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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第21节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 21

21. This makes it very clear that to the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds we are with the Lord and in the Lord; and to the extent that we are in the Lord the good deeds we do come not from ourselves but from the Lord. This yields the following general law: To the extent that we turn our backs on evil deeds, we do good deeds.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 21

21. It is clearly apparent from this that insofar as a person refrains from evils, so far he is in the Lord’s presence and in the Lord, and that insofar as he is in the Lord, so far he does good, not of himself, but from the Lord.

This results, then, in the general law, that insofar as someone refrains from evils, so far he does good.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 21

21. From these considerations it is clearly manifest that so far as a man shuns evils, so far is he with the Lord and in the Lord; and so far as he is in the Lord, so far he does good, not from himself but from the Lord. Hence results this general law: SO FAR AS ANY ONE SHUNS EVILS, SO FAR HE DOES WHAT IS GOOD.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 21

21. It is plainly evident from all this that in proportion as a man shuns evils, in the same proportion is he with the Lord and in the Lord; and that in proportion as he is in the Lord, in the same proportion he does goods, not from self but from Him. From this results the general law: IN PROPORTION AS ANY ONE SHUNS EVILS, IN THE SAME PROPORTION HE DOES GOODS.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 21 (original Latin 1763)

21. Ex his manifeste patet, quod quantum homo fugit mala, tantum apud Dominum et in Domino sit; et quantum in Domino est, tantum faciat bona non a se, sed a Domino. Inde haec communis Lex resultat,- Quod quantum quis fugit mala, tantum faciat bona.

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