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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第128节





128、至此显而易见,虔诚的生活是有价值的,但是只有当它与仁爱结合时,才能被主认可。仁爱是首要的,因为它决定了虔诚的特性。据此也可以明白,外在的圣洁虽然也是有益的,但是只有当它出自内在圣洁时才被主接受。因为内在圣洁决定了外在圣洁的特性。最后,超尘脱俗也是有益的,但只有在世间生活中去实践才能被主认可。 因为如此超尘脱俗的人,抛弃了爱自己和爱世界,在他任职的每个岗位上、处理的每项业务中,以及各类事务里,他都发自内心因而也是依从天堂的源流,去奉行正直,做事诚实。当人践行良善、诚实和正直时,天堂的源头就在他的生命里,因为他所做的符合神性法则。


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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 128

128. This now makes it possible for us to see that a pious life is effective and is accepted by the Lord only to the extent that a caring life is joined to it. The latter is primary and determines the nature of the former.

Likewise, outward holiness is effective and is accepted by the Lord only to the extent that it comes from inward holiness, because the nature of the latter determines the nature of the former.

And again, renunciation of the world is effective and is accepted by the Lord only to the extent that it takes place in the world, since we renounce the world when we lay aside our self-love and our love for the world and do what is right and honest in every office we hold, every item of business we transact, and everything we do, doing so from within and therefore from a heavenly source. This source is present within our life when we do what is good, honest, and right because doing so accords with divine laws.

From Secrets of Heaven

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 128

128. It is clear from this that a life of religious devotion is worthwhile and accepted by the Lord only as much as it is combined with a life of kindness. The life of kindness is the most important thing, and it determines what the religious devotion is like.

It is also clear that outward holiness is worthwhile and accepted by the Lord only as much as it comes from inward holiness, since the inward holiness determines what the outward holiness is like.

Finally, breaking our attachments to material things is worthwhile and accepted by the Lord only as much as we do it while still being involved in the material world. We are breaking our attachments to material things when we get rid of our selfishness and materialism, and act fairly and honestly in every job, in every business dealing, and in everything else we do, from a deeper, heavenly source. When we do things honestly, fairly, and well, this heavenly source is the life force in us, because then it is in harmony with divine laws.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 128

128. From this it is now plain that a life of piety has value and is acceptable to the Lord, to the extent that it is combined with a life of charity. For the latter takes first place, and determines the quality of the former. Again, external holiness has value and is acceptable to the Lord, to the extent that it proceeds from internal holiness, for the latter determines the quality of the former. So too the renunciation of the world has value and is acceptable to the Lord to the extent that it takes place in the world. For those renounce the world who put away self-love and love of the world, and behave justly and honestly in every office, in every business and in every task, motivated by an inward, and so heavenly, source. This source is present in his life when a person acts well, honestly and justly, because this is in accordance with the laws of God.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 128

128. From this it is evident that a life of piety avails, and is accepted by the Lord, so far is the life of charity is conjoined with it; for this latter life is primary, and such as this latter life is, such is the quality of the former life. It appears, further, that outward holiness avails, and is accepted by the Lord, so far as it proceeds from inward holiness; for such as is the quality of the latter, such is that of the former. And lastly, that a renunciation of the world avails, and is accepted by the Lord, so far as it is carried out in the world; for the world is renounced by those who put away the love of self and the world, and who in every office, in every business, and in every work, act justly and sincerely from an interior, and therefore a heavenly, origin. This origin abides in a man's life when he acts rightly, sincerely, and justly, because it is in accordance with the Divine laws.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 128

128. Hence now it is manifest, that a life of piety so far avails, and is accepted by the Lord, as a life of charity is conjoined to it; for this is the primary, and such as this is, such is that. Also, that external sanctity so far avails, and is accepted by the Lord, as it proceeds from internal sanctity for such as this is, such is that. And also, that the renunciation of the world so far avails, and is accepted by the Lord, as it is practiced in the world; for they renounce the world who remove the love of self and the world, and act justly and sincerely in every office, in every business, and in every work, from an interior, thus from a heavenly origin; which origin is in that life when man acts well, sincerely, and justly, because it is according to the Divine laws.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 128 (original Latin 1758)

128. Ex his nunc patet quod vita pietatis tantum valeat et Domino accepta sit, quantum ei conjuncta est vita charitatis; haec enim primaria est, et qualis haec talis illa. Tum, quod sanctum externum tantum valeat, et Domino acceptum sit, quantum procedit ex sancto interno, nam quale hoc tale illud. Ut et, quod abdicatio mundi tantum valeat, et Domino accepta sit, quantum haec fit in mundo; nam illi abdicant mundum qui removent amorem sui et mundi, ac juste et sincere agunt in omni functione, in omni negotio, et in omni opere, ex interiori, ita ex caelesti origine, quae origo illi vitae inest cum homo bene, sincere et juste agit, quia est secundum leges Divinas.

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