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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第46节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 46

46. When we are evil, our faith is an intellectual faith that has nothing good in it from our will. As a result, it is a dead faith that is like breathing with our lungs but without any life from our heart (our understanding corresponds to our lungs and our will corresponds to our heart). It is also like an alluring whore, decked out with rouge and jewels, who has a virulent disease within. In fact, whores correspond to the distortion of what is true and therefore have that meaning in the Word.

It is also like a tree with lush foliage that does not bear fruit, a tree that the gardener cuts down. A tree stands for a person, too, its flowers and leaves meaning the truths we believe and its fruit meaning our love for doing good.

But the faith residing in our understanding is different if it has within itself a goodness that comes from our will. It is alive and is like the breathing of our lungs that has its life from our heart. It is also like an attractive wife who is loved by her husband because of her chastity, and like a tree that is fruitful.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 46

46. The faith of an evil person is an intellectual faith which has nothing good in it from the will. It is accordingly a lifeless faith, like the respiration of the lungs devoid of any life from the heart. The intellect moreover corresponds to the lungs, and the will to the heart.

It is also like a beautiful harlot, even one adorned in purple and gold, who inwardly is filled with a malignant disease. A harlot moreover corresponds to the falsification of truth, and so has that symbolism in the Word.

The faith of an evil person is like a tree as well, with lots of leaves, but not bearing any fruit, which the gardener cuts down. A tree also symbolizes a person, its leaves and flowers symbolizing the person’s truths, and its fruits the goodness of his love.

Different, however, is faith in the intellect which has present in it goodness from the will. This faith is a living faith, and it is like the respiration of the lungs which has in it life from the heart. It is also like a beautiful wife loved by her husband for her chasteness. And it is like a tree bearing fruit.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 46

46. The faith of a wicked man is an intellectual faith, in which there is nothing of good from the will. Thus it is a dead faith, which is like the respiration of the lungs without its animation from the heart. The understanding moreover corresponds to the lungs and the will to the heart. It is also like a beautiful harlot, adorned even with purple and gold, who is inwardly full of malignant disease. A harlot moreover corresponds to the falsification of truth, and consequently signifies that in the Word. Again, it is like a tree abounding with leaves and yielding no fruit, which the gardener cuts down. A tree moreover signifies man, its leaves and blossoms the truths of faith, and its fruit the good of love. But it is otherwise with faith in the understanding in which there is good from the will. This faith is alive and is like the respiration of the lungs in which there is animation from the heart; and it is like a beautiful wife whom chastity endears to her husband; and it is like a tree that bears fruit.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 46

46. The faith of an evil man is an intellectual faith, in which there is nothing of good from the will. Thus it is a dead faith, which is like the breathing of the lungs without there being any life or soul in it from the heart. Moreover the understanding corresponds to the lungs, and the will to the heart. Such faith is also like a good-looking harlot dressed up in crimson and gold, but full of disease and corruption. A harlot also corresponds to the falsification of truth, and therefore in the Word signifies it. Such faith is also like a tree luxuriant in foliage but barren of fruit, which the gardener cuts down. A tree moreover signifies a man, its leaves and blossoms signify the truths of faith, and its fruit the good of love. But very different is that faith in the understanding which has in it good from the will. This faith is living, and is like a breathing of the lungs in which there is life and soul from the heart. It is also like a lovely wife whose chastity endears her to her husband. It is also like a tree that bears fruit.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 46 (original Latin 1763)

46. Fides hominis mali est fides intellectualis, cui nihil boni ex voluntate inest: ita est fides mortua, quae est sicut spiratio pulmonaris absque anima ejus ex corde; intellectus etiam correspondet pulmoni, et voluntas cordi. Est quoque sicut pulchra meretrix, etiam ornata purpura et auro, quae interius maligna tabe scatet; meretrix etiam correspondet falsificationi veri, et inde in Verbo significat illam. Est etiam sicut arbor luxurians foliis, et non dans fructus, quam hortulanus exscindit; etiam "arbor" significat hominem, "folia," et "flores" ejus vera fidei, et "fructus" bonum amoris. Alia vero est fides in intellectu, cui bonum ex voluntate inest: haec fides est viva; et est sicut respiratio pulmonaris, cui anima est ex corde; et est sicut pulchra uxor amabilis viro ex castitate; et est sicut arbor fructifera.

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