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《天堂与地狱》 第345节



{注1}:【英223】在史威登堡的神学中,“平面”或“层面” (原文planum) 是一个活动领域,一个较低的接受层或区域,较高的层流入或下降,在那里停下来,并通过它运作。例如,一个人的良知是一个天使特别流入的平面(6207)。如果一个人没有良知,从天使的流入在那个人身上就没有平面,也就是说,它在这个人身上找不到家,没有平台,没有“行动基地”。



345. 还有必要描述一下幼年死去的人和成年死去的人之间有何不同. 成年死去的人拥有从世俗和物质世界所获得的一个层面, 并将这个层面带在身上. 该层面就是他们的记忆及其肉体的属世情感. 这个层面会保持固定并沉寂下来, 但仍作为一个最外层而服务于他们死后的思维, 因为思维流入它. 所以, 这一层面的性质, 以及它所含之物对应于人的理性活动的方式, 就决定了人死后是什么样. 但幼年死去并在天堂长大的人却没有该层面, 因为他们没有从物质世界和尘世肉体获得什么; 而是拥有一个属灵-属世层面. 因此, 他们不会陷入这种粗鄙的情感和随之的思维, 因为他们所得的一切皆来自天堂. 此外, 这些孩子并不知道他们曾生在世界, 以为生在天堂. 除了属灵的出生外, 他们也不知道其它任何出生; 而属灵的出生是通过良善与真理的知识, 以及使得人成为人的聪明与智慧实现的. 由于这些出自主, 所以他们认为他们属于主自己, 也喜欢这样. 然而, 尘世长大之人的状态也有可能变得像天堂长大的孩子的状态那样完美, 只要他们远离肉体和尘世之爱, 也就是对自我和世界的爱, 并接受属灵之爱以取代之.



345. 我還要解釋一下在幼年去世的人與在成年去世的人有何不同。在成年去世的人攜帶著一種取自物質和肉體世界的"平臺,"這一"平臺"就是他們的肉體物質情感。它相對固定, 趨於沉寂, 但它在成年人去世後依然作為最外在的"平臺"作用於人的思想, 因為思維會流向這個"平臺"。所以, 該"平臺"的性質如何, 理性活動對該"平臺"中的事物所作的反應也將如何, 人死後的狀態也將如何。

在幼年去世, 在天國長大的人卻沒有這種"平臺,"而是另一種心靈"平臺,"因為他們沒有攜帶任何取自人間和肉體的東西。這意味著他們不會陷入粗鄙的情感和思想。事實上, 他們所有的一切都來自天國。

此外, 在天國長大的孩子並不知他們曾生於人間, 卻以為是生於天國。這意味著他們只知心靈的誕生——通過覺悟良善和真理, 獲得聰明和智慧, 得以成為真正的人。這些既出於主, 他們便相信自己是屬於主, 也樂得如此。

但不管怎樣, 在人間長大的人, 其狀態也能像在天國長大的孩子那樣完美, 只要他們捨棄我欲和物欲(或愛自己和愛世界), 以属靈的仁与義取而代之。


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Heaven and Hell #345 (NCE, 2000)

345. We need also to describe the difference between people who die as children and people who die as adults. People who die as adults have a plane acquired from the earthly, material world, and they take it with them. This plane is their memory and its natural, physical sensitivity. This stays fixed and then goes dormant; but it still serves their thought after death as an outmost plane because their thinking flows into it. This is why the nature of this plane and the way their rational activity answers to its contents determines the nature of the individual after death.

People who have died in childhood and have been raised in heaven, though, do not have this kind of plane. They have a natural-spiritual plane because they bring with them nothing from the material world or their earthly bodies. This means that they cannot be engrossed in such crude affections and consequent thoughts. They actually derive everything from heaven.

Not only that, little children are unaware that they were born on earth, so they think they were born in heaven. This means they do not know what any birth is other than the spiritual birth that is accomplished through familiarity with what is good and true and through the intelligence and wisdom that make people truly human. Since these come from the Lord, they believe that they belong to the Lord himself, and love to have it so.

However, the state of people who have grown up on earth can become just as perfect as the state of children who have grown up in heaven if they move away from the physical and earthly loves, love for themselves and love for the world, and accept spiritual loves in their stead.


Heaven and Hell #345 (Harley, 1958)

345. What the difference is between those who die in childhood and those who die in mature life will also be told. Those dying in mature life have a plane acquired from the earthly and material world, and this they carry with them. This plane is their memory and its corporeal natural affection. This remains fixed and is then quiescent, but still serves their thought after death as an outermost plane, since thought inflows into it. Consequently such as this plane is, and such as the correspondence is between the things that are in it and the rational faculty, such is the man after death. But little children who die in childhood and are educated in heaven do not have such a plane, but they have a spiritual-natural plane, since they derive nothing from the material world and the earthly body. For this reason, they cannot be in such gross affections and consequent thoughts, since they derive all things from heaven. Moreover, these little children do not know that they were born in the world, but believe that they were born in heaven. Neither do they know about any other than a spiritual birth effected through the cognitions of good and truth and through the intelligence and wisdom, from which man is a man; and as these are from the Lord they believe themselves to be the Lord's own, and love to be so. Nevertheless, it is possible for the state of men who grow up on the earth to become as perfect as the state of little children who grow up in heaven, provided they put away bodily and earthly loves, which are the loves of self and the world, and receive in their place spiritual loves.


Heaven and Hell #345 (Ager, 1900)

345. What the difference is between those who die in childhood and those who die in mature life shall also be told. Those dying in mature life have a plane acquired from the earthly and material world, and this they carry with them. This plane is their memory and its bodily natural affection. This remains fixed and becomes quiescent, but still serves their thought after death as an outmost plane, since the thought flows into it. Consequently such as this plane is, and such as the correspondence is between the things that are in it and the rational faculty, such is the man after death. But the children who die in childhood and are educated in heaven have no such plane, since they derive nothing from the material world and the earthly body; but they have a spiritual-natural plane. For this reason they cannot be in such gross affections and consequent thoughts, since they derive all things from heaven. Moreover, these children do not know that they were born in the world, but believe that they were born in heaven. Neither do they know about any other than spiritual birth, which is effected through knowledges of good and truth and through intelligence and wisdom, from which man is a man; and as these are from the Lord they believe themselves to be the Lord's own, and love to be so. Nevertheless it is possible for the state of men who grow up on the earth to become as perfect as the state of children who grow up in heaven, provided they put away bodily and earthly loves, which are the loves of self and the world, and receive in their place spiritual loves.


De Coelo et de Inferno #345 (original Latin)

345. Qualis differentia est inter illos qui moriuntur infantes, et qui moriuntur adulti, etiam dicetur. Qui moriuntur adulti, illi planum ex terrestri et materiali mundo acquisitum habent, ac secum ferunt. Hoc planum est memoria eorum et ejus affectio naturalis corporea. Hoc fixum manet, et tunc quiescit at usque inservit cogitationi eorum post mortem pro plano ultimo, nam in id cogitatio influit. Inde est, quod quale id planum est, et qualiter rationale, cum illis quae ibi sunt, correspondet, talis post mortem sit homo. Infantes autem qui infantes mortui sunt, et educati in caelo, non tale planum habent, sed planum naturale spirituale, quoniam nihil trahunt a materiali mundo et terrestri corpore quapropter non in tam crassis affectionibus et inde cogitationibus possunt esse trahunt enim omnia ex caelo. Praeterea infantes ignorant quod nati sint in mundo; quare se credunt natos in caelo; unde nec sciunt quid alia nativitas quam spiritualis, quae fit per cognitiones boni et veri, et per intelligentiam et sapientiam, ex quibus homo est homo; haec quia a Domino sunt, credunt et amant quod Ipsius Domini sint. Sed usque status hominum qui in tellure adolescunt, fieri potest aeque perfectus, ut status infantum qui in caelo, si illi corporeos et terrestres amores, qui sunt amores sui et mundi, removent, et loco illorum amores spirituales recipiunt.

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