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《天堂与地狱》 第409节





409. 就其本质而言, 天堂的喜乐本身是无法描述的, 因为它居于天使生命的至内层, 从那里流入其思维和情感的一切细微处, 再由此流入其言语和行为的一切细微处. 他们的内层仿佛完全被打开, 可以自由接受快乐和幸福; 这些快乐和幸福通过其一切最细小的纤维, 因而通过其整体蔓延开来, 赋予他们一种无法简单描述的觉知和感受. 凡始于至内层的, 皆流入源于至内层的一切细节, 并向外层扩散, 而且力度不断增大. 因尚未被提入天堂而未曾体验这种喜乐的善灵, 当从某位天使发出的爱之气场那里觉察到这种喜乐的感受时, 如此充满快乐, 以至于进入甜蜜的眩晕状态. 这种事经常发生在那些渴望知道何为天堂喜乐的人身上.



409. 天國之樂, 其本質是不可言說的, 因為它居於天人的心靈深處, 從那裡流入思維和情感的細微處, 再從思維和情感細微處流入言語和行為。他們的心靈仿佛是洞開的, 能自由地接收快樂和幸福, 通過神經蔓延開來, 傳遍周身, 賦之以無以言啟的覺知和感受。凡從最深層生起的, 皆流入由最深層所產生的細節之中, 隨著向外層擴散, 力道越來越強。

當尚未升入天國, 未曾體驗過這種快樂的善靈, 從某位天人所發的愛的氣場中感受那快樂時, 就頓時被快樂充滿, 乃至進入甜蜜的暈厥。這樣的事常發生在希望瞭解天國之樂的人身上。

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Heaven and Hell #409 (NCE, 2000)

409. Actual heavenly joy as it is in and of itself is beyond description because it dwells in the deepest natures of angels. It flows from there into the details of their thought and affection and from these into the details of their speech and action. It is as though their deeper levels were wide open and freed to accept a delight and bliss that spreads out through all their fibers and therefore through their whole being, giving them a kind of perception and feeling that simply cannot be described. Anything that arises from the deepest levels flows into the details that derive from those deepest levels and proliferates toward the outer levels, constantly gaining strength.

When good spirits who have not yet experienced this pleasure (not having been raised into heaven yet) perceive it from the aura of love from some angel, they are filled with such pleasure that they find themselves in a kind of sweet faint. This often happens to people who want to know what heavenly joy is.


Heaven and Hell #409 (Harley, 1958)

409. Heavenly joy itself, such as it is in its essence, cannot be described, because it is in the inmost of the life of angels and therefrom in every single thing of their thought and affection, and from these in every particular of their speech and action. It is as if the interiors were fully opened and unloosed for the reception of delight and blessedness, which are distributed to every least fibre and thus through the whole. Thus, the perception and sensation of this joy is so great as to be beyond description. For that which starts from the inmosts flows into every particular derived from the inmosts, propagating itself always with increase towards the exteriors. Good spirits who are not yet in that joy, because not yet raised up into heaven, when they perceive a sense of that joy from an angel from the sphere of his love, are filled with such delight that they come, as it were, into a delicious swoon. This sometimes took place with those who were desirous of knowing what heavenly joy is.


Heaven and Hell #409 (Ager, 1900)

409. Heavenly joy itself, such as it is in its essence, cannot be described, because it is in the inmost of the life of angels and therefrom in everything of their thought and affection, and from this in every particular of their speech and action. It is as if the interiors were fully opened and unloosed to receive delight and blessedness, which are distributed to every least fiber and thus through the whole. Thus the perception and sensation of this joy is so great as to be beyond description, for that which starts from the inmosts flows into every particular derived from the inmosts, propagating itself away with increase towards the exteriors. Good spirits who are not yet in that joy, because not yet raised up into heaven, when they perceive a sense of that joy from an angel from the sphere of his love, are filled with such delight that they come as it were into a delicious trance. This sometimes happens with those who desire to know what heavenly joy is.


De Coelo et de Inferno #409 (original Latin)

409. Ipsum gaudium caeleste, quale est in sua essentia, non describi potest, quia est in intimis vitae angelorum, et inde in singulis cogitationis et affectionis eorum, et ex his in singulis loquelae et in singulis actionis. Est sicut interiora essent plane aperta et resoluta ad recipiendum jucundum et beatum, quod dispergitur in singulas fibras, et sic per totum; unde perceptio et sensatio ejus est talis ut non describi possit; quod enim ab intimis inchoat, hoc influit in singula quae ex intimis derivata sunt, et se propagant semper cum augmento versus exteriora. Spiritus boni qui nondum in illo jucundo sunt, quia nondum in caelum evecti, cum percipiunt illud ex angelo ex ejus amoris sphaera, implentur tali jucundo, ut veniant quasi in dulce deliquium. Hoc aliquoties factum est cum illis qui desiderabant scire quid gaudium caeleste.

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