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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第112节




112、信仰就是热爱真理,渴望按照真理的教导而行,因为它是真理。 因为是真理而渴望依之而行,就是人灵性的具体展现。这是对人的属世本性的超越。在属世的本性下,人也会热衷于按照真理的教导行事,不是因为真理的缘故,而是为了自己的赞誉、名声或利益。从属世的关切中超越出来的真理是属灵的,因为它来自神。来自神的都是属灵的,通过爱与人联合,爱是灵性的合一。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 112

112. Faith is a passion for truth that comes from wanting to do what truth teaches because it is the truth; and wanting to do what truth teaches because it is the truth is the very definition of human spirituality. That is, it transcends our earthly nature, which involves our wanting to do what truth teaches not because it is the truth but for the sake of praise or fame or profit for ourselves. Truth detached from such concerns is spiritual because it comes from the Divine. Whatever comes from the Divine is spiritual, and this is joined to us through love because love is a spiritual joining together.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 112

112. Faith is a love for truth that we have from wanting the truth just because it is true. Wanting the truth because it is true is what spirituality actually is. It is detached from materialistic thinking, which is wanting truth not for its own sake, but to build up our own fame, reputation, or profit. When truth is detached from these kinds of things, it is spiritual, since it comes from the divine. Everything that comes from the divine is spiritual and is united with us through love. Love is spiritual union.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 112

112. Faith is an affection for truth resulting from willing truth because it is true; and willing truth because it is true is the essence of a person's spirituality. For then it is withdrawn from the natural, which is willing truth, not for its own sake, but for the sake of one's own glory, reputation or gain. Truth withdrawn from such things is spiritual truth, because it comes from the Deity. What proceeds from the Deity is spiritual, and this is linked to people by love; for love is spiritual linking.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 112

112. Faith is the affection of truth which arises from willing the truth because it is true; and willing the truth because it is true, constitutes a man's Spiritual; for this is entirely apart from a man's Natural, which consists in willing the truth not because it is true, but for the sake of personal glory, reputation, or gain. Truth abstractedly from such things constitutes the Spiritual, because it is from the Divine. That which proceeds from the Divine is the Spiritual; and this is conjoined to a man through love; for love is spiritual conjunction.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 112

112. Faith is the affection of truth from willing truth because it is truth; and to will truth because it is truth is the spiritual itself of man; for it is abstracted from the natural, which is to will truth not for the sake of truth, but for the sake of one's own glory, reputation, or gain. Truth withdrawn from such things is spiritual, because it is from the Divine. That which proceeds from the Divine is spiritual, and this is conjoined to man by love, for love is spiritual conjunction.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 112 (original Latin 1758)

112. Fides est affectio veri ex velle verum quia est verum; et velle verum quia est verum, est ipsum spirituale hominis; est enim abstractum a naturali, quod est velle verum non propter verum, sed propter sui gloriam, famam, aut lucrum: verum abstracte a talibus est spirituale, quia est a Divino; quod procedit a Divino est spirituale, et hoc conjungitur homini per amorem; nam amor est conjunctio spiritualis.

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