撒冷教义之信仰篇》 第65节




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Faith (Dole translation 2017) 65

65. 3. The description of the battle between the ram and the goat in Daniel shows that in the Word, goats mean people who are devoted to a faith divorced from caring. Spiritually understood, everything in Daniel, like everything in Sacred Scripture as a whole (as noted in 8 about the battle between the ram and the goat, as follows:

In a vision I saw a ram that had two tall horns, the taller of which rose up behind [the other]. With its horn the ram pushed westward, northward, and southward and became enormous.

Then I saw a goat that came from the west across the surface of the whole earth; it had a horn between its eyes. It charged at the ram in the fury of its strength, broke the ram’s two horns, and cast the ram to the ground and trampled it. The large horn of the goat was broken, and four horns sprang up in its place. A little horn came out of one of them, which grew tremendously toward the south, toward the dawn, and toward the glory, and even to the host of the heavens, and cast down to earth some of the host and some of the stars, and trampled them. The goat even exalted itself toward the Leader of the Host, and took the daily offerings away from him and cast down the dwelling place of his sanctuary, because it cast truth to the ground. And I heard a holy one saying, “How long will this vision last concerning the daily offerings and this destructive sinning, the trampling of the holy place and the host?” And he said, “Until the evening [and] the morning: then the holy place will be set right.” (Daniel 8:2-14)

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 2014) 65

65. III. That people whose faith is divorced from charity are meant in the Word by goats is something shown by the description of the combat between the ram and the goat in Daniel. Everything in the book of Daniel describes in the spiritual sense matters having to do with heaven and the church, as is the case throughout the Sacred Scripture, as we showed in . Such is the case also in Daniel 8 where we are told about the combat of the ram and the goat, from which we quote the following:

I saw in the vision…a ram which had two (high) horns; but… the higher one came up last…, and with the horn it struck to the west, to the north, and to the south…, and became great.

And (then I saw) a male goat come from the west, across the surface of the whole earth…, (which) had a…horn between its eyes. Then it ran at the ram…with savage force…and broke its two horns…and cast it to the ground and trampled it…. But…the (goat’s) large horn was broken, and in place of it four horns came up…. And out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the beautiful [land]. And it grew up to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and trampled them. He even exalted himself to the Prince of the host; and from Him the continual [sacrifice] was taken away, and the habitation of His sanctuary was cast down; because…it cast truth to the ground….

Then I heard a holy one speaking…, "How long will this vision be, the continual sacrifice and the ruinous transgression, so that the sanctuary and the host are given to be trampled on?"

And he said…, "Until evening [and] morning…; then the sanctuary shall be made right." (Daniel 8:2-14)

Doctrine of Faith (Rogers translation 1954) 65


All things in the Book of Daniel treat in the spiritual sense of the things of heaven and the Church; as do all things in the whole Sacred Scripture, which was shown in Daniel 8:2-14.

Doctrine of Faith (Potts translation 1904) 65

65. III. That those in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by "goats," shown from the description in Daniel of the combat between the ram and the he-goat. In the book of Daniel all things treat, in the spiritual sense, of the things of heaven and the church, as do all things in the universal Holy Scripture (as is shown in the Daniel 8:2-14).

Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Fide 65 (original Latin 1763)

65. (iii.) Quod illi qui in fide separata a charitate sunt, intelligantur in Verbo per "hircos;" ex descriptione pugnae inter arietem et hircum apud Danielem. Omnia quae in Daniele sunt, in spirituali sensu agunt de rebus caeli et ecclesiae, sicut omnia in universa Scriptura Sacra; ut in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de illa (5-26) ostensum est: ita quoque illa in Daniele, quae de pugna arietis et hirci ibi (Danielem cap. 8) dicuntur; quae talia sunt:

In visione vidi... arietem, cui duo cornua alta, sed altius ascendens posterius: et quod cornu feriret versus occidentem, septentrionem et meridiem; et magnum se faceret. Dein vidi hircum venientem ab occidente super facies totius terrae, cui esset cornu inter oculos; et quod cucurrerit ad arietem cum furore roboris sui, et fregerit duo cornua ejus, et projecerit eum in terram, et conculcaverit eum; at quod fractum sit cornu magnum hirci, et loco ejus ascenderint quatuor cornua: et quod ex uno eorum exiret cornu exiguum, quod crevit "valde versus meridiem, versus ortum, et versus decus, et usque exercitum caelorum, et dejecit in terram de exercitu, et de stellis, et conculcavit ea: immo extulit se ad Principem exercitus, et ab Eo sublatum est juge, et projectum habitaculum sanctuarii Ejus; quia projecit veritatem in terram. "Et audivi unum sanctum dicentem,... Quo usque visio haec, juge et praevaricatio vastans, ut detur sanctum et exercitus conculcatio? Et dixit, Usque ad vesperam mane;... tunc justificabitur sanctum (cap. 8:2-14),

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