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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第166节




166、人们认为当他们被赦免时,罪恶就被冲掉或者涮洗净了,就像污秽被水洗净。但是罪恶不会被洗净,而是被遮盖(put aside)起来。也就是,当人被主保守在良善中时,人就远离了它们。当他被保守在良善中时,他的罪似乎消失了,就像被洗净了一样。只要人被重生,他就能够被保守在良善里。下面第3章(173-186节关于重生,将会讨论人如何被更新。相信罪恶是以任何其它方式被赦免的人,是被严重误导了。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 166

166. People believe that when our sins are forgiven they are washed away or rinsed off the way dirt is rinsed off with water. However, our sins are not washed away; they are just put aside. That is, we are held back from doing them when we are kept focused by the Lord on doing what is good; and when we are focused on doing good it seems as though our sins are gone and therefore as though they have been washed away. Further, the more we have been reformed, the more capable we are of focusing on doing what is good; how we are reformed will be explained in the treatment of regeneration that follows [173-186]. If we think that our sins are forgiven in any other way, we are sadly mistaken.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 166

166. Some people believe that when we give up our faults, they are completely wiped away, or washed off like dirt that is washed off with water. But our faults are not completely wiped away — they are only put aside. In other words, we are kept away from them when the Lord keeps us involved in good things. When we keep doing good things, it seems that our faults are gone — as if they had been completely wiped away. And the more we change our lives for the better the more we can stay involved in good things.

In the next chapter, on rebirth, I will explain how we change our lives for the better. Anyone who thinks there is any other way to give up our faults is badly mistaken.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 166

166. It is believed that sins are wiped out, or washed away, like dirt by water, when they are forgiven. But sins are not wiped out, they are taken away. That is to say, a person is held back from them when he is kept in a state of good by the Lord; and when he is kept in that state, he seems to be without them, and so as if they have been wiped out. The more a person is reformed, the more he can be kept in a state of good. The process of reformation will be discussed in the following chapter which teaches about regeneration. Anyone who believes that sins are forgiven in any other way is much deceived.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 166

166. It is thought that when sins are remitted, they are wiped away, or washed off, as filth by water. Sins, however, are not wiped away, but removed; that is, the man is withheld from them when he is kept in good by the Lord; and when a man is kept in good, it appears to him as if he were without sins, and thus as if they had been wiped away. A man also can be kept in good, so far as he is being reformed. How a man is reformed, will be shewn in the following doctrinal chapter on Regeneration. Whoever supposes that sins are remitted in any other way is greatly deceived.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 166

166. It is believed that sins are washed away, or are washed off, as filth is by water, when they are remitted; but sins are not washed away, but they are removed; that is, man is withheld from them when he is kept in good by the Lord; and when he is kept in good, it appears as if he were without them, thus as if they were washed away; and so far as man is reformed, so far he is capable of being kept in good. How man is reformed will be shown in the following doctrinal concerning regeneration. He who believes that sins are in any other manner remitted, is much deceived.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 166 (original Latin 1758)

166. Creditur quod peccata abstergantur, seu, quasi solent sordes aquis, abluantur, cum remittuntur; sed peccata non absterguntur, verum removentur; hoc est, homo detinetur ab illis cum tenetur in bono a Domino; et cum tenetur in bono, apparet sicut absque illis sit, ita sicut forent abstersa; et homo tantum teneri in bono potest, quantum reformatur. Quomodo homo reformatur, dicetur in sequente doctrinali de regeneratione. Qui credit quod aliter remittantur peccata, multum fallitur.

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