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《天堂与地狱》 第412节





412. 几乎所有进入来世的人都不知道天堂的幸福和快乐是何性质. 因为他们不知道何为内在的喜乐, 或它是何性质; 唯有从肉体和世俗的欢喜快乐获得对它们的觉知. 他们所不知道的, 便以为什么也不是或不真实; 而事实上, 相比之下, 肉体和世俗的喜乐根本算不上什么. 因此, 为叫那些不知道何为天堂喜乐的诚实人知道并认识它, 他们首先被带到超乎其一切想象的花园中. 那时, 他们以为进入了天堂的乐园, 却被告知, 那还不是真正的天堂幸福. 于是, 他们被允许见识诸如能被他们的至内层所感知到的那种内层状态的喜乐. 然后他们又被带入直达其至内层的平安状态. 他们承认, 这一切丝毫无法描述, 甚至无法想象. 最后他们又被带入纯真的状态, 再次直达他们的至内在感受. 通过这种方式, 他们能认识到何为真正属灵和属天的良善.



412. 進入心靈世界之人, 幾乎都對天國之樂的性質一無所知。因為他們不知何為內在的快樂, 不瞭解其性質, 唯有以肉體和人間之樂來衡量。既不瞭解, 也就以為它虛幻不實。然事實上, 肉體和人間之樂相對而言根本微不足道。為讓他們有所領悟, 有不瞭解天國之樂的善人被帶到了超乎其想像的花園之中。他們以為自己進入了天國的樂園, 卻被告知, 那還不是真正的天國之樂。所以, 他們被允許進入更內在的快樂狀態, 直到他們有最深的感受。然後又被帶到平安的狀態, 直到他們有最深的感受。他們承認, 這一切都是不可言說也是不可思議的。然後, 他們又被帶到天真的狀態, 直到他們有最深的感受。通過這種方式, 他們得以認識何為真正屬靈屬天的良善。

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Heaven and Hell #412 (NCE, 2000)

412. Almost all the people who arrive in the other life are ignorant of the nature of heavenly bliss and happiness. This is because they do not know what inner joy is or what its quality is except on the basis of their grasp of physical and worldly good cheer and pleasure. Since they do not know about it they think it is not real, when in fact physical and earthly pleasures are nothing in comparison. So in order that they may know and recognize it, honest people who do not know what heavenly joy is are first taken to parks that surpass every image of their imagination. Just when they think that this is a heavenly paradise, they are told that this is not real heavenly happiness. So they are allowed to recognize deeper states of joy as these are perceptible to their deepest natures; and then they are transported into a state of peace that reaches their very inmost nature. They confess that no part of this can be expressed or even comprehended. Then they are taken into a state of innocence, again all the way to their own deepest feeling. In this way they are enabled to realize what real spiritual and heavenly goodness are.


Heaven and Hell #412 (Harley, 1958)

412. Scarcely any who enter the other life know what heavenly blessedness and happiness are, because they do not know what internal joy is, deriving their perception of it solely from corporeal and worldly gladness and joy. In consequence, what they are ignorant of they suppose to be nothing, when in fact corporeal and worldly joys are of no account in comparison. In order, therefore, that the well-disposed, who do not know what heavenly joy is, may know and realize what it is, they are taken first to paradisal scenes that transcend every conception of the imagination. They then think that they have come into the heavenly paradise; but they are taught that this is not true heavenly happiness. And so they are permitted to realize such interior states of joy as are perceptible to their inmost. They are then brought into a state of peace even to their inmost, when they confess that nothing of it is in the least expressible or conceivable. Finally, they are brought into a state of innocence even to their inmost sense. Thus, they are permitted to learn what truly spiritual and heavenly good is.


Heaven and Hell #412 (Ager, 1900)

412. Scarcely any who enter the other life know what heavenly blessedness and happiness are, because they do not know what internal joy is, deriving their perception of it solely from bodily and worldly gladness and joy; and in consequence what they are ignorant of they suppose to be nothing, when in fact bodily and worldly joys are of no account in comparison. In order, therefore, that the well disposed, who do not know what heavenly joy is, may know and realize what it is, they are taken first to paradisal scenes that transcend every conception of the imagination. They then think that they have come into the heavenly paradise; but they are taught that this is not true heavenly happiness; and they are permitted to realize such interior states of joy as are perceptible to their inmost. They are then brought into a state of peace even to their inmost, when they confess that nothing of it is in the least expressible or conceivable. Finally they are brought into a state of innocence even to their inmost sense. Thus they are permitted to learn what true spiritual and heavenly good is.


De Coelo et de Inferno #412 (original Latin)

412. Fere omnes qui in alteram vitam veniunt, ignorant quid beatitudo et felicitas caelestis, quia quid et quale gaudium internum nesciunt, solum ex laetitiis et gaudiis corporeis et mundanis perceptionem capiunt: quare quod ignorant. nihil esse putant, cum tamen gaudia corporea et mundana sunt nihili respective. Ideo probi, qui non sciunt quid gaudium caeleste, ut sciant et cognoscant, feruntur primum ad paradisiaca, quae omnem imaginationis ideam excedunt: tunc arbitrati venisse in paradisum caelestem, sed docentur quod id non sit felicitas vere caelestis quare datur iis cognoscere status interiores gaudii ad intimum eorum perceptibiles: dein auferuntur in statum pacis usque ad intimum eorum, fatentes tunc quod nihil ejus usquam expressibile sit, nec cogitabile: denique in statum innocentiae, etiam usque ad sensum eorum intimum. Inde nosse iis datur, quid vere bonum spirituale et caeleste.

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