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《天堂与地狱》 第225节







225. 所有牧师都来自主的属灵国度; 无一来自属天国度. 他们之所以来自属灵国度, 是因为那里的天使处于源自良善的真理, 而一切讲道必出自真理. 牧师之所以无一出自属天国度, 是因为那里的天使处于爱之良善, 他们看见并理解源自良善的真理, 但不会谈论它们. 不过, 尽管属天国度的天使理解并看见真理, 但那里仍有讲道, 因为他们通过讲道在他们早已知道的真理上被启示, 并通过他们之前所不知道的许多真理而得以完善. 一听闻真理, 他们就承认并理解它们; 他们也热爱自己所理解的真理, 并通过照之生活而使它们变成其生活的一部分, 声称照真理生活就是爱主.

注: 爱主爱邻就是照主的诫命生活(天国的奥秘 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645, 10683节).



225. 一切傳道者都來出於義信天國, 無一出於仁智天國。因為義信天人專注于(源於良善的)真理, 而傳道無不是真理。仁智天人則專注於良善, 在此基礎上照見真理, 但他們並不談論真理。

不過, 仁智天人雖能照見真理, 卻依然聆聽佈道, 因為講道使他們在已經瞭解的真理上更受光照, 在尚未瞭解的許多事上進一步完善。聽聞之際, 他們便表示認同, 獲得領悟。既領悟之, 也就熱愛之, 奉行之, 將之溶入生命。他們說, 奉行真理就是愛主。

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Heaven and Hell #225 (NCE, 2000)

225. All preachers are from the Lord's spiritual kingdom and none from his heavenly kingdom. The reason they are from the spiritual kingdom is that people there are attuned to truths that stem from what is good, and all preaching comes from truths. The reason none is from his heavenly kingdom is that the people there are attuned to the good of love, and see and grasp truths on this basis, but do not talk about them. 1

Even though the angels who are in the heavenly kingdom grasp and see truths, there are still sermons there because sermons are means of enlightenment in the truths that the angels already know and lead to further perfection by means of many things they have not known before. The moment they hear them, they acknowledge them and therefore grasp them. The truths they grasp they also love, and by living according to them they make them part of their life. They say that living by truths is loving the Lord. 2


1. [The note at this point refers the reader to the note in 214 above.]

2. To love the Lord and our neighbor is to live by the Lord's precepts: 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645, 10648 [10659?].


Heaven and Hell #225 (Harley, 1958)

225. All the preachers are from the Lord's spiritual kingdom, none from the celestial kingdom. They are from the spiritual kingdom because the angels there are in truths from good, and all the preaching is done from truths. There are no preachers from the celestial kingdom, because those who are there are in the good of love, from which good they see and perceive truths but do not talk about them. Yet although the angels in the celestial kingdom perceive and see truths, still there are preachings there, since by means of them they are enlightened in the truths that they already know and are perfected by many truths that they did not previously know. As soon as they hear truths they acknowledge them and thus perceive them. They also love the truths that they perceive, and by living in accordance with them, they make them to be of their life, declaring that to live in accordance with truths is to love the Lord. 1


1. To love the Lord and the neighbour is to live in accordance with the Lord's commandments (Arcana Coelestia 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645).


Heaven and Hell #225 (Ager, 1900)

225. All the preachers are from the Lord's spiritual kingdom; none are from the celestial kingdom. They are from the spiritual kingdom because the angels there are in truths from good, and all preaching must be from truths. There are no preachers from the celestial kingdom because those who are there are in the good of love, and they see and perceive truths from good, but do not talk about them. But although the angels in the celestial kingdom perceive and see truths there are preachings there, since by means of preachings they are enlightened in the truths that they already know, and are perfected by many truths that they did not know before. As soon as they hear truths they acknowledge them and thus perceive them; and the truths they perceive they love, and by living in accordance with them they make them to be of their life, declaring that living in accordance with truths is loving the Lord. 1


1. Loving the Lord and the neighbor is living in accordance with the Lord's commandments (Arcana Coelestia 10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645, 10683).


De Coelo et de Inferno #225 (original Latin)

225. Omnes praedicatores sunt ex regno spirituali Domini, et nullus ex regno caelesti. Quod ex regno spirituali sint, est quia ibi sunt in veris ex bono, et ex veris fit omnis praedicatio quod nullus ex regno caelesti, est quia ibi in bono amoris sunt, et ex illo vident et percipiunt vera, sed non loquuntur de illis. 1Tametsi angeli qui in regno caelesti sunt, percipiunt et vident vera, usque praedicationes ibi fiunt, quoniam per illas illustrantur in veris quae noverunt, et perficiuntur a pluribus quae non prius noverunt ut primum audiunt illa, etiam agnoscunt illa, et sic percipiunt; vera quae percipiunt etiam amant, et per vivere secundum illa faciunt vitae suae; vivere secundum vera dicunt esse amare Dominum. 2


1. Quod angeli caelestes non cogitent et loquantur ex veris prout angeli spirituales, quoniam in perceptione omnium quae veri sunt a Domino (202, 597, 607, 784, 1121, 1387 [1384?] 1398, 1442, 1919, 7680, 7877, 8780, 9277, 10336).

Quod angeli caelestes de veris dicant ita ita, vel non non, at quod angeli spirituales ratiocinentur de illis, num ita sit vel non ita sit; 2715, 3246, 4446, [4448?] 9166, 10786; ubi explicantur Domini verba,

"Esto... sermo vester ita ita, non non; quod ultra haec est, ex malo est," (Matthaeus 5:37).

2. Quod amare Dominum et proximum sit vivere secundum praecepta Domini (10143, 10153, 10310, 10578, 10645, 10648 [10683?]).

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