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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第49节



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Life (Dole translation 2014) 49

49. People who are caught up in evil do not have any faith even though they believe that they do, as I have been shown by seeing some people of this sort in the spiritual world. They were brought into a heavenly community, which caused the spiritual side of the angels' faith to enter into the deeper levels of the faith of the visitors. This made the visitors aware of the fact that all they had was an earthly or outward faith and not its spiritual or inner side. So they themselves admitted that they had no faith whatever and that in the world they had convinced themselves that if they thought something was true for any reason at all, that was "believing" or "having faith."

The faith of people who have not been devoted to evil, though, looks very different.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 49

49. People caught up in evils do not have faith, however much they may think they do. This was shown to me in the case of people like this in the spiritual world. They were conducted into a society of heaven, and as a consequence the spiritual nature of the angels’ faith entered into the inner constituents of the faith of those who had been brought there, causing them to perceive that they had only the natural or external content of faith, and not a spiritual or internal one. They themselves confessed, therefore, that they had no faith at all, and that they had persuaded themselves in the world that to think something to be so for whatever reason was to believe or have faith.

But the faith of people not prompted by evil was perceived differently.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 49

49. That those who are in evils have no faith, however they may imagine that they have, has been shown by instances of such in the spiritual world. They were conducted to a heavenly society from which the spiritual principle of the faith of the angels entered into the interiors of the faith of those who had been conducted thither; and by this the angels perceived that they had only a natural or external principle of faith and not its spiritual or internal principle.

Therefore they themselves confessed that they had no faith at all; and that they had persuaded themselves when in the world, that to think that a thing is so, for any reason, was to believe, or to have faith. But the faith of those who were not principled in evil was perceived to be something quite different.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 49

49. That those who are in evils have no faith, no matter how much they may suppose themselves to have it, has been shown in the spiritual world in the case of persons of this character. They were brought into a heavenly society, which caused the spiritual sphere of faith as existing with the angels to enter into the interiors of their faith, and the result was that the angels perceived that those persons possessed only what is natural or external of faith, and not what is spiritual or internal of it, and therefore those persons themselves confessed that they had nothing whatever of faith, and that in the world they had persuaded themselves that to believe or have faith consists in thinking a thing to be true, no matter what the ground for so thinking. Very different was perceived to be the faith of those who had not been in evil.

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 49 (original Latin 1763)

49. Quod qui in malis sunt, non fidem habeant, utcunque putant se habere, ostensum est apud tales in mundo spirituali: deducti sunt in societatem caelestem, unde spirituale fidei angelorum intravit in interiora fidei illorum qui eo deducti sunt; ex quo hi perceperunt, quod illis modo naturale seu externum fidei esset, et non spirituale seu internum ejus: quare ipsi confessi sunt, quod prorsus nihil fidei haberent, et quod persuaserint sibi in mundo, quod cogitare quod ita sit, ex omni causa, esset credere seu fidem habere. Sed aliter percepta est fides illorum, qui non in malo fuerunt.

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