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《天堂与地狱》 第410节





410. 一些灵人想知道何为天堂的喜乐, 于是他们被允许感受它, 直到无法再承受的程度. 然而, 这还不是天使的喜乐, 只是带有一点天使特质的痕迹而已, 如我蒙允许通过分享它所觉察到的. 他们所感受的这种喜乐如此微小, 几乎是冰冷的; 然而, 他们却称之为最美好的, 因为对他们来说, 这就是最内在的喜乐. 由此明显可知, 天堂的喜乐不仅有层级之分, 而且一个人的至内层几乎还没有抵达另一个人的最外层或中间层; 由此也明显可知, 当人接受自己至内在的喜乐时, 他便处于自己的天堂喜乐, 无法再承受更内在的快乐, 因为这样的喜乐反而会令他痛苦.



410. 有的靈希望瞭解天國之樂。他們被允許去感受, 直到能承受的極限。其實, 他們所感受的還不是天人之樂, 只是帶有一點痕跡而已, 幾近冰冷。然而他們卻稱之為無上妙樂, 因為對他們來說, 這已經是最深切的快樂。我由此看出, 天國之樂有很多層次, 一人的頂層可能只是另一人的底層或中層。我還看出, 當我們到達自己的最深層, 也就獲得了屬於自己的天國之樂。我們不能承受更深的快樂, 因為那反會成為一種痛苦。

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Heaven and Hell #410 (NCE, 2000)

410. Some spirits wanted to know what heavenly joy was, so they were allowed to feel it to the point that they could not bear any more. Still, this was not angelic joy, but only the slightest trace of the angelic quality that they were allowed to observe and share. It was so slight that it was almost cool, yet they called it most heavenly because it was so deep within them. I could tell from this not only that there are levels of heavenly joy, but also that the deepest level of one individual barely touches the outmost or some median level of another. I could also see that when we do reach our own deepest level we are in our own heavenly joy and that we could not bear anything deeper because it would become painful for us.


Heaven and Hell #410 (Harley, 1958)

410. When certain spirits were desirous of knowing what heavenly joy is, they were allowed to feel it to such a degree that they could no longer bear it; and yet it was not angelic joy; it was scarcely in the least degree angelic, as I was permitted to perceive by sharing it, but was so slight as to be almost frigid; nevertheless they called it most heavenly, because to them it was an inmost joy. From this it was established, not only that there are degrees of the joys of heaven, but also that the inmost joy of one scarcely reaches to the outermost or middle joy of another; also that when anyone receives his own inmost joy he is in his heavenly joy, and cannot endure what is still more interior, for such a joy becomes painful to him.


Heaven and Hell #410 (Ager, 1900)

410. When certain spirits wished to know what heavenly joy is they were allowed to feel it to such a degree that they could no longer bear it; and yet it was not angelic joy; it was scarcely in the least degree angelic, as I was permitted to perceive by sharing it, but was so slight as to be almost frigid; nevertheless they called it most heavenly, because to them it was an inmost joy. From this it was evident, not only that there are degrees of the joys of heaven, but also that the inmost joy of one scarcely reaches to the outmost or middle joy of another; also that when any one receives his own inmost joy he is in his heavenly joy, and cannot endure what is still more interior, for such a joy becomes painful to him.


De Coelo et de Inferno #410 (original Latin)

410. Quidam spiritus etiam desiderabant scire quid gaudium caeleste; ideo concessum est percipere illud ad eum gradum, ut non plus sustinere possent; sed usque non erat gaudium angelicum, vix erat sicut minimum angelicum, quod appercipere per communicationem datum est, erat tam leve ut fere frigidiusculum, quod tamen vocabant caelestissimum, quia erat intimum eorum inde constabat non solum quod gaudiorum caeli gradus sint, sed etiam quod intimum unius vix accedat ad ultimum aut medium alterius; tum quod cum aliquis intimum sui accipit, in gaudio suo caelesti sit, et quod adhuc interius non sustineat, eique dolorificum evadat.

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