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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第47节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 47

47. There are many things that seem to require faith only, such as the existence of God, the Lord who is God being our Redeemer and Savior, the reality of heaven and hell, life after death, and any number of other issues. We describe them not as things to be done but as things to be believed. Yet even these matters of faith are dead if we are focused on what is evil, but alive if we are focused on what is good.

This is because when we are focused on what is good we not only behave well because of our will but also think well because of our understanding; this not only in front of others, in public, but also in our own sight, when we are alone. It is different when we are focused on what is evil.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 47

47. Many tenets seem to be matters only of faith, such as the existence of God, the Lord’s being God and our savior and redeemer, the existence of heaven and hell, the reality of life after death, and much else, which we are told are not things to be done, but things to be believed. These, too, are lifeless tenets of faith in a person prompted by evil, but living in a person prompted by goodness.

The reason is that a person prompted by goodness not only lives right from the will, but also thinks right from the intellect, not only in the eyes of the world, but also to himself when he is alone. Not so, someone prompted by evil.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 47

47. There are many truths which appear to pertain to faith only; as, that there is a God, that the Lord, who is God, is the Redeemer and Saviour; that there is a heaven and a hell; that there is a life after death; and many others, of which it is not said that they are to be done, but that they are to be believed. These truths which pertain to faith are also dead with the man who is principled in evil, but alive with the man who is principled in good. The reason is, that the man who is principled in good does well from the will, and also thinks well from the understanding not only before the world but also before himself, when he is alone. It is otherwise with the man who is principled in evil.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 47

47. There are many things that appear to be mere matters of faith, such as that there is a God; that the Lord, who is God, is the Redeemer and Saviour; that there is a heaven and a hell; that there is a life after death; and many other things of which it is not said that they are to be done, but that they are to be believed. These things of faith also are dead with a man who is in evil, but are living with a man who is in good. The reason is that a man who is in good not only acts aright from the will but also thinks aright from the understanding, and this not only before the world but also before himself when he is alone. Not so a man who is in evil.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 47 (original Latin 1763)

47. Plura sunt quae apparent solius fidei esse; sicut quod Deus sit, quod Dominus qui Deus sit Redemptor et Salvator, quod caelum et infernum sint, quod vita post mortem sit; et plura alia, de quibus non dicitur quod facienda, sed quod credenda. Haec fidei etiam mortua sunt apud hominem qui in malo est, sed viva apud hominem qui in bono est. Causa est, quia homo qui in bono est, non modo facit bene ex voluntate, sed etiam cogitat bene ex intellectu, non solum coram mundo, sed etiam coram se cum solus est: aliter qui in malo est.

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