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《天堂与地狱》 第525节





525. 那些从基督教界进入来世的人, 大多带有这样的信仰: 他们能凭脱离方法的怜悯得救, 并乞求那怜悯; 但当接受检查时, 却发现他们相信上天堂纯粹在于获得准许, 那些获准进入的人便处于天堂的喜乐. 他们完全不知道何为天堂, 何为天堂的喜乐, 因而被告知: 主不拒绝任何人上天堂, 他们若愿意, 就可以进入, 也能留在那里. 那些如此渴望的人也的确被准许进入了; 但一到达第一道门槛处, 他们就因触及一股天堂之热, 也就是天使所在的爱, 和一股天堂之光的流注, 也就是神性真理而感到内心如此痛苦, 以致他们在自己里面感受到的是地狱的折磨, 而非天堂的喜乐, 并在惊慌失措下一头栽了下去. 他们以这种方式通过活生生的经历被教导, 没有人能凭脱离方法的怜悯上天堂.



525. 很多進入心靈世界的基督徒以為他們能單憑上帝的憐憫得救, 因為這正是他們的訴求。當他們受到審視時, 證明他們相信上天國純粹在於上帝的允許, 誰能獲得允許, 誰就能享受天國之樂。他們對於何為天國, 何為天國之樂, 一無所知。他們被告知, 主不拒絕任何人上天國。只要他們願意, 就可以進入, 甚至住在那裡。事實上, 有的人被允許進入其中, 可就在他們跨入天國之門, 感受到天國之熱(即天人所專注之仁), 接觸到天國之光(即神性真理)時, 立時心如刀絞, 仿佛是在地獄受苦, 而非在天國享樂。震驚之餘, 他們趕緊跳入地獄。通過這種方式, 他們親身體驗到沒有人能單憑上帝的憐憫上天國。

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Heaven and Hell #525 (NCE, 2000)

525. Many people who arrive in the other life from the Christian world bring with them a faith that they are going to be saved out of straight mercy, because they plead for it. When they are examined, though, it turns out that they have believed that getting into heaven was simply a matter of being let in, and that people who had been admitted were in heavenly joy. They have had no notion of what heaven is or what heavenly joy is. So they are told that the Lord does not deny heaven to anyone. They can be let in if they wish and even stay there. Some who wanted to were actually let in; but at the very threshold, at the touch of heaven's warmth (that is, of the love angels are engaged in) and the inflow of heaven's light (which is divine truth), they were seized with such pain in the heart that they felt themselves in the torments of hell rather than in the joys of heaven. Struck by this, they plunged down headlong. In this way they were taught by firsthand experience that no one can enter heaven out of straight mercy.


Heaven and Hell #525 (Harley, 1958)

525. Most of those who come into the other life from the Christian world bring with them this belief that they can be saved as a result of immediate mercy, for they pray for that mercy; but when examined they are found to believe that coming into heaven is merely gaining admission, and that those who are let in are in heavenly joy, being wholly ignorant of what heaven is and what heavenly joy is. Consequently, they are told that the Lord denies heaven to no one, and that they can be admitted and can stay there if they desire it. Those who were so desirous were admitted; but as soon as they reached the first threshold they were seized with such anguish of heart from a draught of heavenly heat, which is the love in which angels are, and from an inflow of heavenly light, which is Divine Truth, that they felt in themselves infernal torment instead of heavenly joy, and, struck with dismay, they cast themselves down headlong. Thus they were taught by living experience that it is impossible to grant heaven to anyone as a result of immediate mercy.


Heaven and Hell #525 (Ager, 1900)

525. Most of those who enter the other life from the Christian world bring with them this belief that they can be saved by mercy apart from means, and pray for that mercy; but when examined they are found to believe that entering heaven is merely gaining admission, and that those who are let in are in heavenly joy. They are wholly ignorant of what heaven is and what heavenly joy is, and consequently are told that the Lord denies heaven to no one, and that they can be admitted and can stay there if they desire it. Those who so desired were admitted; but as soon as they reached the first threshold they were seized with such anguish of heart from a draught of heavenly heat, which is the love in which angels are, and from an inflow of heavenly light, which is Divine truth, that they felt in themselves infernal torment instead of heavenly joy, and struck with dismay they cast themselves down headlong. Thus they were taught by living experience that it is impossible to grant heaven to any one from mercy apart from means.


De Coelo et de Inferno #525 (original Latin)

525. Plerique, qui ex Christiano orbe in alteram vitam veniunt, secum illam fidem ferunt, quod salvandi sint ex immediata misericordia, nam illam implorant; at cum explorati sunt, compertum est, quod crediderint quod venire in caelum sit solum admitti, et quod qui intromittuntur, in gaudio caelesti sint prorsus nescientes quid caelum, et quid gaudium caeleste. Quapropter illis dictum est, quod a Domino nemini caelum negetur, et quod intromitti queant si desiderant, et quoque ibi morari. illi, qui hoc desiderabant, etiam admissi sunt sed cum in primo limine erant, ex afflatu caloris caelestis, qui est amor in quo sunt angeli, et ex influxu lucis caelestis, quae est Divinum verum, correpti sunt angore cordis tali, ut in se cruciatum infernalem loco gaudii caelestis apperceperint; ex quo perculsi, praecipites se inde conjecerunt. Ita per vivam experientiam instructi sunt, quod non alicui dari possit caelum ex immediata misericordia.

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