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《天堂与地狱》 第539节





539. 在灵界, 源于良善的真理是一切能力的源头, 源于邪恶的虚假则没有任何能力. 这是因为在天堂, 神性本身是神性良善与神性真理, 一切能力皆属于神性. 源于邪恶的虚假毫无能力可言, 因为源于良善的真理是一切能力的源头, 源于邪恶的虚假里面没有一丝源于良善的真理. 因此, 一切能力都在天堂, 丝毫不在地狱; 因为天堂里的每个人都处于源于良善的真理, 而地狱里的每个人都陷入源于邪恶的虚假. 事实上, 在处于源于良善的真理之前, 没有人被准许进入天堂; 在陷入源于邪恶的虚假之前, 也没有人被投入地狱. 这一事实可见于论述人死后的第一, 第二和第三个状态的章节(天国的奥秘 491-520节); 一切能力属于源于良善的真理, 这一点可见于天堂天使的大能那一章(天国的奥秘 228-233节).



539. 在心靈世界, 能力完全屬於善與理, 無一絲屬於惡與謬。因為在天國, 上帝的本質是聖善與聖理, 而一切能力都屬於上帝。惡與謬無一絲能力, 因為能力全屬於善與理, 惡與謬之中無絲毫善與理。正因如此, 能力全在天國, 無一絲在地獄。天國之眾皆因善而專注於理, 地獄之眾則全因惡而沉迷於謬。因為人只有因善而專注於理, 才會被接入天國, 也只有因惡而沉迷於謬, 才會被投入地獄。

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Heaven and Hell #539 (NCE, 2000)

539. All the power in the spiritual world belongs to benevolent truth and none whatsoever to malevolent falsity.

The reason all power belongs to what is good and true is that the essential divine nature in heaven is divine good and divine truth, and all power belongs to the Divine. Malevolent falsity has no power because all power belongs to benevolent truth, and there is no benevolent truth in malevolent falsity. This is why all the power is in heaven, and none in hell. Everyone in heaven is focused on what is true for the sake of the good, and everyone in hell is focused on what is false for the sake of what is evil. This is because no one is let into heaven until she or he is focused on what is true for the sake of good, and no one is cast into hell until she or he is focused on what is false for the sake of what is evil. In support of this, see the chapters where I dealt with our first, second, and third states after death (491-520); and on benevolent truth possessing power, see the chapter on the power of heaven's angels (228-233).


Heaven and Hell #539 (Harley, 1958)

539. All power in the spiritual world belongs to truth from good, and falsity from evil has no power whatever. All power belongs to truth from good because the Divine Itself in heaven is Divine Good and Divine Truth, and all power belongs to the Divine. Falsity from evil has no power whatever because everything belongs to truth from good, and in falsity from evil there is nothing of truth from good. That is why all power is in heaven, and none in hell; for everyone in heaven is in truths from good, and everyone in hell is in falsities from evil. For no one is admitted into heaven until he is in truths from good, neither is anyone cast down into hell until he is in falsities from evil. (That this is so can be seen in the sections treating of the first, second, and third states of man after death, 491-520; and that all power belongs to truth from good can be seen in the section on the power of the angels of heaven, 228-233.)


Heaven and Hell #539 (Ager, 1900)

539. In the spiritual world truth from good is the source of all power, and falsity from evil has no power whatever. This is because the Divine Itself in heaven is Divine good and Divine truth, and all power belongs to the Divine. Falsity from evil is powerless because truth from good is the source of all power, and in falsity from evil there is nothing of truth from good. Consequently in heaven there is all power, and none in hell; for everyone in heaven is in truths from good, and everyone in hell is in falsities from evil. For no one is admitted into heaven until he is in truths from good, neither is any one cast down into hell until he is in falsities from evil, (That this is so can be seen in the chapters treating of the first, second, and third states of man after death, Arcana Coelestia 491-520; and that all power belongs to truth from good can be seen in the chapter on the power of angels in heaven, 228-233)


De Coelo et de Inferno #539 (original Latin)

539. Omnis potentia in spirituali mundo est veri ex bono, et prorsus nulla potentia est falsi ex malo. Quod omnis potentia sit veri ex bono, est quia ipsum Divinum in caelo est Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum, ac Divino est omnis potentia. Quod prorsus nulla potentia sit falsi ex malo, est quia omnis est veri ex bono, et in falso ex malo est nihil veri ex bono. Inde est quod omnis potentia sit in caelo, ac nulla in inferno unusquisque enim in caelo in veris ex bono est, et unusquisque in inferno in falsis ex malo est: nam non prius aliquis in caelum admittitur quam cum in veris ex bono est nec prius aliquis in infernum dejicitur, quam cum in falsis ex malo est. (Quod ita sit, videatur in articulis, ubi actum est de primo, secundo et tertio Statu hominis post Mortem, 491-520; et quod omnis potentia sit veri ex bono, in articulo de Potentia angelorum caeli, 228-233).

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