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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第191节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 191

191. These battles are waged by means of truths of our religious faith that are drawn from the Word. It is from these resources that we must fight against what is evil and false; if we fight from any other resource we do not win because the Lord is not in it.

Since the battle is waged by means of the truths that belong to religious faith, we are not allowed to engage in these battles until we have some knowledge of goodness and truth and have gained some spiritual life from them. For this reason, these battles do not start in us until we have reached adulthood.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 191

191. We fight by using the true things in the faith that we get from the Bible. We should use these to fight against our bad traits and false ideas. If we fight from anything but these we will not win, since the Lord is not involved in anything else.

Since we have to fight through the true things in faith, we are not allowed to experience these fights until we have a concept of what is true and good, and have gained some spiritual life from it. So we do not have these struggles until we reach maturity.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 191

191. These conflicts are fought by means of the truths of faith which come from the Word. A person must use them to fight against evils and falsities. If he uses other means than these, he does not win, for it is only in these that the Lord is present. It is because he must use the truths of faith to fight with that a person is not exposed to their conflict before he has some knowledge of truth and good and so has some measure of spiritual life. Consequently these conflicts do not beset a person until he has come of age.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 191

191. These combats are caused by the truths of faith which are from the Word. From these the man ought to contend against evils and falsities; he cannot conquer if he combats from any other truths than these, because the Lord is not in any other. Since the combat is waged by the truths of faith, therefore, a man is not permitted to enter upon it, until he is in possession of the knowledges of good and truth, and until by means of them he has acquired some spiritual life; wherefore, such combats have no place with a man, before he has reached adult age.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 191

191. These combats are carried on by the truths of faith which are from the Word. From these man must combat against evils and falsities; for if he combats from any other principles, he cannot conquer, because in these alone the Lord is present. 1Because this combat is carried on by the truths of faith, therefore man is not admitted into it until he is in the knowledges of good and truth, and has thence obtained some spiritual life; therefore such combats do not take place till man has arrived at years of maturity.


1. The phrase "because in these alone the Lord is present," is more accurately translated "because in other principles the Lord is not present."

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 191 (original Latin 1758)

191. Pugnae illae fiunt per vera fidei quae ex Verbo: ex illis pugnabit homo contra mala et falsa; si ex aliis quam ex illis non vincit, quia non in aliis est Dominus. Quia pugna fit per vera fidei, idcirco homo non prius in pugnam illam admittitur quam cum in veri et boni cognitionibus est, et inde aliquam vitam spiritualem adeptus est; quapropter pugnae illae non prius apud hominem existunt quam cum is aetate adolevit.

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