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《天堂与地狱》 第411节





411. 一些并非邪恶的灵人处于沉寂状态, 如同沉睡; 其心智的内层以这种方式被提入天堂; 因为在其内层被打开之前, 灵人可被提入天堂, 被教导住在那里之人的幸福. 我看见他们沉寂了大约半个小时, 然后回到之前所在的外层, 还记得他们所看到的. 他们说, 他们在天堂天使当中, 在那里看见并领略了令人惊奇万分的绝妙事物; 这些事物都灿烂辉煌, 仿佛由金银和宝石制成, 造型精美, 品种繁多. 他们还说, 天使并不以这些外在事物本身为快乐, 只以它们所代表的事物为快乐, 因为这些事物是神性, 不可言喻, 具有无限的智慧; 这些才是他们的喜乐. 此外, 还有无数人类语言甚至无法描述其万分之一的事物, 这些事物不会落入含有物质事物的任何观念中.



411. 一些並不邪惡的靈進入了如睡眠一般的平靜狀態, 在此狀態下, 他們的靈魂內層被提到了天國。因為當靈魂的內層尚未開啟時, 靈可被帶入天國, 以體驗天人之樂。我看到他們在寂靜中有半個小時, 然後回到了外層的意識, 還記得剛才的所見所聞。他們說, 他們剛剛進到了天人當中, 看見了奇妙的事物, 全如金銀寶石一樣發光, 形狀迷人, 形態各異。他們說, 天人對這些外在的事物並無特別的興趣, 只對它們所代表的神聖的, 無限的, 不可說的智慧感興趣。那才是他們的快樂所在。此外, 還有無數非人間的語言所能形容的(連萬分之一也不能), 與物質觀念格格不入的事物。

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Heaven and Hell #411 (NCE, 2000)

411. Some spirits who were not evil settled down into a peaceful state, rather like sleep, and in this way were taken into heaven in respect to the deeper levels of their minds; for before the deeper levels of their minds are opened, spirits can be taken into heaven and taught about the happiness of the people who live there. I saw them rest quietly for half an hour and then return to the outer consciousness they had been in before, but with a memory of what they had seen. They said that they had been with angels in heaven and had seen and perceived stunning things all gleaming like gold and silver and precious gems, in amazing forms that varied bewilderingly. They said that the angels took no particular delight in these outward things but in what they represented - unutterable, divine things of infinite wisdom; these were their real joy. There were countless other things that human language could not describe, not a ten-thousandth part, things that would not fit into any concepts that had anything material about them.


Heaven and Hell #411 (Harley, 1958)

411. Certain spirits, not evil, sinking into a quiescence like sleep, were taken into heaven as to the interiors of their minds; for before their interiors have been opened, spirits can be taken into heaven and be taught about the happiness of those there. I saw them in the quiescent state for about half an hour, and afterwards they relapsed into their exteriors in which they were before, and also into a recollection of what they had seen. They said that they had been among the angels in heaven, and had there seen and perceived amazing things, all of which were resplendent as if made of gold, silver, and precious stones, in exquisite forms and in wonderful variety. They said also that angels were not delighted with the outward things themselves, but with the things they represented, which were Divine, ineffable, and of infinite wisdom, and that these were their joy, with innumerable other things that could not be described in human language even as to a ten-thousandth part, or fall into ideas which partake of anything material.


Heaven and Hell #411 (Ager, 1900)

411. Certain spirits, not evil, sinking into a quiescence like sleep, were taken up into heaven in respect to the interiors of their minds; for before their interiors are opened spirits can be taken up into heaven and be taught about the happiness of those there. I saw them in the quiescent state for about half an hour, and afterwards they relapsed into their exteriors in which they were before, and also into a recollection of what they had seen. They said that they had been among the angels in heaven, and had there seen and perceived amazing things, all of which were resplendent as if made of gold, silver, and precious stones, in exquisite forms and in wonderful variety; also that angels are not delighted with the outward things themselves, but with the things they represented, which were Divine, ineffable, and of infinite wisdom, and that these were their joy; with innumerable other things that could not be described in human language even as to a ten-thousandth part, or fall into ideas which partake of any thing material.


De Coelo et de Inferno #411 (original Latin)

411. Quidam spiritus non mali lapsi sunt in quietem, sicut in somnum, et sic quoad interiora, quae mentis eorum, translati sunt in caelum; nam spiritus, antequam interiora eorum aperta sunt, transferri possunt in caelum, ac erudiri de felicitate illorum qui ibi sunt. Vidi eos sic quievisse per semihorium, et dein relapsos in exteriora in quibus prius erant, et quoque tunc in recordationem eorum quae viderunt. Dicebant quod fuerint inter angelos in caelo, et quod ibi viderint et perceperint stupenda, omnia splendentia sicut ex auro, argento, et lapidibus pretiosis, in admirandis formis, quae variabantur mirabiliter et quod angeli non delectati sint ipsis externis, sed illis quae repraesentabant, quae erant Divina ineffabilia, et sapientiae infinitae, et haec fuerint illis gaudio; praeter innumera, quae linguis humanis ne quidem ad myriadis partem possent exprimi, nec cadere in ideas ubi aliquid materiale.

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