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《天堂与地狱》 第222节





222. 然而在天堂, 神性敬拜的本质并不在于定期去教会, 聆听讲道, 而在于照着教义过爱, 仁与信的生活. 教会的讲道仅仅是教导人如何生活的一种手段. 我曾与天使谈论这个话题, 告诉他们说, 世人以为神性敬拜仅在于去教会, 聆听讲道, 每年领三四次圣餐, 按照教会的要求执行其它敬拜行为; 以及抽出专门时间祷告, 并且在这种时候举止敬虔等等. 天使说, 这些都是当行的外在行为, 但若非有一个它们从中发出的内在, 也就是遵行教义所教导的戒律的生活, 是没有功效的.



222. 但是, 本質上神聖的崇拜並非由定期光顧教會和聆聽講道構成, 而是由仁義的生活以及與教義保持一致的信仰構成。教會中的佈道只作為教導如何生活的手段。

我曾與天人談論這個話題, 我說, 世人以為敬拜上帝就在於定期去教會和聆聽佈道, 每年領三四次聖餐, 遵守教會的種種規條, 騰出時間禱告, 舉止敬虔, 等等。天人告訴我, 這些外在的表現啟得去做, 但是它們必須是從內在的生命流露出來, 否則毫無功效, 而內在的生命乃是恪守教義所指示原則的生活。

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Heaven and Hell #222 (NCE, 2000)

222. However, the essential divine worship in the heavens does not consist of going to church regularly and listening to sermons but of a life of love, thoughtfulness, and faith in keeping with doctrine. The sermons in church serve only as means of instruction in how to live.

I have talked about this with angels and have told them that people in this world believe that divine worship consists solely of going to church and listening to sermons, taking communion three or four times a year, and observing other rituals according to the church's regulations, as well as making time for prayer and behaving devoutly. The angels have told me that these are outward matters that are worth doing but that they are ineffective unless there is something within from which they flow, and that this something within is a life according to the principles that doctrine teaches.


Heaven and Hell #222 (Harley, 1958)

222. Divine worship itself in the heavens does not, however, consist in going to church and in listening to sermons, but in a life of love, charity and faith in accordance with doctrines. Preachings in churches serve solely as means of instruction in matters of life. I have talked with angels about this, and have told them that it is believed in the world that Divine worship consists solely in attending church, listening to sermons, observing the sacrament of the Supper three or four times a year, and performing other acts of worship prescribed by the Church, also finding time for prayers, and then behaving devoutly. The angels said that these are outward acts that ought to be done, but are of no avail unless there is an internal from which they proceed, which is a life in accordance with the precepts that doctrine teaches.


Heaven and Hell #222 (Ager, 1900)

222. But essential Divine worship in the heavens does not consist in going to church and hearing preaching, but in a life of love, charity, and faith, in accordance with doctrine; preachings in churches serve solely as means of instruction in matters of life. I have talked with angels on this subject, and have told them that it is believed in the world that Divine worship consists solely in attending church, listening to the preaching, observing the sacrament of the Supper three or four times a year, and performing other acts of worship according to the requirements of the church; also devoting special times to prayers, and at such times, behaving devoutly. The angels said that these are outward acts that ought to be done, but are of no avail unless there is an internal from which they proceed, which is a life in accordance with the precepts that doctrine teaches.


De Coelo et de Inferno #222 (original Latin)

222. Verum ipse cultus Divinus in caelis non consistit in frequentandis templis, et in auscultandis praedicationibus, sed in vita amoris, charitatis et fidei secundum doctrinas praedicationes in templis inserviunt solum pro mediis ut instruantur in rebus vitae. Locutus sum cum angelis de hac re, et dixi quod in mundo credatur, quod cultus Divinus solum sit frequentare templa, praedicationes auscultare, ter quaterve quotannis obire sacramentum Cenae, et reliqua cultus secundum ecclesiae statuta, et quoque vacare precibus, et tunc se devote gerere. Angeli dixerunt, quod haec sint externa quae facienda, sed quod nihil efficiant si non internum sit ex quo procedant, et quod internum sit vita secundum praecepta quae docet doctrina.

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