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《天堂与地狱》 第432节




{注1}:【英254】史威登堡常使用“灵”(spiritus, spirit)来表示人的生命的非物质方面,以及命名包含人的灵的整个非物质实相范畴。 “灵魂”(anima,soul)出现的频率较低,有时作为一个有区别的术语,有时作为一个澄清的同义词(例如,443-444446 中的短语“灵魂或灵”),并且较少作为他的心理学理论中的技术术语(见上文第30节注释【英49】)。



432. 四十五, 每个人就其内层而言, 都是一个灵

凡仔细思考问题的人都能看出, 进行思考的不是肉体, 而是灵魂, 因为肉体是物质的, 而灵魂是属灵的. 灵魂不朽一直是许多作家写作的主题, 而人的灵魂就是人的灵. 事实上, 属于它的一切都是不朽的, 在肉体里面进行思考的正是这灵, 因为它是属灵的; 属灵的接受属灵的, 并过属灵的生活, 也就是思考和意愿. 因此, 出现在肉体中的一切理性生命都属于灵魂, 无一属于肉体. 事实上, 正如刚才所说, 肉体是物质的, 适合肉体的物质是一个补充, 几乎是灵魂的附属物, 以便人的灵能在自然界活着并发挥功用; 而自然界的一切事物都是物质的, 本身没有生命. 活着的是灵, 而非物质; 由此可见, 凡在人里面的活物都是他的灵, 肉体只是服务于它, 就像工具服务于一个驱动的活力. 诚然, 我们可以说工具作工, 活动或敲打, 但若以为这些是工具的行为, 而非那利用工具作工, 活动或敲打之人的行为, 就错了.



432. 人是個靈

人若細心思考都能看出, 進行思維的不是肉體, 而是靈, 因為肉體是屬物質的, 而靈是屬心靈的。很多人曾探討靈魂不朽的話題, 該靈魂就是人的心靈或者靈。事實上, 它在各方面都是不朽的, 在肉體內進行思維的正是這靈。因為它是靈, 接受心靈的事物, 通過認知和意志進行心靈的活動, 所以, 人在肉身所進行的理智的活動, 全都屬於靈魂, 無一屬於肉體。事實上, 正如剛才所說, 肉體是屬物質的, 構成肉體的物質只是靈魂的附庸, 以便靈魂在全屬物質, 本無生命的物質世界服務其用。既然物質本無生命, 唯靈才有生命, 我們便可推斷, 在人身上活動的是靈, 肉體不過是一個使力的工具。我們可以說工具在運動, 敲打, 但若以為這是它本身的作為, 而非使用工具者的作為, 便是大錯特錯了。

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Heaven and Hell #432 (NCE, 2000)

432. Each of Us Is Inwardly a Spirit

Anyone who thinks things through carefully can see that it is not the body that thinks, because the body is material. Rather, it is the soul, because the soul is spiritual. The human soul, whose immortality has been the topic of many authors, is our spirit; it is in fact immortal in all respects, and it is also what does the thinking in our bodies. This is because it is spiritual and the spiritual is open to the spiritual and lives spiritually, through thought and intention. So all the rational life we can observe in our bodies belongs to the soul and none of it to the body. Actually, the body is material, as just noted, and the matter that is proper to the body is an addendum and almost an attachment to the spirit. Its purpose is to enable our spirit to lead its life and perform its services in a natural world that is material in all respects and essentially lifeless. Since matter is not alive - only spirit - we may conclude that whatever is alive in us is our spirit and that the body only serves it exactly the way a tool serves a live and activating force. We may of course say that a tool works or moves or strikes, but it is a mistake to believe that this is a property of the tool and not of the person who is wielding it.


Heaven and Hell #432 (Harley, 1958)


Whoever duly considers the subject can know that the body does not think, because it is material, but that the soul, which is spiritual, does. The soul of man, upon the immortality of which many have written, is his spirit, for this as to everything belonging to it is immortal. This also is what thinks in the body, for it is spiritual, and what is spiritual receives what is spiritual and lives spiritually, which is to think and to will. Therefore, all rational life that appears in the body belongs to the soul, and nothing of it to the body; for the body, as said above, is material, and the material, which is the property of the body, is added to and, as it were, almost adjoined to the spirit, in order that the spirit of man may be able to live and perform uses in the natural world, all things of which are material and in themselves devoid of life. And because the material does not live but only the spiritual, it can be established that whatever lives in man is his spirit, and that the body merely serves it, just as what is instrumental serves a moving living force. An instrument is said indeed to act, to move, or to strike; but to believe that these are acts of the instrument, and not of him who acts, moves, or strikes by means of the instrument, is a fallacy.


Heaven and Hell #432 (Ager, 1900)


Whoever duly considers the subject can see that as the body is material it is not the body that thinks, but the soul, which is spiritual. The soul of man, upon the immortality of which many have written, is his spirit, for this as to everything belonging to it is immortal. This also is what thinks in the body, for it is spiritual, and what is spiritual receives what is spiritual and lives spiritually, which is to think and to will. Therefore, all rational life that appears in the body belongs to the soul, and nothing of it to the body; for the body, as just said, is material, and the material, which is the property of the body, is added to and apparently almost joined to the spirit, in order that the spirit of man may be able to live and perform uses in the natural world, all things of which are material and in themselves devoid of life. And as it is the spiritual only that lives and not the material, it can be seen that whatever lives in man is his spirit, and that the body merely serves it, just as what is instrumental serves a moving living force. An instrument is said indeed to act, to move, or to strike; but to believe that these are acts of the instrument, and not of him who acts, moves, or strikes by means of the instrument, is a fallacy.


De Coelo et de Inferno #432 (original Latin)


Qui rite expendit, nosse potest quod corpus non cogitet, quia est materiale, sed quod anima quia est spiritualis. Anima hominis, de cujus immortalitate plures scripserunt, est spiritus ejus hic enim immortalis est quoad omnia sua hic quoque est qui cogitat in corpore nam spiritualis est, et spirituale recipit spirituale, ac spiritualiter vivit, quod est cogitare et velle. Omnis itaque vita rationalis, quae apparet in corpore, ejus est, et nihil corporis: corpus enim, ut supra dictum, est materiale, ac materiale, quod est proprium corporis, est adjectum et paene sicut adjunctum spiritui, ob causam ut spiritus hominis possit agere vitam et agere usus in naturali mundo, cujus omnia sunt materialia ac in se expertia vitae. Et quia materiale non vivit, sed modo spirituale, constare potest, quod quicquid vivit apud hominem, sit ejus spiritus, et quod corpus modo inserviat ei, prorsus sicut instrumentale vi moventi vivae: dicitur quidem de instrumento, quod agat, moveat, aut feriat; sed credere quod sit instrumenti, et non ejus qui per id agit, movet aut ferit, fallacia est.

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