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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第190节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 190

190. What is at stake in crises of the spirit is either the dominance of goodness over evil or the dominance of evil over goodness. The evil that wants to take control is in our earthly or outer self, and the goodness is in our spiritual or inner self. If evil wins, the earthly self controls us; if goodness wins, the spiritual self controls us.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 190

190. Our inner struggles are fought over whether our good traits will have control over our bad ones, or the other way around. The bad traits that want to get control of us are in our outer, material self, while the good ones are in our inner spiritual self. If our bad traits win, our material self will be in control of us. If the good ones win, our spiritual self will be in control.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 190

190. The point at issue in temptations is whether good is to master evil, or evil good. The evil which wants to be master is in the natural or external man, the good in his spiritual or internal man. If evil wins, then the natural man is master; if good wins, then it is the spiritual man.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 190

190. The dominion of good over evil, or of evil over good, is contended for in temptations. The evil which is desirous of ruling is in the natural or external man; and the good, in the spiritual or internal man. If evil prevails, the natural man rules; if good, then the spiritual man.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 190

190. In temptations, the dominion of good over evil, or of evil over good, is contended for. Evil which wills to have dominion, is in the natural or external man, and good is in the spiritual or internal man. If evil conquers, the natural man has dominion; if good conquers, the spiritual has dominion.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 190 (original Latin 1758)

190. In tentationibus agitur de dominio boni super malum, aut mali super bonum; malum, quod dominari vult, est in naturali seu externo homine, et bonum in spirituali seu interno. Si malum vincit, tunc naturalis homo dominatur; si bonum vincit, tunc spiritualis homo.

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