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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第13节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 13

13. If we have spiritual goodness we are moral and civic individuals as well; but if we do not have spiritual goodness we may seem to be moral and civic individuals but in fact we are not.

The reason we are moral and civic if we have spiritual goodness is that spiritual goodness contains within itself the essence of what is good and is the source of moral and civic goodness. The only possible source of the real essence of goodness is the one who is goodness itself. Cast the net of your thinking as wide as you will, concentrate, and ask what makes good good, and you will see that it is its essence; a good deed is good if it has the essence of goodness within it. This means that a deed is good if it originates in goodness itself - in God. So if some good deed originates not in God but in ourselves, it is not good.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 13

13. A person possessing spiritual goodness is a moral person and also a civic one. On the other hand, a person without any spiritual goodness may appear to be a moral and civic person, but in fact he is not.

A person possessing spiritual goodness is a moral and civic person because spiritual goodness has in it the essence of goodness, and moral and civic goodness are derived from it.

The essence of goodness can only originate from Him who is goodness itself. Cast your thought in every direction, think hard, and ask yourself what makes goodness good, and you will see that it is what it has at its core, that something is good which has in it the essence of goodness, consequently that that goodness is good which originates from goodness itself, thus from God. And therefore that any goodness not originating from God, but from man, is not good.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 13

13. The man who is principled in spiritual good is a moral man and also a civil man; while the man who is not principled in spiritual good, appears as if he were a moral and civil man, but still he is not so. The man who is principled in spiritual good is a moral and civil man, because spiritual good has in itself the essence of good, and from this it has moral and civil good. The essence of good cannot come from any other source than from Him who is Good itself. Give to thought its freest range, exert it to the utmost and inquire whence it is that good is good, and you will see that it is from its esse (that is, its very being), and that this is good which has in it the very being of good; consequently that this is good which is from Good itself, that is, from God; and consequently that good, which is not from God, but from man, is not good.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 13

13. A man who possesses spiritual good is also a moral man and a civic man; but a man who does not possess spiritual good may appear to be a moral man and a civic man, yet is not so. The reason why a man who possesses spiritual good is also a moral man and a civic man, is that spiritual good has the essence of good within it, and moral and civic good have this essence from spiritual good. The essence of good can be from no other source than Him who is good itself. Think the matter over from every point of view, and try to find out from what it is that good is good, and you will see that it is so from its inmost being [esse], and that that is good which has within it the esse of good; consequently that that is good which is from good itself, thus from God; and therefore that good which is not from God, but from man, is not good.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 13 (original Latin 1763)

13. Homo cui est bonum spirituale, est homo moralis et quoque homo civilis; at homo cui non est bonum spirituale, apparet sicut sit homo moralis et civilis, sed usque non est. Quod homo cui est bonum spirituale, sit homo moralis et civilis, est quia bonum spirituale essentiam boni in se habet, et ex illo bonum morale et civile. Essentia boni non potest dari aliunde, quam ab Ipso qui est ipsum Bonum. Effunde cogitationem quaquaversum, intende, et inquire, unde bonum est bonum, et videbis quod sit a suo esse, et quod id sit bonum quod esse boni in se habet, consequenter quod id sit bonum, quod est ab ipso Bono, ita a Deo; consequenter quod bonum non a Deo, sed ab homine, non bonum sit.

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