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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第176节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 176

176. We constantly tend toward and lapse into what we have received by heredity, so we ourselves reinforce this evil in ourselves and also add even more to it. 1

These evils are absolutely opposed to a spiritual life. They destroy it. So unless we get from the Lord a new life, a spiritual life-unless, then, we are conceived anew, born anew, and raised anew (that is, created anew)-we are damned, because we want nothing and think about nothing but loving ourselves and the world, just as the people in hell do.


1. On the inherited evil to which Swedenborg refers here, see New Jerusalem 83, the references there to further passages in Secrets of Heaven, and note 1 in New Jerusalem 79 above. He is not referring to the physical inheritance of genetic traits, but to the spiritual inheritance of moral traits. [SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 176

176. We constantly tend toward whatever is passed on to us by our parents. We are always falling into it, so we strengthen their bad traits in ourselves and add more of our own.

These bad traits go completely against a spiritual life. They destroy it. So unless we accept a new, spiritual life from the Lord, we are lost. This means we are lost unless we are newly conceived, born, and raised — meaning we are newly created. Otherwise, all we want and think about are things that have to do with ourselves and the material world — just like people in hell.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 176

176. A person has a continuing tendency to and slips into what he has inherited. As a result he strengthens that evil in himself, and also supplements it with many more evils. These are totally inimical to spiritual life, and destroy it. Consequently unless he has new life, which is spiritual life, given to him by the Lord, unless, that is, he is conceived anew, born anew, and brought up anew, unless in fact he is created anew, he is damned. For his only wish and his only thought is concerned with himself and the world, which is what happens in hell.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 176

176. Towards that which a man derives by heredity, he continually inclines, and lapses into it; and from that source he confirms himself in evil, and also superadds more from himself. These evils are altogether opposed to spiritual life, and are destructive of it; wherefore, unless a man receives from the Lord a new life, namely, spiritual life; unless, therefore, he is conceived anew, born anew, and educated anew; that is, unless he is created anew, he belongs to the damned; for he does not will anything else and hence does not think anything else, than what belongs to self and the world even as is done by those in hell.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 176

176. Man continually inclines to, and lapses into, what he derives from heredity: hence he confirms with himself that evil, and also superadds more from himself. These evils are altogether contrary to spiritual life; they destroy it; wherefore, unless man receives new life, which is spiritual life, from the Lord, thus unless he is conceived anew, is born anew, is educated anew, that is, is created anew, he is damned; for he wills nothing else, and thence thinks nothing else, but what is of self and the world, in like manner as they do in hell.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 176 (original Latin 1758)

176. Quod homo ex hereditario trahit, ad hoc inclinat continue, et in hoc labitur: inde ipse confirmat apud se id malum, et quoque ex se superaddit plura. Haec mala sunt prorsus contraria vitae spirituali; destruunt illam: quapropter nisi homo a Domino accipit vitam novam, quae est vita spiritualis, ita nisi e novo concipitur, e novo nascitur, et e novo educatur, hoc est, e novo creatur, est damnatus; nam nihil aliud vult, et inde nihil aliud cogitat, quam quod sui et mundi est, similiter ut faciunt in inferno.

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