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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第48节





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Life (Dole translation 2014) 48

48. As just mentioned, these beliefs seem to require faith only. But the thinking in our understanding is a manifestation of the love that belongs to our will; that love is the underlying reality of the thinking in our understanding (see John 6:29). Believing in the Lord is not simply thinking that he exists but is also doing what he says, as he tells us elsewhere [Matthew 7:24].

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 48

48. We say that these tenets seem to be matters only of faith, but the thought of the intellect takes its expression from the will’s love, which is the essence of the thought in the intellect, as we said in no. John 6:28-29).

To believe in the Lord is not only to think that He exists, but also to do what He says, as He teaches elsewhere.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 48

48. It was stated that these truths appear to pertain to faith only; but the thought of the understanding derives its existence (existere) from the love of the will, and this love is the being (esse) of the thought in the understanding, as was said above in No. John 6:29.

To believe on the Lord is not only to think that He is, but also to do His words, as He teaches elsewhere.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 48

48. We have said that these things appear to be mere matters of faith. But the thought of the understanding derives its coming into manifest being [trahit suum existere] from the love of the will, which is the inmost being [qui est esse] of the thought in the understanding, as has been said above (n. John 6:28-29).

To "believe in the Lord" is not only to think that He is, but also to do His words, as He teaches elsewhere.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 48 (original Latin 1763)

48. Dictum est, quod illa appareant solius fidei esse; sed cogitatio intellectus trahit suum existere ex amore voluntatis, qui est esse cogitationis in intellectu, ut supra (43) dictum est: quod enim quis ex amore vult, hoc vult facere, vult cogitare, vult intelligere, et vult loqui; seu quod idem, quod quis ex voluntate amat, hoc amat facere, amat cogitare, amat intelligere, et amat loqui. Accedit, cum homo fugit malum ut peccatum, tunc ille in Domino est, ut supra ostensum, et Dominus operatur omnia: quare Dominus, ad interrogantes Ipsum quid facerent ut operarentur opera Dei, dixit,

"Hoc opus Dei est, ut credatis in Ipsum quem misit Ille" (Johannes 6:28-29):

"credere in Dominum," non est modo cogitare quod Ipse sit, sed etiam est facere verba Ipsius, ut alibi docet.

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