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《天堂与地狱》 第153节





153. 恶灵有时看似转向天堂的方向; 此时他们拥有聪明和对真理的领悟, 但没有对良善的情感; 一旦转回自己的方向, 他们就没有了聪明或对真理的领悟; 此时, 他们会声称, 他们所听闻并领悟的真理是虚假, 而非真理; 他们愿意虚假成为真理. 关于这种转向, 我被告知, 对恶人来说, 心智的理性部分能被如此转动, 但意志部分不能; 主如此规定, 是为了叫每个人都有能力看见并承认真理; 但是, 没有人能接受真理, 除非他处于良善, 因为接受真理的, 是良善, 绝非邪恶; 还有, 人具有这样的能力, 是为了叫他能通过真理变得更好. 然而, 他只有在处于良善的情况下才能变得更好; 因此, 人能以同样的方式被转向主; 但如果他的生活是邪恶的, 他就会立刻返回, 并确认其邪恶的虚假; 而这些虚假违背他曾理解并看到的真理. 当他出于其内层在自己里面思考时, 这一切就会发生.



153. 惡靈有時看起來朝東面向天國的方向, 那一刻他們擁有認知力, 能明白什麼是真的, 只是對善的事物無喜愛之情。因此一旦他們轉回自己的方向, 就立即失去認知力, 不再明白什麼是真。彼時, 他們說之前所聞所悟之真的事物並非真實, 而是虛假, 甚至希望虛假之事物為真實。有人告訴我, 此類的轉變, 特別是就惡人而言, 他們的認知可因此被轉變, 然而意志卻不可轉。這是主之聖規所定, 為了讓每個人可以擁有能力來明白與承認什麼是真實的事物, 不過, 除非人們專注於良善的事物, 將無人接受這些真實的事物, 因為接受真理的是良善, 絕非邪惡。我們也擁有同樣的能力, 好叫我們借著真理獲得改正, 不過我們被改正的程度要取決於我們對良善事物的專注程度。這就是為何我們能啟被轉變而朝向主。然而, 倘若我們生活中的行為若熱衷於罪惡, 就立即重回歧路, 並從心裡為自己的罪惡找理由和合理化, 以此來否定之前看見與理解的真理。當我們基於自己的內在傾向來自我思考問題時, 就會發生這樣的事情。

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Heaven and Hell #153 (NCE, 2000)

153. Evil spirits sometimes seem to be oriented to heaven's directions, at which time they have intelligence and a grasp of what is true, but no affection for what is good; so as soon as they turn back toward their own directions, they are without intelligence or any grasp of what is true. They then say that the true things they had heard and understood are not true but false, and even want false things to be true. I have been told about this kind of turning, specifically that for evil people the intellectual faculty can be turned in this way, but not the voluntary faculty. I have also been told that this is provided by the Lord to the end that everyone may have the ability to see and acknowledge what is true, but that no one will accept it except people who are focused on what is good, since the good - never the evil - is what accepts truths. Further, it is similar with us, so that we can be corrected by means of truths, though the extent to which we are corrected depends on our focus on what is good. This is why we can be turned toward the Lord in much the same way. However, if we are engaged in evil in the conduct of our lives, we immediately turn back again and justify within ourselves the false rationalizations of our evil over against the truths that we have understood and seen. This happens when we think within ourselves, on the basis of our deeper inclinations.


Heaven and Hell #153 (Harley, 1958)

153. Evil spirits sometimes appear turned towards the quarters of heaven, and they then have intelligence and perception of truth, but no affection of good. Wherefore, as soon as they turn back to their own quarters they have not intelligence or perception of truth, even declaring then, that the truths which they heard and perceived are not truths but falsities. They also wish falsities to be truths. In respect of this turning, I have been told that with the evil, the intellectual part [of the mind] can be so turned, but not the voluntary part, and that this is provided by the Lord to the end that each one may have the ability to see and acknowledge truths, but that no-one receives truths unless he is in good, since it is good and never evil that receives truths, also that man has the same ability to the end that he may be made better by means of truths. Nevertheless, he is made better only so far as he is in good. Consequently, a man can in like manner be turned to the Lord. But if he is in evil as to his life he immediately turns back and confirms in himself the falsities of his evil which are contrary to the truths he has understood and seen. This takes place when he thinks in himself from his interior.


Heaven and Hell #153 (Ager, 1900)

153. Evil spirits are sometimes seen turned towards the quarters of heaven; and they then have intelligence and perception of truth, but no affection for good; but as soon as they turn back to their own quarters they have no intelligence or perception of truth; and then they declare that the truths they heard and perceived are falsities and not truths, and they wish falsities to be truths. In respect to this turning I have been told that with the evil the intellectual part of the mind can be so turned, but not the voluntary part; and that this is provided by the Lord to the end that everyone may have the ability to see and acknowledge truths, but that no one can receive truths unless he is in good, since it is good, and never evil, that receives them; also that man has a like ability to the end that he may be made better by means of truths. Nevertheless, he is made better only so far as he is in good; consequently a man can in like manner be turned to the Lord; but if his life is evil he immediately turns himself back and confirms in himself the falsities of his evil, which are contrary to the truths he had understood and seen; and this takes place when he thinks in himself from his interior states.


De Coelo et de Inferno #153 (original Latin)

153. Mali spiritus quandoque apparent conversi ad plagas caeli, et tunc illis intelligentia et perceptio veri, sed nulla affectio boni quare ut primum se ad suas plagas retro convertunt, in nulla intelligentia et perceptione veri sunt dicentes tunc, quod vera quae audiverunt et perceperunt non vera sint sed falsa etiam volunt quod falsa sint vera: informatus sum de hac conversione, quod nempe apud malos intellectuale possit ita converti, non autem voluntarium; et quod hoc provisum sit a Domino, ob finem ut quisque possit videre et agnoscere vera, sed quod nemo recipiat illa nisi in bono sit, quia bonum est quod recipit vera, et nusquam malum: tum quod simile sit apud hominem, ob causam ut emendari queat per vera, sed quod usque non plus emendetur, quam quantum in bono est et quod inde sit, quod homo similiter possit verti ad Dominum sed si in malo est quoad vitam, quod illico convertat se retro, et confirmet apud se falsa sui mali contra vera quae intellexit et vidit, et quod hoc fiat cum apud se ex interiori suo cogitat.

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