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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第273节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 273

273. When our skills bring us happiness in this world, it seems as though this were being done by our own prudence; in actuality, however, divine providence is always with us, permitting what is evil but also constantly leading us away from it. As for happiness in heaven, people know and understand that our being led in this direction is not something accomplished by our own prudence; heavenly happiness comes from the Lord and is brought about by his divine providence preparing us for goodness and constantly guiding us in that direction.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 273

273. When we gain the good things of material life through unethical practices, it seems to us to be our own good sense at work. However, the divine provision is constantly with us, tolerating the harmful things and constantly leading us away from them.

When we gain the good things of heaven, we know and feel that they do not come from our own good sense, because they come from the Lord. We gain them because his divine provision prepares us and constantly leads us toward good things.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 273

273. When someone is led towards happiness in the world by his own devices, it looks to him as if this was due to his own prudence. But Divine Providence still continually attends him, permitting him to act as he does and constantly drawing him away from evil. But when someone is led towards happiness in heaven, he knows and perceives that this is not due to his own prudence, since it is from the Lord, and happens by His Divine Providence disposing and constantly leading him towards good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 273

273. To be led by skilful devices to the blessed things of the world, appears to a man as if it were the result of his own prudence; still the Divine Providence constantly attends him, by permitting, and continually leading him away from evil. But it is known and perceived, that to be led to the blessed things of heaven, is not the result of a man's own prudence; for it is from the Lord, and is brought about by His Divine Providence, arranging and continually leading the man to good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 273

273. To be led to felicities in the world by arts, appears to man as if it were from his own prudence, but still the Divine providence continually accompanies by permitting and continually leading away from evil. But to be led to felicities in heaven is known and perceived to be not from man's own prudence, because it is from the Lord, and is effected of His Divine providence by disposing and continually leading to good.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 273 (original Latin 1758)

273. Duci ad felicia in mundo per artes, apparet homini sicut sit ex propria prudentia; sed usque jugiter comitatur Divina providentia permittendo et continue abducendo a malo: at duci ad felicia in caelo, scitur et percipitur quod non sit ex propria prudentia, quia ex Domino, et fit ex Divina Ipsius providentia disponendo et continue ducendo ad bonum.

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