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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第14节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 14

14. You can see from what it says in 27, 28, and 38 of Teachings on Sacred Scripture that what is first, what is intermediate, and what is last make a single entity like a purpose, a means, and a result; and because they do make a single entity, the purpose itself is called the primary purpose, the means is an intermediate purpose, and the result is the final purpose. So you must see that for us, if we have spiritual goodness, our moral goodness is spiritual on the intermediate level, and our civic goodness is spiritual on the lowest level.

That is why, as already noted, if we have spiritual goodness we are moral and civic individuals as well; but if we do not have spiritual goodness we are neither moral nor civic but only seem to be. We seem to be to ourselves and to others as well.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 14

14. From what we said in The Doctrine Regarding the Sacred Scripture 27, 28, and 38, it may be seen that the highest, intermediate and lowest in a series form a unit, like end, cause and effect; and that because they form a unit, the end itself may be termed the first end, the cause the intermediate end, and the effect the last end.

It will be apparent from this that in the case of a person possessing spiritual goodness, the moral good in him is an intermediate spiritual goodness, and the civic good a final spiritual goodness.

That, now, is why we say that a person possessing spiritual goodness is a moral person and also a civic one. And that a person without any spiritual goodness is not a moral person, nor a civic one, but only appears to be, appearing so to himself and also to others.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 14

14. From what is said in DOCTRINE CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 27-28, 38, it may be seen that the highest, the middle and the lowest make one, like end, cause and effect; and that, because they make one, the end itself is called the first end, the cause the middle end, and the effect the last end. Hence it will be evident that in the man who is principled in spiritual good, moral good in him is middle spiritual good, and civil good is lowest spiritual good. Hence then it is, as has been said above, that the man who is principled in spiritual good is a moral man, and a civil man; and that the man who is not principled in spiritual good is neither a moral man nor a civil man, but only appears as if he were: he appears to be so to himself and also to others.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 14

14. From what has been said in the DOCTRINE CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 27-28, 38), it may be seen that what is highest, what is intermediate, and what is last, make a one, like end, cause, and effect; and that because they make a one, the end itself is called the first end, the cause the intermediate end, and the effect the last end. From this it must be evident that in the case of a man who possesses spiritual good, what is moral in him is intermediate spiritual, and what is civic is ultimate spiritual. And for this reason it has been said that a man who possesses spiritual good is also a moral man and a civic man; and that a man who does not possess spiritual good is neither a moral man nor a civic man, although he may appear to be so both to himself and to others.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 14 (original Latin 1763)

14. Ex illis quae in Doctrina de Scriptura Sacra 27, 28, 38, dicta sunt, videri potest, quod supremum, medium et ultimum faciant unum, sicut finis, causa et effectus; et quod quia faciunt unum, ipse finis dicatur finis primus, causa finis medius, et effectus finis ultimus. Inde patebit, quod apud hominem cui bonum spirituale est, morale apud illum sit spirituale medium, ac quod civile sit spirituale ultimum. Inde nunc est, quod dictum sit, quod homo, cui est bonum spirituale, sit homo moralis et homo civilis; et quod homo, cui non est bonum spirituale, non sit homo moralis, nec civilis, sed quod modo appareat sicut sit. Apparet sibi et quoque aliis.

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