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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第15节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 15

15. The reason we can still think and therefore talk rationally, like spiritual people, even when we ourselves are not spiritual is that our understanding can be raised into heaven's light, which is truth, and can see things on that basis. However, our will cannot in the same way be lifted into heaven's warmth, which is love, and act on that basis.

That is why truth and love are not united in us unless we are spiritual. It is also why we possess the power of speech. This actually is what differentiates us from animals. It is because our understanding can be raised into heaven when our will has not yet been raised that we can be reformed and can become spiritual. We are not reformed and do not become spiritual, though, until our will has been raised.

Because at first our understanding has more of this ability than our will does, we are able to think and therefore talk rationally like spiritual people no matter what our nature, even if we are evil. However, the reason we are not rational is that our understanding does not lead our will. Rather, our will leads our understanding, as noted in 115 of Teachings on Sacred Scripture. All understanding does is teach us and show us the way; and as long as our will is not one with our understanding in heaven, we are not spiritual and therefore are not rational. You see, when we are left to our will or love, then we toss out our rational thinking about God, heaven, and eternal life and instead pick up whatever agrees with our will or love and call this "rational." But this will be given further attention in the works on angelic wisdom.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 15

15. A person who is not spiritual can still think rationally and so speak rationally, like a spiritual person, because a person’s intellect can be raised into the light of heaven, which is truth, and see in that light. But a person’s will cannot in the same way be raised into the warmth of heaven, which is love, and be impelled to act by it.

That is why truth and love do not operate together in a person unless he is spiritual. It is also why a person can speak. It is also responsible for the difference between man and animal. The fact that his intellect can be raised into heaven and not yet his will is what makes it possible for a person to be reformed and become spiritual; but he is then for the first time reformed and becomes spiritual when his will is raised as well.

It is because of this ability of the intellect, above and beyond that of the will, that a person, whatever his character, even if he is evil, can think rationally and so speak rationally, like a spiritual one. But he is still not a rational person, because the intellect does not lead the will, but the will leads the intellect. The intellect only informs and shows the way, as we said in The Doctrine Regarding the Sacred Scripture 115. Moreover, as long as the will is not together with the intellect in heaven, the person is not a spiritual one, and so not a rational one either; for when he is left to his will or his love, he throws aside the rational considerations of his intellect regarding God, heaven, and eternal life, and instead adopts views in harmony with his will’s love, calling them rational.

But these matters will be seen explained in treatises on Angelic Wisdom.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 15

15. A man who is not spiritual can yet think and consequently speak rationally like a spiritual man, because man's understanding can be elevated into the light of heaven, which is truth, and can see by that light; but man's will cannot be similarly elevated into the heat of heaven, which is love, and act from that heat. Hence it is that truth and love do not make one in a man unless he is spiritual. Hence also it is that man can speak; and this also forms a distinction between man and beast. It is through this capability of the understanding to be elevated into heaven, (but not yet of the will), that man can be reformed and become spiritual; but he is first reformed and becomes spiritual when the will also is elevated. From this faculty belonging to the understanding over that of the will, a man can think, and thence speak, rationally like one who is spiritual, whatever his quality may be, even though he should be principled in evil. Nevertheless he is not rational, because the understanding does not lead the will, but the will the understanding, the latter only teaching and showing the way; as is stated in DOCTRINE CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 115. As long, therefore, as the will is not in heaven along with the understanding, the man is not spiritual, and consequently not rational. For when he is left to his own will, or his own love, he rejects the rational ideas of his understanding concerning God, heaven and eternal life, and in their place he adopts such ideas as agree with the love of his will, and these he calls rational. But further consideration of these matters will be seen in the treatises on Angelic Wisdom.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 15

15. That a man who is not spiritual can yet think rationally and speak from that thought, like a spiritual man, is because man's understanding can be uplifted into the light of heaven, which is truth, and can see from it; but his will cannot be in the same way uplifted into the heat of heaven, which is love, so as to act from that heat. It is for this reason that truth and love do not make a one in a man unless he is spiritual. And it is for this reason also that man can speak; and it is this which makes the difference between a man and a beast. It is by means of this capacity of the understanding to be uplifted into heaven when as yet the will is not so uplifted, that it is possible for a man to be reformed and to become spiritual; but he does not begin to be reformed and become spiritual until his will also is uplifted. It is from this superior endowment of the understanding over the will, that a man, of whatever character he may be, even if evil, is able to think and therefore to speak rationally, as if he were spiritual. That still in spite of this he is not rational, is because the understanding does not lead the will, but the will leads the understanding. The understanding merely teaches and shows the way, as has been said in the DOCTRINE CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 115. And so long as the will is not in heaven together with the understanding, the man is not spiritual, and consequently is not rational; for when he is left to his will or love, he throws off the rational things of his understanding respecting God, heaven, and eternal life, and adopts in their stead such things as are in agreement with his will's love, and these he calls rational. But these matters shall be elucidated in the treatises on Angelic Wisdom.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 15 (original Latin 1763)

15. Quod homo, qui non spiritualis est, usque possit rationaliter cogitare et inde loqui, sicut spiritualis homo, est quia intellectus hominis potest elevari in lucem caeli, quae est veritas, et ex illa videre; sed voluntas hominis non potest similiter elevari in calorem caeli, qui est amor, et ex illo facere. Inde est, quod veritas et amor non unum faciant apud hominem, nisi spiritualis sit; inde etiam est quod homo possit loqui; hoc etiam facit discrimen inter hominem et inter bestiam. Per hoc quod intellectus possit elevari in caelum, cum adhuc non voluntas, est quod homo possit reformari et spiritualis fieri; sed tunc primum reformatur et spiritualis fit, quando etiam voluntas elevatur. Ex illa dote intellectus prae dote voluntatis, est, quod homo, qualiscunque sit, etiam malus, possit rationaliter cogitare et inde loqui, sicut spiritualis; sed quod non usque rationalis sit, est quia intellectus non ducit voluntatem, sed voluntas intellectum; intellectus modo docet et monstrat viam, ut in Doctrina de Scriptura Sacra 115 dictum est; et quamdiu voluntas non una cum intellectu est in caelo, homo non est spiritualis, et inde nec rationalis; nam cum relinquitur suae voluntati seu suo amori, tunc rationalia intellectus sui de Deo, de caelo, et de vita aeterna, ejicit, et loco illorum assumit talia quae cum voluntatis ejus amore concordant, et illa vocat rationalia. Sed haec videnda erunt in transactionibus de Sapientia Angelica.

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