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《天堂与地狱》 第334节





334. 有必要简单解释一下孩子如何在天堂被抚养长大. 他们从保姆学习说话, 其最初的言语仅仅是情感的声音; 这声音随着思维观念的进入而逐渐变得越来越清晰; 因为由情感所产生的思维观念构成天使的语言(参看234-245节). 首先注入其情感的(其情感都是从纯真发出的), 是诸如出现在他们眼前并带来快乐的那类事物; 由于这些事物来自一个属灵的源头, 所以天堂的事物立刻流入他们; 其内层通过这些天堂事物被打开, 他们由此日益被完善. 不过, 一旦这第一个阶段结束, 他们就被转到另一个天堂, 在那里接受教师的教导等等.



334. 下面我簡單解釋一下孩子是如何在天國成長的。首先他們從保姆學習說話, 最初的發聲只是情感的流露, 此後隨著思想觀念的形成, 語言逐漸變得清晰明確, 因為天人的語言完全由情感所生的觀念所構成(參234-245節)。

首先注入其情感的(其情感全出於天真), 是其眼睛特別喜歡觀看的。這些既出於心靈世界, 天國的影響自然就流入其心, 開發其心。由此, 他們日趨完善。第一個階段完成以後, 他們就被帶到另一個天國, 從老師受教。

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Heaven and Hell #334 (NCE, 2000)

334. We need to explain briefly how children are brought up in heaven. They learn to talk from their nurse. Their first speech is only the sound of their affection, which gradually becomes more articulated to the extent that the concepts they are thinking enter in, since such concepts arising from affections make up the whole angelic language, as may be seen in 234-245.

The first things instilled into these affections (which all stem from their innocence) are the kinds of thing they see with their eyes that particularly delight them; and since these are from a spiritual origin, aspects of heaven flow into them that serve to open their deeper natures. In this way they become more perfect every day. Once this first age has been completed, they are taken to another heaven where they are taught by instructors, and so on.


Heaven and Hell #334 (Harley, 1958)

334. How little children are taught in heaven will also be briefly told. From their nurse they learn to talk. Their earliest speech is simply a sound of affection; this by degrees becomes more distinct as ideas of thought enter; for ideas of thought from affections present all angelic speech (as may be seen in its own section, 234-245). Into their affections, all of which proceed from innocence, such things as appear before their eyes and cause delight are first instilled; and as these things are from a spiritual origin the things of heaven at the same time flow in with them, and by means of these heavenly things their interiors are opened, and they are thereby daily perfected. When this first age is completed they are transferred to another heaven, where they are taught by masters; and so on.


Heaven and Hell #334 (Ager, 1900)

334. How children are taught in heaven shall also be briefly told. From their nurses they learn to talk. Their earliest speech is simply a sound of affection; this by degrees becomes more distinct as ideas of thought enter; for ideas of thought from affections constitute all angelic speech (as may be seen in its own chapter, 234-245). Into their affections, all of which proceed from innocence, such things as appear before their eyes and cause delight are first instilled; and as these things are from a spiritual origin the things of heaven at once flow into them, and by means of these heavenly things their interiors are opened, and they are thereby daily perfected. But when this first age is completed they are transferred to another heaven, where they are taught by masters; and so on.


De Coelo et de Inferno #334 (original Latin)

334. Quomodo infantes in caelo educantur, etiam paucis dicetur. A sua educatrice discunt loqui. Loquela eorum prima est modo sonus affectionis, qui per gradus distinctior fit, sicut ideae cogitationis intrant nam ideae cogitationis ex affectionibus sistunt omnem loquelam angelicam (de qua re videatur in suo articulo, 234-245). In illorum affectiones, quae omnes procedunt ab innocentia, insinuantur primum talia quae ante oculos apparent, et delectabilia sunt; quae quia ex origine spirituali sunt, in illa influunt simul quae caeli sunt, per quae aperiuntur interiora eorum; et sic indies perficiuntur. Post aetatem hanc primam exactam, transferuntur in aliud caelum, ubi instruuntur a magistris: et sic porro.

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