570. 地狱之火是对自我和世界的爱, 故也是这些爱的一切欲望, 因为欲望是爱的延续. 凡人所爱的, 他就不断贪求. 地狱之火也是快乐, 因为当人得到他所爱或贪求的东西时, 就会感到快乐. 人内心的快乐并没有其它源头. 所以, 地狱之火是从这两种爱, 如从它的源头所涌出的欲望和快乐. 从这些爱所流出的邪恶就是蔑视他人, 敌对, 对那些不支持他们之人的敌意, 嫉妒, 仇恨, 报复, 以及由此而来的野蛮和残忍. 在神性方面, 他们否认, 随之蔑视, 嘲笑和贬损教会的神圣事物. 死后, 当人成为灵时, 这些邪恶就会变成反对这些神圣事物的怒气和仇恨(参看562节). 此外, 由于这些邪恶不断呼出对那些被他们视为敌人, 并对其充满仇恨和报复之人的毁灭和杀戮, 所以其生命的快乐是意欲毁灭和杀戮, 并尽可能地如此行, 也就是意欲行恶, 造成伤害, 施以残忍.
这就是圣言中论述恶人和地狱之处的“火”所表示的, 我在此从中引用一些经文加以证明:
各人是假冒为善的, 是行恶的, 并且各人的口都说愚妄的话. 邪恶像火焚烧, 烧灭荆棘和蒺藜, 在稠密的森林中着起来, 就旋转上腾, 成为烟柱. 百姓成为火柴, 无人怜爱兄弟. (以赛亚书 9:17-19)
在天上地下, 我要显出奇事, 有血, 有火, 有烟柱. 日头要变为黑暗. (约珥书 2:30-31)
大地成为烧着的石油, 昼夜总不熄灭, 烟气永远上腾. (以赛亚书 34:9-10)
看哪, 那日临近, 势如烧着的火炉. 凡狂傲的和行恶的必如碎秸, 那要来的日子, 必把他们烧尽. (玛拉基书 4:1)
巴比伦成了鬼魔的住处. 看见烧她的烟, 就喊着说. 她燃烧的烟往上冒, 直到世世代代. (启示录 18:2, 18; 19:3)
他开了无底坑, 便有烟从无底坑里往上冒, 好像大火炉的烟. 日头和天空, 都因这坑的烟昏暗了. (启示录 9:2)
有火, 有烟, 有硫磺, 从马的口中出来. 口中所出来的火与烟, 并硫磺, 这三样灾杀了人的三分之一部分. (启示录 9:17-18)
若有人拜兽, 他也必喝神烈怒的酒, 此酒斟在神愤怒的杯中纯一不杂. 他要在火与硫磺之中受痛苦. (启示录 14:9-10)
第四位天使把他的香瓶倒在日头上, 叫日头能用火以热烤人. 人被大热所烤. (启示录 16:8, 9)
他们被扔在烧着硫磺的火湖里. (启示录 19:20; 20:14, 15; 21:8)
凡不结好果子的树, 就砍下来, 丢在火里. (马太福音 3:10; 路加福音 3:9)
人子要差遣祂的使者, 把一切叫人跌倒的和作恶的, 从祂国里挑出来, 丢在火炉里. (马太福音 13:41-42, 50)
王又要向那左边的说: 你们这被诅咒的人, 离开我, 进入那为魔鬼和他的使者所预备的永火里去. (马太福音 25:41)
他们将被送到那永火里去, 在那里, 虫是不死的, 火是不灭的. (马太福音 18:8-9; 马可福音 9:43-49)
财主在地狱对亚伯拉罕说, 他在阴间受痛苦. (路加福音 16:24)
在这些和其它许多经文中, “火”表示属于自我之爱和尘世之爱的欲望, 由此而来的“烟”表示出于邪恶的虚假.
570. 地獄之火表我欲和物欲(或愛自己和愛世界), 也表從兩者所延伸出來的所有欲望。人愛什麼, 就始終渴求什麼。這是他的快樂所在。因為當人得償所欲時, 就感到快樂。快樂沒有其它來源。所以, 地獄之火包括從我欲和物欲所湧出的所有欲望和快樂。這些惡欲包括對他人的蔑視, 敵對, 妒忌, 仇恨, 報復, 其結果是殘暴和冷酷。他們否認上帝, 蔑視, 嘲笑, 褻瀆教會的聖事。死後, 當他成為靈, 對聖事的蔑視, 嘲笑, 褻瀆將轉變為憤怒和仇恨(562)。
再者, 惡人既始終意欲毀滅一切被他仇視的物件, 那麼其生命的興趣也就在於毀滅和殺戮, 如若做不到這一點, 就試圖加以傷害和強暴。
這正是聖言在論到惡人和地獄時所說地獄之火的含義。下面我引用一些經文, 以作證明:
各人是褻瀆的, 是行惡的, 並且各人的口都說愚妄的話。邪惡像火焚燒, 燒滅荊棘和蒺藜, 在稠密的樹林中著起來, 就成為煙柱, 旋轉上騰。百姓成為火柴, 無人憐愛兄弟。(以賽亞書9:17-19)
在天上地下, 我要顯出奇事, 有血, 有火, 有煙柱。日頭要變為黑暗。(約珥書2:30-31)
地土成為燒著的石油, 晝夜總不熄滅, 煙氣永遠上騰。(以賽亞書34:9-10)
那日臨近, 勢如燒著的火爐。凡狂傲的和行惡的必如碎秸, 在那日必被燒盡, 根本枝條一無存留。(瑪拉基書4:1)
巴比倫成了鬼魔的住處, 看見燒她的煙, 就喊著說:燒淫婦的煙往上冒, 直到永永遠遠。(啟示錄18:2, 18, 19:3)
他開了無底坑, 便有煙從坑裡往上冒, 好像大火爐的煙, 日頭和天空都因這煙昏暗了。(啟示錄9:2)
有火, 有煙, 有硫磺從馬的口中出來, 口中所出來的火與煙並硫磺, 這三樣災殺了人的三分之一。(啟示錄9:17-18)
若有人拜獸和獸像, 在額上或在手上受了印記, 這人也必喝神大怒的酒, 此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中純一不雜。他要在聖天人和羔羊面前, 在火與硫磺之中受痛苦。(啟示錄14:9-10)
第四位天人把碗倒在日頭上, 叫日頭能用火烤人, 人被大火所烤。(啟示錄16:9)
他們被扔在燒著硫磺的火湖裡。(啟示錄19:20, 20:14-15, 21:8)
凡不結好果子的樹, 就砍下來丟在火裡。(馬太福音3:10; 路加福音3:9)
人子要差遣使者, 把一切叫人跌倒的和作惡的從他國裡挑出來, 丟在火爐裡。(馬太福音13:41-42, 50)
王又要向那左邊的說:你們這被詛咒的人, 離開我, 進入那為魔鬼和他的使者所預備的永火裡去。(馬太福音25:41)
他們將被送到那不滅的火裡去, 在那裡, 蟲是不死的, 火是不滅的。(馬太福音18:8-9; 馬可福音9:43-49)
財主也死了, 並且埋葬了。他在陰間受痛苦, 舉目遠遠地望見亞伯拉罕, 又望見拉撒路在他懷裡, 就喊著說:我祖亞伯拉罕哪, 可憐我吧!打發拉撒路來, 用指頭尖蘸點水, 涼涼我的舌頭, 因為我在這火焰裡, 極其痛苦。(路加福音16:22-24)
570. Because hellfire is love for oneself and the world, it is also all the craving of those loves, since craving is love reaching out. Whatever we love we constantly crave, and it is our delight, since we feel delight when we get what we love or crave. There is no other source of our heart's delight. So hellfire is the craving and pleasure that well up from these two loves as its sources. These evils are contempt for others, enmity and hostility toward people who do not support us, envy, hatred, and vengefulness; and savagery and cruelty as a result. In respect to the Divine, they are denial and a consequent contempt, derision, and blasphemy of the sacred values of the church. After death, when we become spirits, these turn into rage and hatred against such values (see above, 562).
Further, since these evils are constantly breathing out the death and destruction of everyone we see as the enemy, of everyone who is the target of this blazing hatred and vengefulness, the delight of our lives is the intent to destroy and kill, or to the extent that we cannot do this, to inflict harm, to wound, and to savage.
[2] These are the meanings of fire in the Word when it deals with evil people and the hells. I should like to cite a few passages in support.
Everyone who is hypocritical and malicious, every mouth that utters folly, because it is aflame with malice as with fire, shall eat briars and brambles and kindle the thickets of the forest, and will rise up with the rising of smoke; and the inhabitants have become the food of fire, a man and his brother do not spare each other. ( 9:0[Isaiah 9:17-19])
I will make great portents in heaven and on earth - blood and fire and columns of smoke; the sun will turn into darkness. (Joel 2:30-31)
The earth will become burning pitch, night and day it will not be put out, its smoke will rise up forever. (Isaiah 34:9-10)
Behold, the day is coming that will burn like an oven, and all the proud and all that do wickedness will be stubble, and the coming day will burn them up. (Malachi 4:1)
Babylon has become the dwelling of demons, those who saw the smoke of her burning cried aloud, the smoke rose up forever and ever. (Revelation 18:2, 18; 19:2 [Revelation 19:3])
He opened the pit of the abyss and smoke came up out of the pit like the smoke of a huge furnace, and the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke from the pit. (Revelation 9:2)
From the mouth of the horses came forth fire and smoke and sulfur; and a third part of the people were killed by the fire and the smoke and the sulfur. ( [Revelation 9:17-18])
Whoever worships the beast will drink the wine of the wrath of God mixed with myrrh in the cup of his wrath and will be tortured with fire and sulfur. (Revelation 14:9-10)
The fourth angel poured out his vial on the sun, and it was allowed to burn people by fire with its heat, and so it scorched people with intense heat. (Revelation 16:8-9)
They were thrown into a swamp burning with fire and sulfur. (Revelation 19:20; 20:14-15, 21:8)
Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. (Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9)
The Human-born One will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom everything that gives offense and everyone who does iniquity and consign them to a furnace of fire. (Matthew 13:41-42, 50)
The king will say to those on his left, "Leave me, cursed ones, for the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matthew 25:4 [Matthew 25:41])
And they will be sent off into eternal fire, into a Gehenna of fire, where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched. (Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:43-49)
The rich man in hell said to Abraham that he was being tormented in flame. (Luke 16:24)
In these and many other passages fire means the craving of love for oneself and love of the world, and the smoke from the fire means the falsity that comes from this evil.
570. As infernal fire is the love of self and of the world it is also every lust of these loves, since lust is love in its continuity, for what a man loves he continually lusts after. Infernal fire is also delight, since what a man loves and lusts after, he perceives, when he obtains it, to be delightful. The man's delight of heart is from no other source. Infernal fire, therefore, is the lust and delight that spring from these two loves as their origins. The evils flowing from these loves are contempt of others, enmity, and hostility against those who do not favour them, envy, hatred, and revenge, and from these fierceness and cruelty; and in respect of the Divine they are denial and consequent contempt, derision, and detraction of the holy things that are of the Church; and after death, when man becomes a spirit, these evils are changed into anger and hatred against these holy things (see above, 562). And as these evils breathe forth continually the destruction and murder of those whom they account as enemies, and against whom they burn with hatred and revenge, so it is the delight of their life to will to destroy and kill, and so far as they are unable to do this, to will to do mischief; to injure, and to exercise cruelty.
[2] These are the things meant by "fire" in the Word, where the evil and the hells are treated of; some passages from which I would here quote as confirmation:
Every one is a hypocrite and an evil-doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For wickedness burneth as the fire; it devoureth the briers and thorns, and kindleth in the thickets of the forests, and they roll upward in the rising of smoke; and the people is become like food for fire; no man spareth his brother. Isaiah 9:17-19.
I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth blood and fire, and pillars of smoke; the sun shall be turned into darkness. Joel 2:30-31.
The land shall become burning pitch; it shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up forever. Isaiah 34:9-10.
Behold the day cometh burning as a furnace, and all the proud and every worker of wickedness shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall set them on fire.
Babylon is become a habitation of demons. They cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning. Her smoke goeth up unto the ages of the ages. Revelation 18:2, 18; 19:3.
He opened the pit of the abyss, and there went up a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke of the pit. Revelation 9:2.
Out of the mouth of the horses went forth fire and smoke and brimstone; by these was the third part of men killed, by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone. Revelation 9:17-18.
If anyone adores the beast he shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God mixed with pure wine 1in the cup of His anger, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone. Revelation 14:9-10.
The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire; therefore men were scorched with great heat. Revelation 16:8-9.
They were cast into a lake burning with fire and brimstone. Revelation 19:20; 20:14-15; 21:8.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire. Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9.
The Son of man shall send His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that cause stumbling and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire. Matthew 13:41-42, 50.
The King shall say to them that are on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41.
They shall be sent into everlasting fire, into the hell of fire, where their worm shall not die, and the fire shall not be quenched. Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:43-49.
The rich man in hell said to Abraham that he was tormented in flame. Luke 16:24.
In these and in many other passages "fire" means the lust pertaining to love of self and love of the world, and the "smoke" therefrom means falsity from evil.
1. "By wine mixed with pure wine in the cup of the wrath of God is signified conjunction with falsified truths of the literal sense of the Word ... pure wine
(nerum) as expressed in the original tongue is derived from a word which signifies 'to be inebriated' ... 'spiritually inebriated', delirious as to truths." APOCALYPSE EXPLAINED 887. Editor.
570. As infernal fire is the love of self and of the world it is also every lust of these loves, since lust is love in its continuity, for what a man loves he continually lusts after. Infernal fire is also delight, since what a man loves and lusts after he perceives, when he obtains it, to be delightful. Man's delight of heart is from no other source. Infernal fire, therefore, is the lust and delight that spring from these two loves as their origins. The evils flowing from these loves are contempt of others, enmity, and hostility against those who do not favor them, envy, hatred, and revenge, and from these fierceness and cruelty; and in respect to the Divine they are denial and consequent contempt, derision, and detraction of the holy things of the church; and after death, when man becomes a spirit, these evils are changed to anger and hatred against these holy things (see above, n. (Heaven and Hell 562). And as these evils breathe forth continually the destruction and murder of those whom they account as enemies, and against whom they burn with hatred and revenge, so it is the delight of their life to will to destroy and kill, and so far as they are unable to do this, to will to do mischief, to injure, and to exercise cruelty.
[2] Such is the meaning of "fire" in the Word, where the evil and the hells are treated of, some passages from which I will here quote in the way of proof:
Everyone is a hypocrite and an evil doer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For wickedness burneth as the fire; it devoureth the briers and thorns, and kindleth in the thickets of the forests, and they roll upward in the rising of smoke; and the people is become like food for fire; no man spareth his brother (Isaiah 9:17-19).
I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth blood and fire, and pillars of smoke; the sun shall be turned into darkness (Joel 2:30, 31).
The land shall become burning pitch; it shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up forever (Isaiah 34:9, 10).
Behold the day cometh burning as a furnace, and all the proud and every worker of wickedness shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall set them on fire (Conjugial Love 4[1]).
Babylon is become a habitation of demons. They cried out as they saw the smoke of her burning. Her smoke goeth up unto the ages of the ages (Revelation 18:2, 18; Revelation 19:3).
He opened the pit of the abyss, and there went up a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke of the pit (Revelation 9:2).
Out of the mouth of the horses went forth fire and smoke and brimstone; by these was the third part of men killed, by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone (Revelation 4:17, 18).
If any one adores the beast he shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God mixed with unmixed wine in the cup of His anger, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone (Revelation 16:9, 10).
The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire; therefore men were scorched with great heat (Revelation 16:8, 9).
They were cast into a lake burning with fire and brimstone (Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:14, 15; Revelation 21:8).
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire (Matthew 3:10; Luke 3:9).
The Son of man shall send His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that cause stumbling and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire (Matthew 13:41, 42, 50).
The King shall say to them that are on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).
They shall be sent into everlasting fire, into the hell of fire, where their worm shall not die, and the fire shall not be quenched (Matthew 18:8, 9; Mark 9:43-49).
The rich man in hell said to Abraham that he was tormented in flame (Luke 16:24).
In these and in many other passages "fire" means the lust pertaining to love of self and love of the world, and the "smoke" therefrom means falsity from evil.
570. Ignis infernalis, quia est amor sui et mundi, ita est omnis cupiditas quae illorum amorum, quoniam cupiditas est amor in suo continuo, nam quod homo amat hoc continue cupit; et quoque est jucunditas, nam quod homo amat seu cupit, cum id obtinet, jucundum percipit; non aliunde est homini jucundum cordis. Est itaque ignis infernalis cupiditas et jucunditas, quae ex binis illis amoribus, ut a suis originibus, scaturiunt. Mala illa sunt, contemptus aliorum, inimicitia et hostilitas contra illos qui sibi non favent est invidia, odium, et vindicta, et ex his saevitia et crudelitas; et quoad Divinum, est negatio, et inde contemptus, irrisio et blasphematio sanctorum, quae sunt ecclesiae, quae post mortem, cum homo fit spiritus, vertuntur in iram et odium contra illa (videatur supra, 562). Et quia mala illa continuo spirant destructionem et occisionem illorum quos pro inimicis habent, et in quos odio et vindicta flagrant, quapropter jucundum vitae eorum est velle destruere et occidere; et quantum non hoc possunt, velle damnum inferre, nocere, et saevire. Haec sunt quae intelliguntur per "ignem" in Verbo, ubi de malis et de infernis agitur, ex quo aliqua loca ad confirmationem velim afferre:--
"Unusquisque hypocrita et malitiosus, et omne os loquens stultitiam;... quia flagrat sicut ignis malitia, senticetum et vepretum comedit, et incendit implexa silvae, et elevant se elatione fumi;... et factus est populus cibus ignis, vir fratri suo non parcent," (Esaias 9:[16,] 17, 18 [B.A. 17-19]).
"Dabo prodigia in caelo et in terra, sanguinem, et ignem, et columnas fumi sol vertetur in tenebras," (Joel 3:3, 4 [B.A. 2:30-31]).
"Erit terra in picem ardentem; nocte et dic non exstinguetur, in aeternum, ascendet fumus ejus," (Esaias 34:9-10). "Ecce... dies veniens ardens sicut furnus, et erunt omnes superbi, et omnis faciens malitiam stipula, et inflammabit eos dies veniens," (Malachias 3:19 [B.A. 4:1).
"Babylon... facta est habitaculum daemonum;... clamabant videntes fumum combustionis ejus;... fumus ascendit in saecula saeculorum," (Apocalypsis 18:2, 18; 19:3). 1
"Aperuit puteum abyssi, unde ascendit fumus e puteo, sicut fumus fornacis magnae, et obscuratus est sol, et aer e fumo putei; (Apocalypsis 9:2).
"Ex ore equorum exivit ignis, fumus, et sulphur; ab his... occisi sunt tertia pars hominum, ab igne, et a fumo, et a sulphure," (Apocalypsis 9:17-18). 2
"Qui adorat bestiam... bibet ex vino irae Dei mixto mero in calice irae Ipsius, et cruciabitur igne et sulphure," (Apocalypsis 14:9-10).
"Quartus angelus effudit phialam suam in solem, et datum est illi aestu adurere homines per ignem, itaque aestuaverunt homines aestu magno," (16:[8,] 9).
"Conjecti sunt in stagnum ardens igne et sulphure," (Apocalypsis 19:20; 20:14-15; 21:8).
"Omnis arbor non faciens fructum bonum exscindetur, et in ignem conjicietur," (Matthaeus 3:10; Luca 3:9).
"Mittet Filius hominis angelos suos, qui colligent e regno Ipsius omnia offendicula, et eos qui faciunt iniquitatem, et mittent eos in caminum ignis," (Matthaeus 13:41-42, 50).
Rex "dicet... iis qui e sinistris, Discedite a Me maledicti in ignem aeternum paratum diabolo 3et angelis ejus," (Matthaeus 25:41). 4
Et mittentur "in ignem aeternum,... in gehennam ignis, ubi vermis eorum non morietur, et ignis non exstinguetur," (Matthaeus 18:8-9; Marcus 9:43-49).
Dives in inferno dixit ad Abrahamum, quod cruciaretur in flamma (Luca 16:24).
In his et in pluribus aliis locis per "ignem" intelligitur cupiditas quae amoris sui et mundi, et per "fumum" inde intelligitur falsum ex malo.