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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第133节




133、一个真正的属灵生命就活在真正的良心里,因为在良心里他的信仰与仁爱融和。所以依据良心行事,就是依据属灵生命的行事,而违背良心的行为就是违背他的属灵生命。结果是,当人依其良心做事时,他就处在平安祥和中,他的内心就安享福乐。 但当他违背良心而行时,他就会陷入不安和痛苦,这种痛苦被称为良心的痛楚。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 133

133. A genuinely spiritual life is a matter of having a true conscience, because in it our faith is joined to our caring. In that case, we see following our conscience as following the principles of our spiritual life, and going against our conscience as going against the principles of our spiritual life. As a result, when we act in accord with our conscience we feel calm and peaceful and have an inner sense of well-being, but when we go against our conscience we feel disturbed and pained. This pain is what people refer to as "pangs of conscience. "

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 133

133. Our real spiritual life is contained in a true conscience, since that is where our faith comes together with kindness. So doing things according to our conscience is doing them from our spiritual life. But doing things that are against our conscience is doing things against our own life. This is why we are calm, peaceful, and joyful inside when we do things according to our conscience, but we get upset and depressed when we do things that are against it. This depression is called “pangs of conscience.”

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 133

133. A person's spiritual life really consists in having a true conscience, for there his faith is combined with charity. Acting in accordance with one's conscience is therefore for such people the same as acting in accordance with the prompting of one's own spiritual life; and acting against one's conscience is for them acting against their own spiritual life. Consequently they enjoy the tranquillity of peace and inner blessedness, when they act in accordance with their conscience; but they experience disturbance and pain when they act against it. This pain is what is called remorse.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 133

133. The real spiritual life of a man resides in a true conscience; for his faith conjoined with charity is in it. Acting from conscience, therefore, with such persons means acting from their own spiritual life, and acting in opposition to conscience means acting in opposition to their very life. Hence also it is, that such persons are in the quiet of peace and in internal blessedness when they act in accordance with conscience; and that they are in disquiet and also in pain when they act in opposition to it. This pain is what is called the gnawing of conscience.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 133

133. In a true conscience is man's spiritual life itself, for there his faith is conjoined to charity. On which account to act from conscience is to them to act from their spiritual life; and to act against conscience is to them to act contrary to that life of theirs. Hence it is that they are in the tranquillity of peace, and in internal happiness, when they act according to conscience, and in intranquillity and pain, when they act against it. This pain is what is called remorse of conscience.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 133 (original Latin 1758)

133. In vera conscientia est ipsa vita spiritualis hominis, est enim ibi ejus fides conjuncta charitati; quapropter facere ex conscientia est illis facere ex vita sua spirituali, et facere contra conscientiam est illis facere contra illam suam vitam. Inde est quod in tranquillitate pacis sint, et in beatitudine interna, cum faciunt secundum conscientiam, ac in intranquillitate et dolore cum faciunt contra illam: hic dolor est qui vocatur morsus conscientiae.

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