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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第129节









129、没有仁爱的虔诚是无用的,但是两者联结时就有了价值 (8252,seq.。没有内在圣洁的外在圣洁不是圣洁 (219010177)。 生活中只有外在圣洁而没有内在圣洁的人,他们在来世的光景介绍在这里 (951952)。

教会有内在和外在 (1098)。 也有内在的敬拜和外在的敬拜,各自的性质讲述在这里 (10831098110011511153)。内在的敬拜决定了外在敬拜的性质 (1175)。没有内在敬拜的外在敬拜不是敬拜 (10947724)。如果人过的是仁爱的生活,他就有内在的敬拜 (110011511153)。当人处于爱和仁慈中,即当他的生命活在良善中时,他就在真正的敬拜中 (1618772410242)。敬拜的性质取决于良善 (2190)。 真正的敬拜,是按照从圣言而来的教会教导去生活 (7884992110143101531019610645)。

真正的敬拜是从主而来赐予人的,而不是出于人自己 (1020310299)。主期盼人的敬拜是为了拯救人,而不是为了祂自己的荣耀 (4593826310646)。人却相信主盼望敬拜是为了荣耀。如此相信的人不知道何为神的荣耀,也不知道神的荣耀在于人类的拯救。当人不为自己贪求荣耀,当他谦卑地摈弃自我为核心时,他就获得了拯救。 因为只有这样神性才能流入于他 (4347459359577550826310646)。

对于人来说,他的诚心谦卑源于他对自己的认知:承认他除了邪恶什么都不是,凭他自己不能做任何事;然后就是对于主的认知:承认从主而来的,除了良善别无它是,以及主无所不能 (232739947478)。神性只能流入谦卑的心,因为人越是真诚的谦卑,他就越远离以自我为中心,和对自己的贪爱 (399443475957)。这意味着,主希望人谦卑不是为了祂自己,而是为了人的益处。因为只有那样,人的状态才能够接受神性 (43475957)。

没有谦卑的敬拜不是敬拜 (232724238873)。没有内在谦卑的外在谦卑的性质讲在这里 (54209377)。内在谦卑即谦卑之心的性质讲述在这里 (7478)。邪恶的人没有谦卑之心 (7640)。

没有仁爱和信仰的人也有外在的敬拜,但他没有内在的敬拜 (1200)。如果他的内心被爱自己和爱世界主导,不论他外表看上去如何,他的敬拜就没有内在实质 (118210307-10309)。当人的内在被爱自己主导时,彰显出的外在敬拜类似巴比伦人的状况,是亵渎的 (13041306-1308132113221326)。在敬拜中假装有来自天堂的感受,而实际上却因为爱自己而陷身邪恶,这是地狱的敬拜(10309)。


关于遁离俗世的人,和没有这样做的人的状态,以及他们在来世的命运,在《天堂与地狱》一书里可以看到,在下列章节中:天堂里的富人和穷人 (357-365节);引向天堂的生活 (528-535节)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 129

129. APART from a caring life, a pious life is useless, but with a caring life it makes a difference: 8252 and following. Outward holiness apart from inward holiness is not holy: 2190, 10177. What people in the other life are like who have lived lives of outward holiness, but not for reasons of inward holiness: 951, 952.

[2] There is an inner church and there is an outer church: 1098. There is inner worship and there is outer worship: 1083, 1098, 1100, 1151, 1153 (which include information about the nature of each kind of worship). What lies within our worship is what determines what kind of worship it is: 1175. Outward worship without inner worship is no worship at all: 1094, 7724. There is an inner dimension to our worship if our lives are lives of caring: 1100, 1151, 1153. We are engaged in true worship when we are devoted to love and caring-that is, when we are devoted to doing what is good in our daily lives: 1618, 7724, 10242. The nature of our worship depends on the nature of the good that we do: 2190. Real worship is living by the precepts of the church that are drawn from the Word: 7884, 10143, 10153, 10205, 10645.

[3] Real worship comes to us from the Lord; it does not originate in ourselves: 10203, 10299. The Lord wants worship from us for the sake of our salvation and not for the sake of his own glory: 4593, 8263, 10646. People believe that the Lord wants worship from us for the sake of his own glory. However, people who believe this do not know what divine glory is and that divine glory is the salvation of the human race. 1We gain this salvation when we take no credit ourselves and when, through humility, we put aside our self-centeredness, because only then can anything divine flow into us: 4347, 4593, 5957, 7550, 8263, 10646. For us, heartfelt humility arises from our recognition of what we are: that we are nothing but evil and that on our own we are powerless; followed by our recognition of what the Lord is: that nothing but what is good comes from him and that he is all powerful: 2327, 3994, 7478. What is divine can flow only into a heart that is humble, because the more truly humble we are, the more distant we are from our self-centeredness and our love for ourselves: 3994, 4347, 5957. This means that the Lord wants us to have humility not for his sake but for ours, so that we can be in a state that is receptive to what is divine: 4347, 5957. Worship is not worship if it lacks humility: 2327, 2423, 8873. The nature of outward humility apart from inward humility: 5420, 9377. The nature of heartfelt, inward humility: 7478. There is no heartfelt humility in the evil: 7640.

[4] People who have no caring and no faith may have outward worship but they have no inward worship: 1200. If we are internally ruled by love for ourselves and love for the world, our outward worship has no inner reality no matter what it may look like from the outside: 1182, 10307, 10308, 10309. Outward worship that is a manifestation of inner self-love-the kind of worship that was characteristic of people of Babylon 2-is profane: 1304, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1321, 1322, 1326. To pretend to have heavenly feelings in worship when we are actually devoted to evils that come from our self-love is a hellish thing to do: 10309.

[5] From what has been said and cited above about the inner self and the outer self you can see and determine what outward worship is like when it comes from inner worship and what it is like when it does not [36-53].

[6] As for what people are like who renounce the world and what people are like who do not renounce it, and how things turn out for them in the other life, this is discussed at some length in the book Heaven and Hell, particularly in two chapters: the one titled "Rich and Poor People in Heaven" (357-365), and the one titled "A Heaven-Bound Life" (528-535).


1. For a discussion of two distinct meanings of the term "glory," see note 1 in New Jerusalem 185. Here Swedenborg draws on both meanings of "glory. " [LSW]

2. In the Book of Revelation, as interpreted by Swedenborg, the two ultimate evils are the desire for power and the confidence that we are saved by correct belief regardless of the quality of our lives. The first is represented by Babylon (see especially chapters 17-19) and the second by the dragon (see especially chapter 20). Swedenborg, like most Protestants of his day, associated the desire for power particularly with the claim of Roman Catholic clergy to have the power to forgive sins. On this association, see further at note 168. [GFD]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 129

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 129

129. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 129


A life of piety apart from a life of charity does not avail, but when combined with it, it is of use, Arcana Coelestia 8252, et seq. Outward holiness apart from inward holiness is not holy, Arcana Coelestia 2190, 10177. Concerning the quality of those in the other life, who have lived in outward, and not inward, holiness, Arcana Coelestia 951, 952.

There is an internal and an external of the Church, Arcana Coelestia 1098. There is internal and external worship; the quality of each, Arcana Coelestia 1083, 1098, 1100, 1151, 1153. It is internal things that constitute worship, Arcana Coelestia 1175. External worship apart from internal, is no worship, Arcana Coelestia 1094, 7724. There is an internal in worship, if the man's life is the life of charity, Arcana Coelestia 1100, 1151, 1153. A man is in true worship when he is in love and charity, that is, when he is in the good of life, Arcana Coelestia 1618, 7724, 10242. The quality of worship is according to good, Arcana Coelestia 2190. Real worship is a life according to the commandments of the Church which are derived from the Word, Arcana Coelestia 7884, 9921, 10143, 10153, 10205, 10645.

True worship with a man is from the Lord, and not from the man himself, Arcana Coelestia 10203, 10299. The Lord desires worship from a man for the sake of the man's salvation, and not for the sake of His glory, Arcana Coelestia 4593, 8263, 10646. It is believed that the Lord desires worship from the man for the sake of glory; but they who believe thus do not know what Divine glory is, nor that Divine Glory consists in the salvation of the human race; this glory is imparted to a man, when he attributes nothing to himself, and when he puts away Self (proprium) by humbling himself; for the Divine is then first able to flow in, Arcana Coelestia 4347, 4593, 5957, 7550, 8263, 10646. Humility of the heart exists with a man from the acknowledgment of Self; which means, that he is nothing but evil, and that from himself he has no ability; and from a consequent acknowledgment of the Lord, which means, that from Him there is nothing but good, and that He can do all, Arcana Coelestia 2327, 3994, 7478. Only into an humble heart can the Divine flow; because so far as a man is in humility, so far he is removed from Self (proprium), and thus from the love of self, Arcana Coelestia 3994, 4347, 5957. From this it follows, that the Lord does not desire humility for His sake, but for the sake of the man, so that he may be in a state of receiving the Divine, Arcana Coelestia 4347, 5957. Apart from humility worship is not worship, Arcana Coelestia 2327, 2423, 8873. The quality of external humility without any internal, Arcana Coelestia 5420, 9377. The quality of humility of the heart, which is internal humility, Arcana Coelestia 7478. With the wicked there is no humility of the heart, Arcana Coelestia 7640.

Those who have no charity and no faith, are in external worship without any internal, Arcana Coelestia 1200. If the love of self and the love of the world reign interiorly with a man, his worship is external without any internal, no matter how it may appear in the external form, Arcana Coelestia 1182, 10307, 10308, 10309. External worship in which the love of self reigns interiorly, as is the case with those who are from Babylon, is profane, Arcana Coelestia 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326. To imitate heavenly affections in worship, when a man is in evils from the love of self, is infernal, Arcana Coelestia 10309.

What the quality of external worship is when it proceeds from internal worship, and when it does not, may be seen and concluded from what has been said and adduced above concerning the Internal and External Man.

Further particulars concerning those who renounce the world and those who do not renounce it; the quality of such, and their lot in the other life may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, in the two chapters which treat of the Rich and Poor in Heaven, Heaven and Hell 357-365; and of the Life that leads to Heaven, Heaven and Hell 528-535.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 129


A life of piety without a life of charity, is of no avail, but when united therewith aids (n. 8252, seq.). External sanctity without internal sanctity is not holy (n. 2190, 10177). Of the quality of those in another life, who have lived in external sanctity, and not from internal (n. 951, 952).

There is an internal and external of the church (n. 1098). There is internal worship and external worship, and the quality of each (n. 1083, 1098, 1100, 1151, 1153). Internals are what make worship (n. 1175). External worship without internal is no worship (n. 1094, 7724). There is an internal in worship, if man's life is a life of charity (n. 1100, 1151, 1153). Man is in true worship when he is in love and charity, that is, when he is in good as to life (n. 1618, 7724, 10242). The quality of worship is according to good (n. 2190). Worship itself consists in a life according to the precepts of the church from the Word (n. 7884, 9921, 10143, 10153, 10196, 10645).

True worship is from the Lord with man, not from man himself (n. 10203, 10299). The Lord desires worship from man for the sake of man's salvation, and not for the sake of his own glory (n. 4593, 8263, 10646). Man believes that the Lord desires worship for the sake of glory; but they who thus believe know not what Divine glory is, nor that it consists in the salvation of the human race, which man has when he attributes nothing to himself, and when he removes his proprium by humiliation; because the Divine is then first able to flow in (n. 4347, 4593, 5957, 7550, 8263, 10646). Humiliation of heart with man exists from an acknowledgment of himself, which is, that he is nothing but evil, and that he can do nothing from himself; and from a consequent acknowledgment of the Lord, which is, that nothing but good is from the Lord, and that the Lord can do all things (n. 2327, 3994, 7478). The Divine cannot flow in except into a humble heart, since so far as man is in humiliation, so far he is absent from his proprium, and thus from the love of self (n. 3994, 4347, 5957). Hence the Lord does not desire humiliation for His own sake, but for man's sake, that man may be in a state for receiving the Divine (n. 4347, 5957). Worship is not worship without humiliation (n. 2327, 2423, 8873). The quality of external humiliation without internal (n. 5420, 9377). The quality of humiliation of heart, which is internal (n. 7478). There is no humiliation of heart with the evil (n. 7640).

They who have not charity and faith are in external worship without internal worship (n. 1200). If the love of self and of the world reigns interiorly with man, his worship is external without internal, however it may appear in the external form (n. 1182, 10307-10309). External worship in which the love of self reigns inwardly, as is the case with those who are of Babylon, is profane (n. 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326). To imitate heavenly affections in worship, when man is in evils from the love of self, is infernal (n. 10309).

What the quality of external worship is when it proceeds from internal, and when it does not, may be seen and concluded from what has been said and adduced above concerning the INTERNAL and the EXTERNAL MAN.

Concerning those who renounce the world and those who do not renounce it, their quality, and their lot in the other life, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, under the following heads: Of the Rich and Poor in Heaven (n. 357-365); and of the Life that leads to Heaven (n. 528-535).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 129 (original Latin 1758)

129. (Ex Arcanis Caelestibus.)

Quod vita pietatis absque vita charitatis non valeat, sed quod cum hac conducat (Arcana Coelestia 8252, seq.).

Quod sanctum externum absque sancto interno non sanctum sit (Arcana Coelestia 2190, 10177).

De illis qui in externo sancto vixerunt, et non ex interno, quales in altera vita (Arcana Coelestia 952).

Quod sit ecclesiae internum et externum (Arcana Coelestia 1098).

Quod sit cultus internus, et cultus externus; qualis unus et alter (Arcana Coelestia 1083, 1098, 1100, 1151, 1153).

Quod interna sint, quae faciunt cultum (Arcana Coelestia 1175).

Quod cultus externus absque interno sit nullus cultus (Arcana Coelestia 1094, 7724).

Quod internum sit in cultu, si hominis vita est vita charitatis (Arcana Coelestia 1100, 1151, 1153).

Quod homo sit in vero cultu, cum in amore et charitate, hoc est, cum in bono quoad vitam (Arcana Coelestia 1618, 7724, 10242).

Quod quale cultus sit secundum bonum (Arcana Coelestia 2190).

Quod ipse cultus sit vita secundum praecepta ecclesiae quae ex Verbo sunt (Arcana Coelestia 7884, 9921, 10143, 10153, 10195, [10196?], 10645).

Quod verus cultus sit a Domino apud hominem, et non ab ipso homine (Arcana Coelestia 10203, 10299).

Quod Dominus velit cultum ab homine propter hominis salutem, et non propter suam gloriam (Arcana Coelestia 4593, 8263, 10646).

Quod homo credat quod Dominus velit cultum ab homine, propter gloriam; sed quod illi qui ita credunt, nesciant quid gloria Divina, et quod gloria Divina sit salus generis humani, quae homini est cum nihil sibi tribuit, et cum per humiliationem removet suum proprium, quia tunc primum Divinum influere potest (Arcana Coelestia 4347, 4593, 5957, 7550, 8263, 10646).

Quod humiliatio cordis apud hominem existat ex agnitione sui, quae est quod non sit nisi quam malum, et quod ex se nihil possit; et ex agnitione Domini tunc, quae est quod ab Ipso non nisi quam bonum, et quod Dominus omnia possit (Arcana Coelestia 2327, 3994, 7478).

Quod Divinum influere nequeat nisi in cor humile; quoniam homo, quantum in humiliatione est, tantum a suo proprio absens est, ita ab amore sui (Arcana Coelestia 3994, 4347, 5957).

Inde, quod Dominus non velit humiliationem propter Se, sed propter hominem, ut homo sit in statu recipiendi Divinum (Arcana Coelestia 4357, [4347?], 5957).

Quod cultus non sit cultus absque humiliatione (Arcana Coelestia 2327, 2423, 8873).

Humiliatio externa absque interna, qualis (Arcana Coelestia 5420, 9377).

Humiliatio cordis quae interna, qualis (Arcana Coelestia 7478).

Quod non detur humiliatio cordis apud malos (Arcana Coelestia 7640).

Quod cultus externus absque cultu interno sit illis qui non charitatem et fidem habent (Arcana Coelestia 1200).

Si interius apud hominem regnat amor sui et mundi, quod cultus ejus sit externus absque interno, utcunque in externa forma apparet (Arcana Coelestia 1182, 10307-10309).

Quod cultus externus in quo intus amor sui regnat, qualiter apud illos qui e Babylonia, sit profanus (Arcana Coelestia 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326).

Imitari affectiones caelestes in cultu, cum homo est in malis ex amore sui, quod sit infernale (Arcana Coelestia 10309).

De cultu externo, qualis est cum ex interno, et qualis cum non ex interno, videri et concludi potest ex illis quae prius de Interno et Externo Homine dicta et allata sunt.

(De illis qui abdicant mundum, ac de illis qui non abdicant, quales sunt, et qualis sors eorum in altera vita, videantur plura in opere De Caelo et Inferno, ac in binis ibi articulis; in uno, ubi De Divitibus et Pauperibus in Caelo, De Caelo et Inferno 357-365, et in altero, ubi De Vita quae ducit ad Caelum, De Caelo et Inferno 528-535, agitur.)

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