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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第12节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 12

12. There are good works that are civic, good works that are moral, and good works that are spiritual. Good works that are civic are things we do because of civic law. To the extent that we practice civic goodness, we are citizens of this earthly world. Good works that are moral are things we do because of rational law. To the extent that we practice moral goodness, we are human. Good works that are spiritual are things we do because of spiritual law. To the extent that we practice spiritual goodness, we are citizens of the spiritual world.

These types of goodness follow in this sequence: spiritual goodness is highest, moral goodness is intermediate, and civic goodness is lowest.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 12

12. Good may be civic good, moral good, or spiritual good. Civic good is the good that a person does in conformity with civil law. It is by means of this good and in the measure of it that a person is a citizen in the natural world.

Moral good is the good that a person does in conformity with rational law. It is by means of this good and in the measure of it that a person is human.

Spiritual good is the good that a person does in conformity with spiritual law. It is by means of this good and in the measure of it that a person is a citizen in the spiritual world.

These goods form a series in the following sequence: spiritual good is the highest good; moral good is an intermediate good; and civic good is the lowest good.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 12

12. There is civil good, moral good and spiritual good. Civil good is that which a man does when acting in conformity with the civil law; and by this good and according to it a man is a citizen in the natural world. Moral good is that which a man does when acting in conformity with rational law; and by this good and according to it he is a man. Spiritual good is that which a man does when acting in conformity with spiritual law; and by this good and according to it a man is a citizen in the spiritual world. These goods follow in this order: spiritual good is the highest, moral good is the middle and civil good is the lowest.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 12

12. There are civic good, moral good, and spiritual good. Civic good is that which a man does from the civic law: by means of and according to this good is the man a citizen in the natural world. Moral good is that which a man does from the law of reason: by means of and according to this good is he a man. Spiritual good is that which a man does from spiritual law: by means of and according to this good is he a citizen in the spiritual world. These goods succeed one another in the following order: spiritual good is the highest, moral good is intermediate, and civic good is last.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 12 (original Latin 1763)

12. Datur bonum civile, bonum morale, et bonum spirituale. Bonum civile est quod homo facit ex lege civili; per id bonum et secundum id est homo civis in mundo naturali. Bonum morale est quod homo facit ex lege rationali; per id bonum et secundum id est ille homo. Bonum spirituale est quod homo facit ex lege spirituali; per id bonum et secundum id est homo civis in mundo spirituali. Haec bona sequuntur in hoc ordine: bonum spirituale est supremum, bonum morale est medium, et bonum civile est ultimum.

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